Life a matter of CHOICE or a matter of CHANCE

October 7, 2009 8:21pm CST
For you, what is life? Is it a choice or a chance? well, others may say its a choice while others its a chance...............for me life is matter of choice. Whatever happens in our life (good or bad) its because of what we have chose to become. God created us with wisdom, and its our choice to use it. When there is someone who provoked us, have you observe that sometimes you just let your patience rule and sometimes you chose to get mad..Have you ever thought of a person leave his wealthy and worldly life just to follow God? others may think he is insane but no matter what, that is his choice and the important is he is happy with it. And if you are asking why there are criminals, it is because they chose to become criminals, to become a law abiding citizen that's their choice also. To become a better person and have a good life is a choice and to become worst is a choice. Which you'll going to CHOOSE?
3 responses
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
8 Oct 09
For me it's both. God has given us the freedom to choose. I also believe that it is by chance since there are things that are beyond our control.
• Philippines
8 Oct 09
Hi there Blue Raine For me life is a matter of choice, we're the one who make it since we are the makers of the destiny of our own life. However, we can say that these two are interrelated since make choice not to grab a chance to grab the chance.
@joygracia (1325)
• Philippines
8 Oct 09
I totally agree with you with this. If you only choose to do good, chances are your on the right path and I think every one of us knows that. Chances in life are made by our day to day choices.