Is punishment necessary and if so why?
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
October 6, 2009 4:53am CST
What are your thoughts on punishment, do you feel that it is ever necessary? There are those who believe that we don't have enough punishment in today's world, that criminals should have to suffer more for their crimes. We also have those who believe the opposite that there is no point in punishment at all, that it does absolutely no good. Do you think the day may come when our society will be looked upon as being barbaric and revengeful?
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15 responses
@breinchem (89)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
I actually agree that there should be a punishment. I don't believe that it is an act of revenge, but it is just for them to learn from their mistakes. If you would come to think about it, what will happen if murderers and rapists are not imprisoned? They will just roam around and we will just be surprised that we are the next victim!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Oct 09
Hi breinchem, Thank you for commenting and I fully agree that dangerous criminals such as rapists and murderers must not be allowed to roam free. I think many are now released only to offend again. I feel however that punishment does little good as very few learn from it. It is the old idea of fear and I think there has to be a better way. Blessings.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
7 Oct 09
well I am a bit of both I belive that punisment is necessary but at the same time I dont think it helps. I see that even with punisment we dont learn people dont care and still kill, steal, abuse, rape, and so on. Even the criminals dont change once they get out of jail the do it again (not all but many) I also belive that we dont punish enough to me its a joke when child abuser gets 6 months jail or 2 years probation expecially for someone that did it more then 1 time they should never see day light as far as I am concearned. But hey thats me I might not be right but thats how I feel.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Oct 09
Hi violeta, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I too feel that dangerous offenders should be kept away from society. Why is a murderer or rapist released into society when medical professionals admit that he/she will almost certainly return to a life of crime? Other than that however, I don't believe that punishment does any good and is therefore pointless except if one is seeking revenge. Things are not getting better, in fact seem to be getting worse, and I think it is time for a new approach. Punishment is based on fear and is not the answer. Blessings.
@rsa101 (38320)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
For me certain punishment may be considered barbaric or inhumane but there are certain punishment that are meant to make law and order possible. Imagine when there is no punishment to those the violate a simple traffic rule. Do you think motorist would be concerned to follow traffic rules anymore. And worse if there is no more punishment for robbing do you think we could still live in a civil and orderly society. Punishment are in some ways a means for a society to remain orderly and law abiding. They are essential for preventing anything uncivilize act from being perpetrated.
I think they are still necessary thing, but imposing a punishment must be dealt with proper analysis how grave it is for the offender.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Oct 09
Hi rsa, Thank you for sharing and I think that's a good way of looking at it. I understand that we must have laws and traffic rules etc. I know too that murderers and rapists can't be allowed to roam at well. I feel that we need a new approach to the whole system because punishment is based on fear and it doesn't appear to be working. Most criminals seem to come out of prison with one thing on their mind and that's revenge. Blessings.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
7 Oct 09
Hello Pose,
punishment is definitely necessary, to insure safety, Justice, and protection for every society, this is why the Law and the Court exist every where, there also punishment in the eternal life, prepared to the wicked and evil people who commit crimes and get out of it by a way or another, righteous people don't fear punishment, but punishment can't insure safety and protection for All members of a society if justice is not being dispensed in an equitable manner.
The Islamic Laws contains punishment for committing evil actions, it is strong punishment, enough to inhibit all criminals, but still there are criminals in countries that apply the Islamic Law, not because the Law itself, But because the lack of dispensing justice in equitable manner.
in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Law is applied, this must insure Justice and safety, but there is no equitable manner, which is a Clear contradiction to the Islamic teachings, The Prophet Muhammad PBUH once said:
Verily those who were before you were destroyed, because when a noble man from them committed theft, they let him off, and when a weak man committed theft from among them, they executed sentence on him. By Allah, had Fatima daughter of Muhammad (PBUH), committed theft, I would have cut off her hand. (Bukhari, Muslim)
There are more details about the Islamic Judicial System, If you are interested you can read Chapter 5 of the Book;
What is Islam By Dr. Muhammad Sharif Chaudhry at:
you will find more details about Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Laws, and the Qualities of the judge and much more.
Please, Let me know if my habit of bringing the Islamic View in my responses annoy you, so that i will respond later without my religious background.
Best Regards
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Oct 09
Hi Gordano, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and you may continue to express your views as you have always done, I will not be offended or annoyed. There is nothing wrong with exchanging our different viewpoints. I know that we must have laws and dangerous criminals can't be left to roam at will, but Punishment itself does not seem to be working and I think that we need to take a long hard look at the whole justice system. It makes more sense to turn a criminal into a good citizen than to continue to punish him. I know that this does not go along with the teachings in Islamic law but it is the way that I feel as of now. Blessings.
@charlies2805 (777)
7 Oct 09
Giving punishment upon those who are guilty (for me) can result in two ways. First, the guilty party is fed up with the given punishment and never think about doing the same mistake, never again. So, this result is likely the one that we expect upon giving a punishment. And second, it's the other way around. The guilty party doesn't feel any pain and punishment being meaningless. And of course, one day they will do the same bad thing all over again. Giving barbaric and revengeful punishment (in some countries) is very important thing, on daily basis. It is good system for the society to reduce number of crime as much as possible.
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@jmsplp (26)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Good morning, punishment is actually the right term for people who commit crimes. this is one way telling the people concern that hey committed such act. but punishment varies in its degree. there is a slight punishment, a medium and a heavy one. it depends on the weight of the crimecommitted. even in school when students done something that is not right, he or she will given punishment suited for the mistake the student committed. Punishment has its advantages and disadvantages. Maybe people will accept it as the world in on their shoulder while others considered it as a leeson and not to commit the same mistakes again. It just reminding us that we cannot always goaround and make mistakes 'coz mistakes can somehow cost us dearly. thank you
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Crime committed deserves an appropriate punishment. I can not imagine a society when every member does what they want and get away with it. Punishment is necessary and reward is in order. Even in barbaric communities disobedience to establish rules merits punishment.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
6 Oct 09
Hi manong, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this and I'm sure that many think as you do. While I don't agree with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, I can of course see your point. I wasn't thinking of a person doing whatever he/she wants and getting away with it, they must of course be kept away from society, but does a life for a life do any good at all, does it help society to function better? Blessings.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
6 Oct 09
I really believe that some people are just so barbaric that
they need to be punished to the maximum to protect society.
For example, a person who kills a child should be put in
prision for life in order to protect other children. We just
can't take any chances with criminals of that nature.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Oct 09
Hi Mirita, Thank you for sharing and I agree that some people must be kept in prison for life, in fact I think that many are let out when they should not be. When a murderer or rapist is released from prison against the advice of medical professionals, we are putting society at risk. I don't agree with capital punishment and I think that all prisoners should be treated well as we cannot know the whole story about why they did what they did. Blessings.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
6 Oct 09
This is my view and it's quite a harsh one! If someone decides that they want to commit a crime and a serious crime like rape or murder then it's only right that this person should be hanged by the neck until they breathe their last breath! This might seem a little shocking to some people but I think that if we had this kind of punishment in existence then there would be a huge reduction in people carrying out this crime. The criminal element need to be tamed and frightened into inaction. In Saudi Arabia, if a thief is caught stealing his right hand or his left, whichever hand was used to carry out the act, is cut off! I'm sure that this is a tremendous deterrent. As we stand in London though, the law is far to easy, soft and lenient towards those that carry out horrendus crimes, the victims are giving life sentences even though they live in the world, if they have not been murdered. Andrew
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
6 Oct 09
Very nice topic indeed. What is punishment? Is it third degree punishment or psychological one? I am sure once you render third degree punishment to one and when he/she would be out of the cell would be all filled up with the thought of revenge. No where lies the authenticity of punishment?
Punishment is meant to change the approach nd the attitude of the person and if it has to fail what is the use?
In my view punishment should be like one which would provide a scope to the doesr that whatsoever he/she did was not good and it made humanity suffer. Just to be frank I do not support hanging as the ultimate form of punishment.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Oct 09
Hi rajib, Thank you for your thoughts and I don't agree with capital punishment either. I believe we think very much alike on the subject of punishment, the criminals will often seek revenge on society for his punishment instead of changing his/her ways. Our present system clearly isn't working and there has to be a new approach. Of course dangerous offenders must be kept out of society unless it is certain that they have reformed. Punishment however is not the way to go and I believe that future generations will judge us harshly. Blessings.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09

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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Oct 09
Hi LetranKnight, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I know that criminals cannot be allowed to roam free in society doing what they want, but I'm not sure that they learn much from being punished, and will often commit the same crime or a worse one after they are released. I think that there might be a better way. Blessings.
@vannice95 (121)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
For me,it is necessary to imposed on somebody for wrongdoing. The bad elements, the lazy child or the criminal should be all punished, so therefore, punishment is important for maintaining the discipline, law and order. Punishment is necessary in some aspects. It prevents people from commiting mistakes. People must be fined for offences such as littering in public places,throwing garbage anywhere,smoking in prohibited area.
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@Simon1223 (903)
• China
6 Oct 09
According to the views of most current people, people should be rewarded for their achievements and be punished for their wrongdoings. So the current system should cater for such views. If a criminal is not punished for his crime properly, people will think it injustice and those potential criminals will be encouraged. Maybe the current system would be regarded barbaric and renengeful in the future. But so long as the current generation thinks that the system works well, it is a good system.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Oct 09
Hi Simon, Thank you for sharing and I think you put that very well. I know that criminals can't be allowed to roam at well and do as they wish. I believe however that there is a better way then our current system, and I expect you are right about how we will be looked upon in the future. Blessings.
@whitf0rd (32)
• United States
7 Oct 09
One has to ask themselves was it the me letting go of the ball my fault? Or was the ground the whole reason I dropped the ball in the first place? The modern systems of punishment we have set up in the world do nothing but antagonize the problem.
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Even the Bible tells us of different types of punishments, the worst is the eternal burning of soul in hell. We only followed the Bible and implement other forms of punishments to people committed crimes and other wrong doings.