Do you buy replica branded clothes, bags and accessories?

October 8, 2009 12:22am CST
well, I have notice that a lot of people wear CK, D&G, edhardy, and other well known branded clothes, but from their appearance, I think they can not afford those things. And I know from my friends, that there are many place selling replica branded items, I have also noticed that some website sell those branded items too, but after communicate with their personnel, they all admite that those products are replica, and exactly the same to the original style, but they are cheap in price, and sells very well. But I don't like to buy replica ones, if I want to buy, I would buy guniun ones. How about you?
4 responses
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
8 Oct 09
my economic status dictates me that buying the original ones is costly. "piracy" is a common problem all around the world. when i'm still single, i usually buy only originals, but thats years ago. now, i'm contended on what i'm wearing (whether fake or original).
• China
8 Oct 09
hello fulltank, thanks for sharing. Yeah, sometimes we should buy something base on our economic status, when our economic is good, we can buy in higher price, when the situation is bad, we should consider remain the same as before.
@elenyae (388)
• Australia
8 Oct 09
I'm not a massive brand person, but I'm not above buying knock-offs if they're really good.:P I mean, I wouldn't buy something that was obviously a knock-off but there are some out there that you really can't tell the difference between them and real thing.
@angeliam (206)
• China
8 Oct 09
women should have at least several branded clothes,bags and accessories.sometimes,you are what other people think you buy some branded products,we are social for the styles,it all depends on your preferences.
• China
9 Mar 12
it depending on your idea , maybe you can try or not , anyway you can visit about to see more details