My cats bad behavoir problems
By pstclaire
@pstclaire (98)
United States
October 5, 2009 12:39pm CST
Hi MyLotters,
I hope someone can help me. My cats life depends on it.
Since my cat was taken in by me she has not been that responsive to her litter box. The Dr. said I had to train her over. I did this. For a whole month I kept Ofelia in the bathroom where she was suppose to relearn how to use the litter box. I even did the scrathing in the litter with her paws. Well it didn't help. She took to vooiding in the bathtub but, she was defacating in her litter box. Then she stopped doing that. I took her in again and she was checked out as AOK. I was told to change her litter. I did this. I have tried everything on the market,including the pine stuff, dirt, silicone, sand, deodorized, nondeodarized, nonclumpiing, clumping,
rocks, pebbles, chips,etc. Nothing has helped. She goes wherever she pleases. I took her in again to have her anal glands expelled but there was nothing in them.I'm to my wits end, and I'm running out of patience. MY house smells of cat p### and S!!t. This morning, she left a nice package on my dished in the kitchen sink. I'm beginning to see why the man I stoled her from, kicked her over the fence. She is really trying my patience and my temper. I haven't lost my temper so far but I've come close. My grandson left his towel on the floor after he took his bath yesterday and when I picked it up, out rolled cat manure, then I noticed that she had peed on it too. I just started to make my bed and noticed she had p$$$d on one of my bedroom pillows. I can't afford to keep dragging her back to the doctor, nor can I afford to keep replacing everything she is ruining. I just don't understand it. There is a litter box in almost every room and she goes nowhere near them. Some have tops, some don't. I'm seriously thinking of giving her to the humane society if I can't get this under control. I hate thinking this way, cause I've always taken animals in for life. I don't believe in just giving up on them but she is making me weigh sanitary conditions and cleanliness against her life. I hate to say it but the sanitary conditions and cleanliness are winning.
Please Help.
5 responses
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Oct 09
We also have that problem with one of our cats. I went out and bought a can of training spray. We spray it wherever he made a mess. I still have it on hand to use but the incidents have lessened.
It doesn't hurt to try it. Spray it in all her "pooping spots" You can even spray it on furniture and the like.
@pstclaire (98)
• United States
7 Oct 09
Hi irishidid,
We've tried every spray out there. It has cost me a small fortune. The best I've found is vinegar. Cats hate vinegar. But not her. You can spray all day long and she'll go right where you sprayed.
I was told that if your cat starts pooping outside the litter box it's either because their anal gland need to be expelled, or they don't like their litter. Well, She had her anal glands expelled. In fact my vet told me I can't just expell them whenever I want. She has to actually need them to be expelled, or he can hurt her.
As I've said before, there are only so many cat litters out there, and I've tried them all.
She doesn't have an uThanks rinary tract infection. Lord knows I've had enough urine around here to have tested and that was ruled out.
A friend of mine said that sometimes if you have two cats and they are both alpha cats, one will not go the same place as the other. If thats true I don't know what I'm going to do. My other cat uses every cat box in the place.
An Associate at work said maybe it because there is other fecal material, and urine that isn't hers, so everyday, 3 times a day, I go around and make sure there is nothing in the boxes, but that doesn't help. She doesn't use them.
Now my male cat,is entirely different. He is the cleanest cat I've ever seen. When he does anything in the litter box he covers it up. He quite a fanatic about it too. He takes about two minutes covering his mess up. Thanks for trying to help.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Oct 09
You're welcome. Sounds like you're done all you can. Is there anyway she could be made a permanent outside cat? Or find a new farm that wouldn't mind having a barn cat? We had a cat that preferred the outside to the inside and rarely used the litter box. You could take her to a no-kill but you'd have to tell them about her problem and they might be reluctant about taking her.
I know you're trying to avoid that final option there's no return from.
@pstclaire (98)
• United States
8 Oct 09
I talk to a cat breeder at great lenghts yesterday,and she said to have her Kidneys checked out. Not her urinary tract. She said that she had a cat (one out of 13) that did exactly the same thing and it turned out that she had kidney stones. The only way they can tell you that they are sick is by doing this. She also said to keep her in a medium cage with food and water and a litter box. When she goes in the litter box, reward her with an hour out of it in only one room. She also stated that she may not understand that she is neutered yet, and therefor she is trying to tell the males that she is there. She said not to give up because both are treatable, so I'm taking her in after I get my check and tell the vet to take exrays at $50.00 a pop to see if she has kidney problems. I'm not giving up on her yet. I never gave up on my children, and I'm not going to give up on my animals. I'll probably be living in a cardboard box when its all over, but hey, my cat will be with me, and she be healthy.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Every once in awhile there is a cat that is an exception, and it sounds like your cat might be one. EXCEPT! With the worm infestation and the other infections, it might have affected her sense of smell. Cats depend on it to sort out their territory. She might have a severely diminished sense of smell. Also, another thought, instead of the litter, try shredding newspaper, lint etc into a box. Lock her in a room away from the other cat and where she can't damage anything or find anything else to poop or pee on. She could be reacting to the other cat using the box. It also isn't "natural" for cats to know about litter boxes. Their mothers need to train them to use the box.
Collect some of her poop and put it in the litter box, and if possible get a urine sample to put in the litter box too. Try the newspaper and lint before you totally give up. I had the problem with my Siamese. She hated the litter and refused to use the box. She continually would poop in my Mom's potted plants...which created a LOT of friction. When I finally woke up and changed the litter, she was fine and quit being such a pain.
If the newspaper and lint don't work, try some dirt from your garden. We spend tons of money on litter and some cats just prefer dirt from the garden. Other than that, she could just be a "dirty cat" which isn't too unusual. If that's the case, you might try to find her a home on a farm. Ranchers and farmers are often happy to get cats to control mice.
Come to think of it, I did take care of a dirty cat for my daughter's friend. It was the nastiest thing I had met in a long time. It peed and pooped everywhere. I finally ended up telling my daughter to tell her friend that the cat had to go home. Even as we were taking it back to the owner, it crapped on itself in the crate. We have to cross a creek on the way into town, and that poop was so horrific smelling that I had to stop and clean the cat and the crate. It was in December and the water was cold; by that point I didn't give a $hit about the cat's comfort, so I fished her out of the crate and started rinsing her fanny in the freezing cold water. I scrubbed and rinsed quite a bit...and then my daughter started singing "This is the way we wash the cat, wash the cat, wash the cat". I so totally lost it. People were driving by and stopping in fascination watching me clean this long haired cat's fanny so I could stand to finish driving the beast into town.
I am the same way about cats that I have adopted, but there have been a couple of times that I have given cats to farmers because I just couldn't retrain them to be clean. If you were able to track your cat's past, you would probably find that she was taken from her mother too soon and never got that part of her training from her mom.

@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
9 Oct 09
My Mom and I have had the same back fire problem when we adopt "needful" animals. I had another great story pop into my mind...this time it is about a poodle my Mom had.
I got it for her, as she always wanted a "toy" dog that could be her companion. Pandora was a toy poodle, and the dirtiest dog I have ever met! Not only did she poop and pee in the house, but she reminded me of Pig Pen from Peanuts! You could bathe her and within a minute and a half she was filthy again. Mom had the dog for 15 years, and the only reason she kept the dog is that my dad hated the dog. (Some reason huh?)
The event takes place in 1984. I was in the midst of a workman's comp suit and had been sent to Ventura for assessment. The main drag of Ventura is on Highway 101, which is always busy. Anyhow we were lodged in a circa 1924 motel, complete with the wiring conduit on the outside of the walls. The first thing that happened when we finished checking in (with the dog) was that Mom needed to use the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and managed to lock herself in the bathroom. She knocked on the door, so I promptly answered the door that led to the outside. No one was there. I heard the knock again and this time followed it to the bathroom. Mom stated that I needed to get the Manager as she was locked in the bathroom and couldn't get out. So, I got the manager and he released Mom from her prison. I went next and the same thing happened...and I didn't even shut the door tight. The place must have shifted...any how from then on we went to the toilet with the door open.
In it's hay day the motel must have been great. There were two french doors that led out to a planter area. There was about a 1 foot high cement semi circle curb around the planter to protect it from vehicle. (Keep the curb in mind, it plays an important part.) There was a woman living there with 100+ year old tortoises. A little further down there was a guy with trained cats that would walk the wires that were above and across the parking lot. Mom had a ball meeting all the people there, as they were from various walks of life.
We went to bed that night, exhausted from the drive and all the other stuff we did. I had to be up at 7 to be to the assessment center at 8. We both promptly went to sleep and were happily sleeping when it hit. That darned dog started panting and huffing. Her sign that she needed to go to the bathroom. It was 5 a.m. and neither Mom or I were ready to deal with the dog, so Mom snarled at the dog to go back to sleep and cross her legs. It lasted about 45 minutes when that friggin dog started in huffing and puffing again. I, in my infinite wisdom, decided that if I opened the french doors and put the dog into the planter area so she could pee or poop, I would be able to lift her back into the room and the problem would be solved. Flawless logic, but the implementation was flawed.
I got the dog, put her into the planter area...and that idiot dog turned and looked at me and I knew promptly that there was trouble afoot. The dog shot me a look like she had NEVER SEEN ME BEFORE IN HER DOGGIE LIFE!!!! And off she shot out of the planter and across the parking lot and into the rush hour traffic!!! I didn't even give it a second thought. I ripped the lock open, flung myself through the door and was racing after the dog, wearing nothing but my nightgown. I didn't have slippers, robe, coat or anything. I was just after that idiot dog. I rounded the corner into the rush hour traffic in hot pursuit of the way ward dog. I called her name and she looked back and ran harder. I raced after the dog as fast as my bare feet would allow. And of course all the commute traffic had a wonderful show of this wild lady racing down the sidewalk...but they couldn't see the little black thing I was chasing. Suddenly I saw blue and yellow flashing behind me. (Oh $HIT!!!) It was Ventura's finest behind me...laughing his a$$ off at the sight. He actually had tears running down his cheeks!
I raced after that twit dog for 6 blocks. Each time I called the dog's name, she looked back and ran harder. Finally at the end of the seventh block I somehow knew she would take a left turn into traffic. I was right!!! I managed to tackle the dog and get her securely in my arms. The cop had been pacing me and laughing at my misfortune. When I caught the dog, instead of offering me a ride back to the motel, he turned off his lights and left. I, of course, had a 6+ block walk, in rush hour traffic, to the room; where Mom was laying in bed laughing her fanny off! I tossed the dog, rather unceremoniously, into the back of the camper on the truck and went back into the room and got to get ready to go to the assessment. Then to add insult to injury, the people at the assessment center were chattering away about the news story about this woman running down the main drag of Ventura, wearing only a nightgown...with the police in "hot" pursuit. I didn't open my mouth!
This was under the discussion so I copied it and am pasting it so that maybe it might be something that will help.
Solution for Cat Littering Problem Does your cat suffer from litter box aversion? Bring your cat back to the box with Cat Attract. An ideal solution to assure your cat a healthy life.
I hope the dog story gave you a bit of a laugh...I still laugh over it to this day.
@pstclaire (98)
• United States
8 Oct 09
You are too funny. Thanks. I needed to laugh today.
Seriously though, I know how you felt. You do everything you can, and they just don't get the message. Stupid Cats. How dare they?
I don't know anything about her past. I never even wanted a cat, but when that guy kicked her over that fence, I just lost it. Nothing deseves that kind of treatment. I have to keep reminding myself of that because there are days that I just about loose it with her.
My daughter brought up the fact that everytime I get into my savior mode it backfires on me. We bought a Dogue De Bourdeaux, and she had problems from day one. She had to have an epesiotomy, two knee surgeries that cost $3000.00.She was the best dog, I ever had. Many times I went to bed hungary because I only had the money to feed her. Anyway, my problem is that when I take something in, and claim it as mine, It then becomes my problem for life.
I hope she's not a dirty cat, I really do. But, she just might be. I talked to a breeder yesterday,and she gave me some ideas to try. I'm going to do that first, before declairing defeat. Thanks for the story, and the laughs. Your great.

@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Oct 09
My cat was old and she used to always do this and she made sure she done it just as someone was at the door on the mat.She now comes in and out of the house all day and she loves the outside life now so we do not have that problem.The vet said it was all down to her being attacked by another cat that made her too scared to go out,she loves it outside now so no more mess.
@pstclaire (98)
• United States
7 Oct 09
Hi jugsjugs,
The problem is that I really don't want her to be an outside cat. I live in a rather busy neighborhood and, cats around here get ran over all the time. Not to mention, she is a beautiful cat and, someone just might decide to keep her. I know we all say that about our babies but, I have people who stop and comment on her looks all the time in the summer. She perches herself in the window by the street, all summer long. I'm alway being told that if I decide to give her up just let them know. If I knew that it would benifit her, I would give her up, but that wouldn't be the case. They'd probably kick her to the curb, or abuse her once they got enough of her bad habits. The reason I know this is because when I was recuperating from my last hospital visit, my girlfriend took her for 3 weeks. She has no animals. She was thrilled to take her, then, Ofelia started her potty habits all over my friends house. She put her in a large cage in her bathroom, and
kept her there till I could get around enough to have her brought back. My friend told me she never would have a cat due to what she went thru with Ofelia. I told her most cats aren't like her, but Ofelia left a bad impression on her about cats.
Now looking back, I definitely think that was the reason that the idiot I stoled her from was kicking her around. I think he had enough of her bad habits. Anyway thanks for the idea.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
7 Oct 09
I hope you get your cat to use the litter box. I always thought that cats prefered dirt or sand or something like litter. I always thought they wanted to cover up whatever they had done, and all you had to do was show them where the box was and they would use it. The only time I had a problem with my one cat not using the box, he would go behind the furnace and not in the house. I can only imagine how upsetting that would be!!! I kept them out of the bedroom, so they wouldn't get fur on all my clothes I can just imagine how upset I would have been if they were using it as a bathroom. It turned out the only reason he was going behind the furnace was because he was getting old and his legs hurt him, he had arthritis and couldn't raise his legs to get into the box. Is there any chance he is having emotional problems? Anything in your life different or any stress that you are under, they can read people? Has she been like this since you've had her? I hope you get it settled, I can imagine the frustration, you don't want to give up on her, but you have to take your health into consideration.
@pstclaire (98)
• United States
7 Oct 09
Hi cerebellum,
Ya, she's been like that since day one,but I thought it was because she was so sick. When I stoled her from the guy who kick her over the fence, she was so sick. She was flea infested,and she had worms so bad that they were also in her anal glands. The vet said she was about six months old, but she only weighed 1.5 lbs. She was dehydrated, had an eye infection, a wheezing in her chest,and an infection where some dog had grabbed her in the stomach. The teeth marks from the dog were oozing puss. The vet said another week, and she wouldn't have made it. That bill cost me $400.00. The vet told me to keep her in one room till we got the wheezing, fleas,and worms under control. Then to slowly bring her out. At first, she was going everywhere,and the vet told me I would have to retrain her, which I did.She stopped all her bad habits,and I thought everything was ok. Slowly, I started to notice that whe was still going potty outside her litter box. Then I noticed the urine smell. My daughter has one of those blue lights that are used to detect urine. We used that and found she was marking everywhere. So I did another training session. It didn't help. She just keeps doing her thing all over my house. She's going on three, and my patience is wearing thin.
@kasainrasami_07 (25)
• United States
7 Oct 09
hmmm, my experience with cats is that when you are training them to use the litter box, it is important to use only one litter box so as not to confuse them about where they should be going potty as it were. Then, whenever she defecates somewhere in the house, it is usually best to put the poop in the litter box and show it to your cat, and also to spray the spot that it had been with a neutralizing spray. Unfortunately, you can't do that with the pee, but you can clean and deodorize the area. After a while they will usually get the idea, but if it doesn't work I'm sorry, that's the way I've done it with cats in the past and have never had a problem with it before. I hope that this helps and good luck!
@pstclaire (98)
• United States
7 Oct 09
Hi Kasainrasami,
In some ways you are correct about one litter box. My male only uses the one in the bathroom unless the door is closed. Then he runs for one of the other three.
The vet suggested the other litter boxes, just in case it was a matter of laziness. Most of the time the other three aren't used, and now when they are, I know it's not her using them As I've commented just a while ago, the sprays don't work with her. Even my vet is stumped. Thanks though.