Happiness is a cat....isn't it?
By MsTickle
@MsTickle (25180)
October 7, 2009 11:19pm CST
Some of you may know that I was having problems with my neighbour about my lovely cat, Banjo. After moving in and encouraging Banjointo her home on a daily basis and letting him stay and sleep or whatever she decided to get chickens and no longer wanted Banjo around telling me it was my responsibility top keep him in. Her words..."if you don't want him killed....". Well I really did try...for months. Banjo is half feral to start and has always been an outdoor cat but spending most of his time at home, sleeping. He will be 3 in a few days and was neutered at six months. He used the kitty litter ok at first but he would always want to go out. It was a mad dash to get in and out the door and keep him in. He shredded curtains, knocked things over and broke them trying to get out windows and even managed to open a couple of windows (I hate being cooped up and always have windows slightly open) and scratch through the gauze and escape. We tried for about 6 months and I was tired of him scratching my legs to get my attention to let him go out. So I began letting him go out at night and keeping him in closer to morning. He would come and go so it was fairly easy most nights except for the times he was out all night.
He spends a lot of time under the house with the goats and I have gone outside a few times and he has appeared in front of me to say hello. He is becoming much smoochier and still comes in some nights to sleep with me. He is a brilliant mouser and often brings me 2-3 mice a night. Last night I went out to look at the night and there he was, sitting on a chair on the front porch and it made me so joyfully happy to see him there. I'm thinking that he will begin to stay closer and closer to home (he's getting really fat)...do you think so too?
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16 responses
@suzzy3 (8341)
8 Oct 09
Your neibour should have never have encouraged Bango in the first place.What she did was just mean and she should have realised you just don't drop animals and expect them to understand.Just out of interest does your neibour have a license to keep lives stock .It won't be long before she tires of her chicken and wants Banjo back but don't let her silly woman.Poor Banjo

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Dec 09
She does have issues, her neighbour on the other side has been chatting with me and she is really very strange. She likes to boss people around and she's a self proclaimed b!tch, which she finds amusing. I don't. I have no time for nasty silly (stupid) people of her ilk.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
9 Oct 09
She's a real aggressive woman suzzy. She said to me one day "what's wrong with you that your cat doesn't want to stay home with you?". She belts her own beautiful dog if she judges it's misbehaving. She says that's how you train them. She's horrid. She doesn't need to have a license, it's allowed here. I did report her when she first got the chickens and they made her give them a proper roosting place and cage. I feel very sorry for any animal she has in her care. She was given a
very old cat who sleeps all the time and she thinks Banjo should do the same....stupid old bag.

@stacysmomstl (397)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Tis the season for mice. Happiness is a cat depending on it's age. Example, I came across a family of cats/kittens that were just a mess. Actually I think there were 2 families since some kittens appeared to be older than others. They were in bad shape, a took them in cause they were little, got replacement milk and they got healthier. Finally the mommas came looking for their babies. I was able to lure them both in. Guess how many cats are in my world now? Anyway, the kittens are bigger as I've had them for about 3 weeks or so. They are fat and happy, but tearing up the place. I'm keeping the black one because she's cute. But those little jokers gotta go quickly. I'm scared to go to my local humane society with 5 or 6 cats/kittens. They will think I'm nuts. My point is, they get into everything. Those migraines. lol They are not making me happy especially at feeding time. THE HORROR!!!
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
9 Oct 09
he just might.i've found my male cats usually became home bodies after age 6,when they started packing on a few pounds.they realized after awhile everything they needed was right there,so they stopped aggressively begging to wander.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
9 Oct 09
Oh, that's good info scarlet, thank you
...only 3 more years. He sometimes wants to go out in the day...you know, sits near the door and looks back at me imploringly. I gently tell him 'no' and say 'sleeping time' and then he is gone...off to which ever spot he chooses and goes back to sleep for another several hours. I see that as a good sign.

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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 Oct 09
I actually bought him a harness and leash and he went very strange when I tried it on him. I just wanted him to be able to be outside when I was without running away. He managed to get things tangled then he twisted and wriggled out of it. I didn't keep trying with him as I didn't have the heart. He seemed so distressed by it all.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
9 Oct 09
they do get over it after awhile.especially if neutered.
then there's no strong urge there which most often drives the urge to go out to begin with.
one of mine i actually leash trained after adopting him,so we had a happy medium.
he never begged,but would come running happily when i jangled the leash.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
9 Oct 09
Banjo will know how to behave, I'm pretty sure about that. Neighbors can sometimes do things that make us hurt, wonder and many more. He's getting really fat? If ever you could put up a picture some-time, that will be great. I can see how Banjo is, hmmmm..
@doglady112 (604)
• Canada
8 Oct 09
I think that your cat sounds like he's much happier being outside. But if I were you I'd keep an eye on my neighbor, some people can get really nasty with other people's pets. My dad had a do, this dog loved getting into people's garbage. One time the neighbor up the road from us told my dad that if his dog comes onto his property again she'll be shot. Well she did and the man shot her and killed her. So if I were you I'd keep an eye on your cat and see if you can't train him to stay hone while he's out.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
9 Oct 09
Hi doglady...actually, he spends the majority of his time inside. That's an awful story you tell, the guy would be gaoled if he did something like that here. I've done all I can to keep Banjo in. He just likes to relieve himself outside and spend a few hours being a cat that goes outside. I think he will get to stay closer to home more and more as he gets older.

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Oct 09
Well first of all I do not think it is right that the Woman told you to keep him in when he likes being out doors and to threaten with killing him
It is also her responsibility to watch the Chickens and all she has to do is shoo the Cat away, it is even worse as before she got them she was being friendly to him
I hope that Banjo does stay closer to home now and he is happy to be going out to

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Oct 09
Yeah, she's just that type of person, really hard. I hope he stays closer too, it's nearly 1am and he's sitting outside again, he was in a few minutes ago for some tucker. He's a lovely boy Gabs, very friendly and smoochy. He stayed in a few nights ago for a long time and snuggled up to Lucy on the lounge. It's lovely to watch them together.

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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Usually when you have them neutered they will get fat & lazy....I understand that your neighbor does not want Banjo to kill her chickens but at the same time it is hard to control a cat...I have my cat inside because i live in an apartment..I let him look out the window & i also have a dog and they play together...He use to go outside a lot when i had a yard but he seems happy enough inside the apartment...I supposs you just need to keep him inside as much as you can , i would really hate to see him killed by the neighbor...I think those chickens need to be pinned up, when i had chickens i had a fence around them , like a chicken yard...
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Oct 09
There are several points here...Firstly, Banjo brings all his new friends home...alive. The mice he gets to keep, the lizards, frogs, birds (no chickens) are all released before too much harm is done. I've had chickens in the yard here and he has been curious but not hunted them, when he moves towards them, they go high. Secondly, Banjo is not the only cat in town. As well as domestics, there are many feral cats around and foxes. Thirdly, Her chooks are caged with 6 foot surrounds. I think Banjo could get in but he has not done so so far. If the situations were reversed, I would not put chickens in or I would ensure they had a run with a closed cage. It would be simple enough to put mesh over the top.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
22 Nov 09
Hello MsTickle. Thank you so much for sharing with us your happiness with the cat of yours. I think that it is gorgeous as it makes you feel so happy. I hope that your neighbor will be more understanding without having any problems with your nice cat.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
15 Oct 09
No one can tell you with absolute certainty that he will stay close to home however, with him getting so fat like he is, he most likely will because the fatter they get, the more lazier they become because of the added weight they have to carry around. (The little pig! LOL) That neighbor of yours sounds like a real winner. Once you befriend a cat or any other animal, you can't turn that around without being mean and hateful. That's wrong. She's very self centered and I'd tell her so!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
16 Oct 09
He actually came in and went to bed with me when I did the night before last. He snuggled right up close and held my arm between his paws...it was special. He took himself off after a while and went to sleep in the spare room...his room lately...lol.
I keep my distance from the neighbour...she is not reasonable and wants things her way with no consideration for me, Banjo or my friend. You can't talk to people like that. She encouraged Banjo in the first place...she can't expect me to change that by trapping Banjo inside when he does not want to be there 100% of the time. We avoid her.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Oct 09
hi mstickle yes I do believe happiness is a cat. Let
Banjo do his thing as long as your next door neighbor
does not harass you over your cat. I think he is going
to stay closer to you now, that he is getting used to
every thing.Sounds like he just had to become accustomed
to someone really loving him like you do.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
9 Oct 09
He's definitely communicating better as time goes on. He's a little more vocal when I talk to him and he's definitely more loving. He's a lovely cat and while he doesn't like being held, he's begun to get closer to me for long periods. He used to sit on my lap and sleep all the time then a visitor picked him up once and Banjo panicked but the guy wouldn't let him go. I had to say "let him go" but he insisted on holding onto the struggling cat. Banjo has avoided being held since but I can pick him up and carry him home when I go looking for him. It's strange that.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
28 Nov 09
i think he is possibley smart enough to realise what a dumb a$$ hole the nieghbor has turned into. she seems to have the mentality of Agra, sons ex.
like the elevator doesnt reach the top floor with her, not the sharp pencil in the box, dumb as a rock, etc.
Banjo is obviously smarter then her.

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 Nov 09
. I sure hope so my friend. It's been unbearably hot here so I have not been trying to keep him indoors when he is obviously distressed with the heat. He has been staying close, sleeping under the house and in the garage. He has wandered off a couple of times to explore but he has gone in the opposite direction to the battle axe's place.

@mssunloved (175)
• United States
8 Oct 09
I love cats I have three!! dont get me wrong but I like dogs too, cats are so easier to take care of. all three love going outside and exploring, I have gotten many many presents from them over the years LOL!!!
I am kinda in the same boat, my old neighbor used to feed my cats, she loved them too, she just moved and I hope the new ones are just nice to my cats if they dont want them on their property I hope they at least tell me instead of doing something mean to them.
One thing I love is seeing them on the back porch when I come home.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
9 Oct 09
I love all animals, my pets though are uber special. I was woken up this morning to give my goats and dog breakfast. I put Lucy's (the dog) dry food in her dish and opened the door to give the goats a wheat biscuit each, turned around and there was Banjo and my friend's dog in the kitchen with Lucy and I. What a circus. The other little dog Blinky, is a real cutie and good friends with Banjo - goodness knows what they had been up to together...
. So I fed Banjo, gave Blinky some of Lucy's crunchies, boy she was hungry, then Banjo went off to sleep and Blinky went outside with Lucy and the goats. It was a special morning. The two dogs are now sprawled in the sun in the back yard and the goats are grazing peacefully. How lucky am I?

@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
8 Oct 09

@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
9 Oct 09
You are very welcome MsTickle..Keep smiling and have a great day. Oh yes remember this you are special..
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Oct 09
Our cat Fluff went from being an indoor outdoor cat to a mostly indoor cat (not through her own choice - we had coyotes at our new house). But every so often she would just want to go off on a walkabout. She did stay closer to home as she got older though.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
8 Oct 09
Hi MsTickle,
Some cats are happy just staying indoors but some are not as they are used to going out, I have two cats, Tom and Baby, they go out if its a nice day and Baby will stay out most of the day buT Tom would just out for a little while and then comes in to sleep all day till food time, now that the weather is not good they both just stays in, they have a cat flap so they can go out to do their business, they are both 9 years old now. Banjo likes going out so I think its the best for him and you know he won't go too far.
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