How many brothers and sisters do you have??

@edxcast (1168)
October 6, 2009 10:26pm CST
I have 7 brothers, I am the fifth son. We are 4 boys and 4 girls. How about your family? how many brothers and sisters do you have?
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18 responses
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
wow you have a big family. . I have 2 other sisters, and 2 brothers.. I like having a lot of siblings, cause it's fun, specially when we were still little kids, I don't remember not having anyone to play with cause I would always have my siblings.. hehehe. though I know it was hard for my parents, but they really gave us everything we wanted when we were kids..
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Oh I forgot to include that I'm the middle child..the black sheep of the family.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
yeah i know what you mean. Having a lot of siblings was really fun as a kid we played a lot though im surrounded by sister i still played with them. And i guess im also the in the middle, being the 5th of 8. But hey we aint the black sheep, we are the cheese or the jam of the sandwich, the good part of it :)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
oh wow.. that's really a good way of looking at it. hehehe. I have never thought of it that way.. cause honestly, I AM the black sheep. and I know it. hahahaha. I just don't like following rules, and being said what to do and what not to do. I also hate telling people where I would go, what time would I go home, why would I go out.. specially now that me and my siblings live separately from my parents.
@mac_fish (723)
• China
12 Oct 09
Hey,friend.What do I supposed to call u ?Do u get something as nick name? I am the ONLY ONE child in my family.Pitty? RIGHT? My parents wanna to sacrifice themselves to control the birth-rate of china , so that is. Would u do me a favour and have a look at the discussion that I start.Tks....
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
12 Oct 09
hello man, well in the post you already checked and post i told that i am called "chati", you can call me like that if you want to or you can call me as the user i have in here, whichever you prefer. I have heard about the policy in your country (of birth control) and i understand why you do it Oh ok i will check and comment on your discussion. See ya and happylotting
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
13 Oct 09
No problem Lei, it was my honor and im glad to help your posts, oh and by the way thanks for the best responses you gave me, take care.
@mac_fish (723)
• China
13 Oct 09
I have seen ur comments, thank u chati
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
7 Oct 09
I only have 1, a sister. I have step siblings on both sides of the family. I've never met my step siblings on my mom's side of the family, but I have met my step brothers on my dad's side of the family a few times before. Though it's been ages since I've seen them or my sister. Happy mylotting!
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
8 Oct 09
I'm not really sure. I know I have 2 from my dad's side. Not sure of my mom's side, but I think there is 2 as well. So, that would make a total of 4, if I'm right.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
hello sacmom thnx for the response. So how many step siblings do you have? I guess that way is more easier to have more siblings even if they are just step siblings. Happy mylotting to you too
1 person likes this
@jensenfan (153)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
I have 2 brothers. Our eldest sibling is 3 years older than me while our youngest is 3 years younger than me.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
hehe so you are right in the middle.Being three years old and three years younger your siblings, it must be easier to remember their ages. Thanks jensenfan for the response and happy lotting
• Philippines
8 Oct 09
Yup..I'm the middle child and the only girl. It has its advantages and disadvantages but I think the advantages outweighs the happy mylotting !
• Belgium
7 Oct 09
I have just 1 brother. I am the youngest... Holy crap 7 brothers!!Thats aloooot!
• Belgium
7 Oct 09
Yes, it's pretty rare these days to be with that much kids at home...
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
yeahh thats true, but anyway i have met several families with a lot of kids also.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
haahha! you know thats the common reaction people have when they know we are 8. Even sometimes people dont believe me. They said its imposible its way too many lol.
@feodda (579)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
We are just four. I am the eldest. I have one younger sister and two younger brother. We are 2 girls and 2 boys.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
Four is a good number i think its not that many but not too few. I think its a goood balance, though i would not trade my big family for anything.
@feodda (579)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
It nice to have a big family too. My mom is the youngest among the 9 children of my grandparents.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
9 children. Wow That is a lot too. But i have a friend which his mother have 12siblings making them 13!!
@hora_fugit (5863)
• India
12 Oct 09
I have 5 siblings. I am youngest and my brother is eldest. All our sisters are in between.. Good combination, no?
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
12 Oct 09
hehe that sound a fun combination. So your brother had 4 sisters before having one brother,lol. It must be weird for him being the only boy at the house. Thnx for the reply and happylotting.
@brisk123 (2823)
• India
8 Oct 09
Hey Hi Edxcast,I have two sisters, one youngest and the other eldest, she is married now and one younger brother who is currently doing his graduation.I am the second daughter.I have a sister both elder and youngest even younger brother, I have everything but I still long for elder brother,since I don't have one,lol!
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
8 Oct 09
hi brisk. Well i have everything hehe. An eldest brother, an eldest sister(3 actually lol), a younger sister, and two younger brothers. Thank you for responding my post and happy lotting.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 09
HI Edxcast, I am not from a big family. I have two eldest brother and one eldest sister. So I am the youngest in my family. I have a very close relationship with my siblins although our ages gap is different alot. With my sister,our age gap is 9 years. Whilst,with my first brother is 8 years and my second brother is 5 years. We do keep in touch every month. Sometimes we do chat at Msn or just chat on the phone. I am looking forward for my December trip back to my hometown to meet my siblings,my parents and also my friends.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
10 Oct 09
Hello shia i didnt expect receiving another post in this discussion and i thank you for that. I see what you mean, there is a big gap in your ages. You must be the one who was more spoiled i guess. Usually kids that are born after some time are the one who everyone including the siblings spoil the most. For example, my youngest brother is 6, then the next is 13. My sister that comes after is 15. Then from me to my eldest sister are in a range of 18-24 years(5 kids in that period do you imagine?, my mom is really a heroine). So as you see my little brother has a gap with the next one of 7 years, and with my eldest sister, they have 18 years of difference!!
• Indonesia
7 Oct 09
Hello there! Looks like you have a big family. It sounds so fun! Am I right? I come from a very small family. I am the oldest and I only have one brother which makes me the only daughter in my family too lol. Now both of us are adults and I'm married, our house is very quiet lol. Well, the most important thing is we love each other.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
Yeahh having a big family is quite fun actually, although sometimes it can be overwhelming. Having all be in the same car was a big problem. As we only had a Chevrolet Trooper before, so we had to tight up together. Now we are without a car and we havent get out as a family in some time, well except for a few days ago which was the 25th aniversary of my parents. But all of us split on my parents friendsĀ“ car. And two of my sister had to come after as they had to work and university. Yeah you are right it really doesnt matter how many kids you have but the important is that you love each other
• China
11 Oct 09
aha,your brothers is really more, I only have one brother,and I think it is enough,he gave my family a lot of fun,we all loved him . good luck,my friend. by the way, I want to ask you a problem,why I can not submit post? can you see my post? please help me, everybody.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
11 Oct 09
hehe yeah we are a lot of siblings. By the way the problem is not only with your post, its happening to a all of the discussions made since yesterday i believe. I think mylot is having a little problem and i hope it returns to normal any time soon
@nra091501 (173)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
you've got a big family but mine's bigger! i've got 8 siblings which would make us 9 and i am the youngest. you can imagine the age difference of the eldest and mine. when i was 6 years old, my eldest brother's friends thought i am his child, lol! it's fun belonging to a big family!
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
14 Oct 09
Wow you have a lot of siblings hehe so you know what i feel. Lol, yeah i know what you mean, my little brother has an age difference of 18 years with my eldest sister. i dont think anyone has told her something like what your friends brother tells him, although anyway it could be her son lol. And you are right, its fun having a big family. Even if sometimes it can be way too overwhelming.
@pede_22 (385)
• Philippines
12 Oct 09
I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters... I am the fourth son. We are all 6...
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
12 Oct 09
Wow so i am not the only one with a big family on mylot. Though 6 seems so few to me but for some people its insane. Thnx for the reply pede_22 and happylotting.
• United States
11 Oct 09
I only have one half sister that I know of. She is younger than me, but we are the best of friends. I know that I have siblings in my biological father's side of the family, but I don't know anything about them...I don't even know how many! It's kind of strange thinking that I have other siblings wandering around and I wouldn't even recognize them
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
12 Oct 09
Hello winddancer thnx for the reply and sorry i do it just now, i couldnt do it anytime later. Wow being best friend with your half sister, something like drake and josh tv program? lol. Thnx for sharing and happyloting
@kapeed85 (138)
• India
7 Oct 09
I have only one younger sister. I don't have brothers. I am the only son for my parents.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
hello kapeed, its cool also having just a sister. Being the only sometimes(depend of the society) means you are responsible for the family. And hence all the pressure must be over you. Dont know if its really like that where you live
@taztheone (1721)
• India
7 Oct 09
I'm the only child in my family. Some times I feel sad because I was alone , but sometimes I feel so happy because I can have everything & no need to share any think, even if it's love from the parents. Happy Lotting
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
hello taz, it must be really calm at your home unless you are a nosiy lad lol. Sometimes i feel that silence is something we need in my house. But when everyone is gone im at my home im like damn its too silent.
@getbrowser (1708)
• China
7 Oct 09
OMG, where are you from? This is my question.O(n_n)O I am a boy from China. I have two sisters while one of them are twins with me. I don't konw the reason why you have so many brothers. You konw, there sre strict rules in my choutry that are used to take the population under control. Thus, if some families have so many childrens, they will be imposed a large amount of fine or forfeit. Of course, it is not easy for a father to run such a big family, isn' it?
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
Just to correct something: instead of 7 brothers i should have put 7 siblings(in spanish makes sense but i think in english it doesnt). Now to the topic hahaaha your comment make me laugh. Im from Ecuador but its not normal having that many childrens. When i tell the people i know that i have 7 siblings they are like WHAT!! O.o. I guess its not easy but running a big family i think my parents manage to make it more than ok. And yes, i have heard of the laws of your country prohibiting many childs on a family. Thanks for the response and also the friend add. See ya and happy lotting
@Jhaszy (234)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
i have one bro and one sis..
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Oct 09
Yeahh its the more normal having between 1 and 5 children. I guess your brother felt a little alone not having another male brother. That happened to my eldest brother since from first to the fourth all were women except from him. So he was hoping the fifth would be a male, and yeah that was me!