Do you think life is Unfair?

October 5, 2009 10:42pm CST
Sometimes when I'm alone I always think about what I have achive and what are the things that I have to achieve. In my life I failed several times yet I'm still here and I think what I have now and where I am now is already a great achievement. I don't expect much in life I happy to have a simple life that's why I can say that life has been fair to me. But considering those poor people out there who can't even afford to eat meals three times a day, and try to look at those rich people who are having fun of being rich. Do you think life has been fair to the poor?
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20 responses
@oda_crem (25)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Hello there EARLZHAN, I guess majority of us were created equally, we all have complete body parts and with a normal brain ^_^. I think it is not unfair if some were born poor or they were born with stink parents. All of us has the ability to achived what we want to achieved. We just have to set our goals and then work hard to achieved it. Sometimes there are people who are always complaining about their life but are they doing their best to overcome poverty?. Are they working too hard to have a stable job and to establish their own company? or they just say that they are working hard but actually their best is not enough. I know some people who are complaining about their life very often, but when I observe what they are doing. I think they are just working to enjoy life very much. After recieving their salary they wil go to the bar enjoy drinking or go to the mall enjoy shopping, and then the next day or soon they dont have anymore money for their food. On the other hand some rich people after working they will go directly to their family and plan how to earn more. See the difference? I hope I make sense ^_^ GOD BLESS
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
thanks oda for sharing your idea about it. But remember not all of us are born with the same capabilities. There are handicaps out there they have eyes but their blin do you think life is fair to them?
• United States
7 Oct 09
life unfair most of the time but if you think about the poor people not able to eat three times a day they are luckly they are at least living if live was fair to everyone then there probly wouldnot be much promblems in this world everyone would be happy
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Sometimes we can say that life is unfair but sometimes its been really fair to us. We can't just appreciate it.
• United Kingdom
6 Oct 09
I think that life is strange! Life has so many twists and turns that it's hard to keep up at times! When I've had some bad times in the past I have often thought this way, that life is unfare! However, I quickly realised that there was nothing that I could do in certain situations and so I just had to accept things for the way they had turned out! I would class myself as poor but I don't exactly have an unhappy life. I'm not rich and I don't have much money but I do have a certain amount of satisfaction! I'm just grateful for what I do have in life. I think that these things are important: clothes, food and good health, nothing else really matters! It's definitely nice to have those lovely material things but I guess we have to work for those if we really want them. I think it's devastating for those that cannot afford to eat in third world countries. We live in the Western world and we may think that we don't have much in the way of money or material possessions but we certainly are a lot wealthier than those living in third world countries. I think that life is what you make it. I'm trying to study and better my life but things are still very difficult for me but I know that there are a lot of people in the world that are suffering so much in life and for them life really is unfare. Andrew
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
Yeah Andrew.. I think we have the same point of view about life. For me material things is not really important. I'm happy of what I have and if I want to have Something I really have to work for it. Life is very broad and wide and we are the one who's making our own destiny.
7 Oct 09
Talking about life, it might take a whole day to talk or discus about it. Believe me, life is something similar (I mean someone's life with someone else's) but still it is different. Well, I'm not blaming anybody here, but I just want to share what I'm thinking when it comes to topic of life. Sometimes, when we claim 'I don't expect much from this life, this is enough' I find another meaning behind just claiming 'this is enough'. Am I right if I write 'actually, we are hoping that we get more than this because I know that however I deserve it'. And again, when it comes to poor and rich, we arrive at different topic and sometimes is unexplainable whatever it is. Poor and rich just options, rather than faith, but for me being poor doesn't always have a bad meaning. It's because that we are not (YET) happy with our life so we always regret about it and see nothing but unfair. =)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Thanks for sharing your point of view Charles. Yeah your right although we're happy of what we have now we can still dream to be more productive.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
I feel that also that life is so unfair why others still happy and rich and why others suffering and poor. We can't get what we want in life but sometimes I feel that I got all the misfortunes in life and I'm very unlucky compare to some that they can able to enjoy their life without no serious problems at all. If only rich people can share their fortunes to others who are in need. In reality many don't care to help others they don't mind spending even it is expensive they can afford it.
@Archie0 (5652)
6 Oct 09
I tell myself, "God is giving me the gift of this supposed unfairness so I can go deeper into the grit and dirt of human existence and be able to minister my redemptive experiences to other people who have undergone, and are undergoing, similar unfairness."
• United States
6 Oct 09
I think life IS unfair but I also think it kind of works both ways. What I mean is, I think maybe it is unfair that I have been through certain things,or certain situations have been negatively unfair - and we see unfair things happening to kids or people who don't deserve it. But I also see that I have experienced 'positive unfairness' - undeserved grace or forgiveness or opportunities in my life. So thats fair enough!
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
Yeah you got a point TeaDuck..
@eliezl (610)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
yep life is might be the same thing as saying that life is not perfect coz it is never perfect to begin with..there are always flaws...BUT, these things we consider as imperfect are not there to make our life terrible, rather it is there for us people to make the most of our imperfections. we have to do something about our imperfections and improve it and overcome it. it is through there that we get our strength and through our failures that in time will lead us to success..and all these will help us mold to become better person. it is common knowledge that instead of looking at the positive side, people tend to focus on their life's imperfections...if they continue to complain, do nothing but mope and cry, of course nothing good will come out of their life. positive people view these imperfections as challenges and they will do something to make up these imperfections. because if people keep on focusing on the negative side, they will never learn anything, but wait for something to come or happen to them... in short, it is up to us how we live our life. god has given us the freewill and rationality. we are his unique creations. we are here to experience our purpose, to face the challenges, journey and conquer every obstacles that come in their way. i know its easier said than done, but thats the fact...we can never taste success or happiness if we don't experience failures and sadness. :)
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
7 Oct 09
I think what you mean to say is why some people are better off while others are poor. I get what you mean with this. When I look around, I see some non-hardworking rich people, and there are also that make it happen for them, and they started off poor and end up to be rich. There are also poor people working hard but are still poor. It's like written there; those whom are rich and those whom are poor. For my personal take, I think we are given certain opportunities in life whether we realize or not. When we lose that golden chance, it might or might not come again. It's like a lucky break. But what I do know is that no one is condemned and that means never, ever to take our own life away even if things go awry wrong. There will always be a flicker of hope and things may take a turn for the better. Sometimes, people whom have suffered a deep downside flip-down fate will get a better one after so many years. And it's like that. Never to give up and even at times when I feel like is unfair, I won't blame it. I will blame the circumstances that I'm in and will try to make it better. And I will avoid negative people that try to bring me down. Good topic here..
• Canada
6 Oct 09
I think life is unfair to some people, alright to others, and great to some. There are some great people that I know that just can't get a break in life, and just keep getting hit with one thing after the other, and then there are those people that are basically sociopaths, that just keep getting things handed to them on a silver platter, and don't have to struggle for things. There are murderers who's family and friends stick by them, even when they're in jail, and have maybe even confessed, and then there are good people who just don't really have anyone.
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
yeah i think you have a point.
• India
6 Oct 09
Hi, Life is the greatest gift of god.You should never think that that you are alone.You should try to plan your things before and work plans you. Then you should be able to achieve your target and thus you gain satisfaction.when once you get satisfaction, it is great and then will always say that life is great.I do agree and think that life will be always fair to the poor provided they derive satisfaction in their achievements.Thanks.
• United States
6 Oct 09
I think that fair or unfair would have to be looked at as how you perceive a certain specific situation or experience. You can't really generalize it to include all rich people or all poor people. I am sure that there have been instances in my life where I thought life is more fair to people with money but then I try to also realize that some of the very rich got that way because of talent or high IQ or business savvy, etc. I believe that you get out of life what you put into it. Since I am not talented or a genius or anything, I think life has been fair to me in respect to what I have for the amount of effort I have put out. I hope I am explaining myself clearly enough here. At the stage of life that I am in now, I will never be rich but I am no longer poor either and life has been fair to me for the most part.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
6 Oct 09
...Hi EARLZHAN, In life you are born into a particular family, once you realize that your family does not have the resources that other families might have, I think you tend to develop a certain mindset. You either resolve as you are growing up to help yourself find ways to better yourself to improve your station in life, by getting as much education as you can, by finding the best job that you can. If possible by going to college with grants or a scholarship with the help of a good counselor. By developing good habits of saving or investing. But all this comes with wisdom and the knowledge of how and what to do. Some are blessed to find the right track and succeed. Or on the other hand, one may decide to accept what is going on in the family, limited resources, no avenues out of poverty that are evident and just feel that this is where they are in life and do nothing to change it. It takes strength of character and encouragement by someone, a family member, a teacher, a person who takes an interest in helping you out of your limited situation. You also have to realize that your situation could be better, if one is surviving day to day, maybe they are happy in their limited circumstances. Pigs love their mud, goats have no problem eating grass. So it depends on your perspective, if one feels deprived or poor as it relates to the world. Riches don't always bring happiness or contentment. So do I feel life is unfair to the poor, it depends on how they feel, and if they want to change it. :o) The rain as they say falls on everyone. Take care.
@vopols (204)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
Good day my friend EARLZHAN Everyone is born fairly indeed out of the million sperm cells we are are winners of life. Life for you EARL is fair why because you are the type of person who just love to be simple and you don't expect much more in life that's your own personal view of fairness. In this world no there is always an opposite on something just like matter there is antimatter or if there is evil there is also good. If there are rich ones then there are also poor ones. Why it is that there are opposite sides of a coin or opposite side of life like being rich or poor, my own personal view is that it is really required for us people to experience being poor so that by the time comes that we will be rich talking about dealing with financial problem a poor one can manage financial problem with ease. It also required that one people may be rich while the other is poor so that it maintains the stability of everything there is always balance to anything. I understand that you have a sympathy towards poor individuals my friend but I tell you. These individuals I mean the poor one's are much more satisfied with their lives compared with the rich ones. We are given by God with the freedom to choose. If one is experiencing poverty or being by using his freedom he may not experience the same fate when he or she will act upon it, so it's a mindset if your a poor then if you don't want to be poor then do something. Life is fair people are just to weak to understand the value of their freedom.
@getbrowser (1708)
• China
6 Oct 09
Yes, sometimes, I may hold tie idea that life is so unfair, especially when meet people have lots of money. There are many people who work hard and spare no efforts to their job but they get nothing at last. For them,life is unfair indeed and it is difficult for them to make dreams come true. But on the other hand, life is just life. Why you feel it unfair? Maybe you couldn't get what you want, always meet faliures, often be in trouble. But have you heard of the sorrows and misfortune? you can't for you aren't familiar with others' life and your own life is familiar to you.
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
Yes sometimes its hard to accept those things.. But we can't change everything by just a snap of finger.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
6 Oct 09
Life is unfair because other people are unfair and that happens when others decide they want something more for themselves. There's enough food in this world to feed everybody but its badly distributed because some want more or want to conserve more to feed themselves better than the others they don't care about.
• India
6 Oct 09
yes, at some instances in life i really feel "life is so unfair !" ie. whenever i see a handicap on the street i just feel like why has he born like that ? and question myself "Look at me , i'm so fine why is this difference?" i tell you i really get emotional very soon, and even in my own life i sometime feel it's unfair because of some of my failures,bad lucks...! but still i say i'm just lucky to have this life.
@mesuaky (397)
• Singapore
6 Oct 09
to me i would say life is most of the times unfair. and the sad thing about it is that you can not do anything about it. your helpless in most of the way and even thought you try to change things there are some that is really not meant to be changed. the only thing you can do is that learn and understand why it happened and use this knowledge to try to take things slower and maybe by then life will be not so unfair.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
I feel that life is unfair when things seem to still favor the influential and the rich people no matter how hard they average people try. It seems that there is a tangible force that stops people from rising from the level of the forsaken. It is still evident that those who are in power, power gotten due to money or position get ahead.
@Melbee11 (230)
• United States
6 Oct 09
I think sometimes it is. There shouldn't be people making your day worse. Well I would defently want to live longer than however many year's I will live. That would so much fair for me. I want to have a chance to be succesfull, and there are people who tell you, you can't do a certian thing. They should get rid of those kind of people.
@irefed (200)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
I think life is always fair and balance to everyone. It just happened that sometimes we don't know how to manage life circumstances and they don't even had the patient to make it which make their fall down. To poor people, they have to work hard and give more determination for them to grow up.