Dreams just at a standstill?

@prinny (24)
United States
October 6, 2009 2:26pm CST
I use to dream a lot back in the day when I went to sleep at night, now at night I have troubles going to sleep from the stress of school and work. Because of this I believe I can't dream anymore... anyone have any tips or help for me to fix this?
3 responses
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
10 Oct 09
maybe relax. drink herb tea before bedtime, or warm milk with honey. do some yoga and/or get a massage to help you relax and sleep better. go for a walk or jog, or work out in the gym to relieve tension. sit in a jacuzzi. if u relax and sleep well, the dreams will slowly come back. maybe the stress is keeping them away.
@prinny (24)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I recently had a dreamed! I guess relaxing was helpful though I did it differently then you mentioned. I took a day off from my regular routine (work,school,etc) and decided to go to central park in Manhattan and just relax there. I just spent time going around the park then later the city and I felt much more relaxed and relieved after this, that I actually dreamed well and slept great that night.
@tixepower (1195)
• Sweden
6 Oct 09
Yes, I stopped having dreams in a while a few years ago. One day I was so tired that I decided to go to sleep very early like 8 pm and that was the first day in a very long time when I woke up the next day and remembered a dream! It was so cool that I started to sleep very early and woke up very early aswell with some cool dreams ;)
@prinny (24)
• United States
7 Oct 09
Maybe it might happen to me, I'm going to try this Friday. If I take one Friday of to sleep early and hang out with my friends Saturday then I hopefully can have a dream. A friend told me to try and think a lot before you sleep and that that might help stimulate my mind to making a dream about what I think about.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
8 Oct 09
i never used to remember my dreams until mid last yr, they just didn't stay in my head. dreams are messages from your guides, to help you through life. my dreams can be few and far between, it's been nearly a month since i had a dream i remember. had one last night and couldn't get it out of my head today, and i didn't like that mind you it was a really good dream. it was suggested that things may be about to happen, cause it was more vivid. my suggestion is when you go to bed, try asking your guides to show you something. that may be of concern in you waking life. or check out the site . www.dreammoods.com that may be able to help on why you may not seem to dream as much.