Add one mole, toss gently.

@mentalward (14690)
United States
October 7, 2009 10:48am CST
Yeah, you heard me right. Well, it's not mole stew I'm talking about. It's just one more critter to add to the long list of critters my cat has dragged in the house. My cat, Bean, has caught squirrels, chipmunks, mice and voles before. Now, I can add moles to the growing list. My little dog, Lilly, was intently staring underneath my dresser in my bedroom and refused to take her eyes off it. Naturally, I had to see what it was that held her attention like that. Under my dresser was a mole, quite dead and lying on it's back. Ewww! At least it wasn't mangled; it was intact. I was quite surprised that my cat caught a mole. I thought they always stayed below ground, munching on grubs, making babies, etc. 24/7/365. I've never seen a mole above ground before and I know my cat doesn't dig in the dirt other than to cover up whatever new "gift" he has left there and he only scratches at the surface at those times. What animals, rodents, bugs, birds, etc. has your cat/dog brought inside? I'm curious to know if there are even more bizarre critters our loving pets have decided to play with.
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9 responses
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
7 Oct 09
geckos and a baby grass snake besides the 3 rats and the mouse... - and we don't let them go out except on their porch
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Oct 09
That's pretty good for indoor cats, Elic! Sounds like you have a lot of these critters around outside your house, too, for all those things to get inside where the cats can get them. We have too many around here but, since I'll be moving soon to my other house, I doubt I'll have such a big critter problem there. This house is in the mountains, with trees all around. The other house has very few trees on the 3 acres it sits on and I haven't seen one rodent when I was in that house, fixing it up. Gee, I hope Bean doesn't get bored! LOL
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
8 Oct 09
donno why she didn't shovel it up into a bag and put it out in the trash...
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Let's hope it's just bones by now. Ewwwww!!!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
19 Oct 09
I am so fortunate that my dog really isn't much of a hunter. She was playing with a baby bird once that must have fallen out of a tree. We took it out of the yard so she couldn't do too much damage, but we don't know what ever became of it.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
27 Oct 09
We had a rabbit in our garden and our dog, Sable, totally ignored it. But she did want the squirrels to come play with her all the time :)
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Hi mentalward. I have a couple of dogs. My female has caught (and killed) quite a few things. If she didn't kill them she got sprayed by them. Here's her list: Rats Cats (yep, cats ) Jack Rabbits Possums Skunks (That's what sprayed her. Boy was it fun to wash out. ) Chickens Ducks A goat (she and her accomplice weren't able to succeed though, thank goodness.) There's probably some others, but I can't remember them at the moment. Happy mylotting!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Oct 09
A goat???? Good grief! I take it she's a large dog? Man! What a huntress! I wish my cat (16 pounds) would catch this one little rabbit that hangs around here. So far, the rabbit just nibbles on the clover in the front of the house but one of these days I'm sure it will find my vegetable garden. I know we have skunks around here, too, but luckily I haven't seen any close by. If one did wander too close, I'm sure Bean would go after it and most likely get sprayed in the process. Skunks are pretty unforgiving. My dogs are only 5 and 7 pounds so they only go after things much smaller than they are. Oh, they bark at the big dogs like they're even bigger, and maybe they do think they're big dogs, but I haven't let them loose to see how they'd fare with bigger animals. I'd like to think they could do away with all the geese that hang around our lake, though. They are such pests!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Yeah, she's a large breed dog, but kind of on the smaller side. I'm guessing she's about 65 lbs at the moment. Her accomplice (my other dog, and the same breed) is probably closer to 120. He totally dwarfs her in comparison! LOL The goat's a mini goat, or something like that, so it's a little thing. Cute too! I saw a skunk right in the yard a few months ago, and during the daytime nonetheless. The darn thing freaked me out. I'm guessing it left and found a new home as I haven't seen it since. At least I'm hoping anyway. It's funny how the little dogs think they're bigger than they are. They actually scare me more than the bigger breeds! And don't even get me started with geese as those things can be mean! LOL
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
15 Oct 09
Hey Marti, my cats are no different from yours! Mine have brought in birds, squirrels, moles, chipmunks, rabbits, you name it, they've brought it in. I hate it with a passion and if hubby is home, I make him get it up and clean the area because it just upsets me so much to know my cats have killed yet another animal but I know it's their nature but doesn't mean I have to like it. How is the packing going? Have you moved yet or close to it? In other words, what's going on in your life?
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
16 Oct 09
Hi Cats. I'm still going through my stuff and STILL waiting for Social Security to start giving me my benefits! It's been over 7 weeks now since they approved me and I haven't heard a single word! I will be contacting them soon if I don't hear from them. The approval letter said that, if I do not hear from them within 60 days that I am to contact them. Of course, I thought immediately that I would be calling them because that is the way this whole case has gone for me.... waiting, waiting and more waiting. Seven years to approve me and now seven weeks since the approval letter with no benefits. I can't do a thing until I start receiving my benefits. Things are calm on the home front, though. He knows something is up because I've been going through my things like a hurricane and have such a huge pile of stuff to get rid of. I've never done this on a scale this large before and it's scaring him. Too bad, huh? I'm being civil to him because I want him to sign the life insurance policy I take out on him once I start getting some money. It's going to be as large as possible because he won't live to be an old man. He's killing himself with his drinking and the way he eats. I figure it will be my compensation for putting up with him for so long. At least it will have a happy ending, huh? LOL
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Oct 09
In Arizona Cookie (my rat terrier) would kill rabbits, lizards, tarantulas, anything that moved. She's still like that! She can pick birds from the air in mid-flight if they are dumb enough to fly too low. When we moved back to my home state of Ohio she was thrilled to discover a new toy--worms!! Crickets, too, she has a ball with them. And mice! This is a paradise for her! How are things? Have you moved yet?
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Hi dragon. No, I haven't moved yet. I still haven't heard anything about my disability benefits. I'll need them to survive until I can take HIM to court. For now, though, it's pretty quiet around here. He's not talking much to me because he's worried that I'm up to something. I am, of course, but I haven't told him. He doesn't want me to leave. That's too bad. He blew it. I'll be out of here just as soon as I can. In the meantime, while waiting for my benefits, I've been packing so I'll be ready when the benefits start. Now, about your dog... worms???? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! I think I could handle seeing my dogs or cat chewing on a mouse easier than a worm. I don't know why; the thought of it is just too gross. Ewwww!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
8 Oct 09
What a revolting ‘gift’! My cats live indoors so they don’t have the opportunity to hunt other helpless creatures and bring them home! (LOL) My cat Rosie was a stray before we adopted her and she hung around outside for quite a while as we tried to locate if she had an owner, before we made the decision to keep her with us. We fed her as we door knocked and tried all we could to find who she belonged to and to say thanks perhaps she often caught birds and left tail and feet in our front door mat. Ewww!!! I know it’s normal cat behaviour but I could not wait to put a stop to it!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Hi paula. I will probably just have to get used to these "gifts" my cat brings in. Living in the country, we have more than enough critters running around outside and a lot of them seem to love my vegetable garden. For that reason ONLY, I'll let my kitty come and go as he pleases. (He goes in and out the doggie door we installed for the dogs.) I'm sure we'd be inundated by rodents if it weren't for Bean. A long time ago, I had a cat become a family member exactly like your Rosie. She hung around outside and I fed her while trying to locate her owner or even anyone who might know who she belonged to. No one knew anything so, before long, she came inside and was perfectly (purrfectly?) content to stay. I didn't notice any legs or tails outside but she was a great mouser every Fall, when the weather got colder and the mice started coming in for warmth.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
2 Nov 09
Thankfully our cat Morgana doesn't go outside so I don't get "gifts" although she will catch and play with crickets, spiders, bugs and worms if they get in under the front door. [b]!!Happy Turkey Day!! ~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
7 Oct 09
That cat of yours really keeps you on your I used to have a cat that would drag in anything that she caught. She was quite the I haven't had it happen for a long time but my little dogs do like to chase squirrls when they see them. I hope they never catch one
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
7 Oct 09
Hi marti, there are lots of creatures living outside and not a one is welcome inside. My friend had a very very cute kitten which even though it was alive I quite took to and was considering taking off his hands as there were 8 of them, but I weighed it up against the risks of what it might bring in and declined in the end, it's bad enough when things wander in on their own, without something giving them a helpuful hand. (Hope if you got moved that all went well.x)
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Hi thea. I haven't moved yet. I'm still waiting for my disability benefits to begin. Looks like I'm going to have to fight Social Security some more. It only took them seven years to approve me, now they're driving me nuts by taking their time in giving me the benefits they approved me for 5 1/2 weeks ago! At least things have calmed down here some. My husband came home and, somehow, got the mortgage bank to work with him. I know he gave them $8,500.00 and he said they're working out a new loan for us with a lower interest rate. Well, that's good, but it won't stop me from moving. I've had it with his irresponsible, and sometimes downright mean, behavior. I know I'll just have more of the same if I stayed with him so I am very determined to move. Right now, I'm packing so I'll be ready whenever Social Security decides to grace me with the benefits I earned over the years.