brainwashing kids
forced to praise
obama youth
suffer the little children
time to homeschool
Yet ANOTHER Public School FORCES Children to Praise Obama!
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
United States
October 8, 2009 11:42am CST
An elementary school in Maryland has forced children to memorize and sing a song of praise about Obama. Can you imagine the outrage if schoolchildren had been forced to memorize and sing songs of praise for President BUSH or even Clinton?
Here's the lyrics:
President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama--He says
Yes we can!
President Obama--We say
Yes we can!
President Obama--I say
Yes I can!
President Obama--He says
Yes we can!
Barack Obama--Oh yes he rates,
The first Black President in the United States!
He's smart and he's--so so good!
He'll lead this country as he should!
He wants us all to work together,
To make this country even better!
Prez' Obama says--"Yes We Can!"
Make the US better--hand in hand!
President Obama,
President Obama,
President Obama
Now here's something I'd like some of you who think this is actually OK to try; re-read the lyrics but replace "President Obama" with "President Bush" (except for the "first black" thing obviously) and see how you feel about kids being forced to sing it then.
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33 responses
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
8 Oct 09
That totally disgusts me! They can "praise" a man who, in my opinion, is a terrible president, but yet cannot praise the Lord Jesus Christ????
No wonder many parents are wanting to homeschool their children! If I had a child in a school like that, they would be out in a heartbeat!!
Let's praise the Lord Jesus Christ Who truly deserves our thanks and praise!!
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
13 Oct 09
I don't think they wanted to lose, but I do think that the American public was so sick of a republican in the White House that the Dems could have nominated Sadam Housein and he would have been elected just because he was a democrat.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Oct 09
If I'm understanding your point's almost as if they WANTED to loose. That opens up a whole 'nother can of worms, doesn't it?
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@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
8 Oct 09
But whatever you do, don't point out that this is what they do in Dictatorships. I will make it a point today to ask my kids if they have been asked to sing any songs about 0bama.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
8 Oct 09
You may also want to ask if they have been made to watch "The Story of Stuff" an animated video of liberal indoctrination that MANY kids around the country have been forced to watch and even write reports on.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
8 Oct 09
The video is put out by TIDES another community organizing tentacle of ACORN.
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@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
8 Oct 09
I just watched it. It is complete garbage.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
9 Oct 09
This is just one more reason to get the schools back under local control, and eliminate the Department of Education.
The schools have turned into government indoctrination centers that have very little to do with actual education.
We have to take our country back.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
11 Oct 09
[b]I'll double that amen, & raise you a GIT 'ER DONE!!!
I'm keeping my powder about you?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Oct 09
When I homeschooled my kids in the 1980's that was exactly why so many in our homeschooling association were doing so. Federal Government took oversite of schools under Carter. Up until then....each school district (another government invention to make sure schools were diverse) had a board that decided what the curriculum was to be, the board was made up of PARENTS and community members. Now the Federal Government has oversite and say as to what EVERY school districts goals and curriculum is. This is NOT right and needs to be addressed. PARENTS should have the final say as to what is taught to their children with community oversite...not Federal Government oversite.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Oct 09
Oh my, my, my...
"He's smart and so so good"
"He'll lead this country as he should"
Sounds like a bad commercial jingle for some household product. Maybe a dessert topping that is also a floor wax. It's so, so good.
"He wants us all to work together"
I wonder what color the uniforms will be. Hope they aren't as drab as the ones Mao designed.
Yikes, I am speechless.
Why isn't this type of worship prohibited by the "separation of church and state" wording in the Constitution?
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@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
8 Oct 09
every day will be pajama day... and they will be gray.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Camo seems to be the 'color' of choice...anyone seen THAT video?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
8 Oct 09
The one glimmer of hope is that in 10 to 20 years school kids will be making fun of these songs. I can think of songs we sang in school that were changed to be funny. The Battle Hymn of the Republic and the marine song. I can't think of the title. I'm sure there are others.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
8 Oct 09
That's just wrong. What's next? Troops of children marching in unison as we all have our hands raised up, palm down and salute as we walk by him? He's not God. Not even close. He's a socialistic pig who is determined to ruin and bankrupt this country so that everyone can have "free" healthcare.
It's sick. Truly sick. Everyone is wanting to put this man in the same league as Martin Luther King and God. Not even close.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
8 Oct 09
you mean like this? :
you may also want to see this:
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
8 Oct 09
here's the other one that's worth a look:
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
8 Oct 09
and of course, let's not forget about this:
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@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
8 Oct 09
Its wrong to do this in a public school.
I'm surprised its happeening in a country like America.
Democracy should not allow this type of mild indoctrination.
Those children are going to grow up thinking a certain way about this man.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
8 Oct 09
I did a little checking on this because I grew up in Howard County and have grandchildren who go to school there so this hit home for me. Apparently, according to information from a local blog there, this story is untrue. According to Patti Caplan, public information officer of the Howard County Public School System:
[i]Several weeks ago, all Longfellow Elementary School first graders were shown a videotape of President Obama’s speech to students as part of the school’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Program (PBIS), which focuses on being safe, responsible and respectful. As the classes were gathering in one of the first grade classrooms, the teacher was playing a CD of a song she and her students composed last year for a technology competition. She also played the song as the students were leaving.
One (yes only one) parent called and emailed the school with his concern that the students were being forced to “glorify and worship” President Obama. The school administration responded to this parent and provided him with a copy of the lyrics, which his wife posted on a blog. The school administration has met with this parent and he apologized for the posting and for creating so much trouble for the school. He indicated that the school had addressed his concern.
The objective of this lesson was to motivate students with a positive message to be respectful, stay in school, work hard and do their best. The lesson supports the work the school is doing as part of PBIS. The children did sing along to the song, which repeats “Yes I Can” and “Yes We Can.” Repetition of this nature is a common element in songs for children of this age.
The focus of the lesson was on the children and positive behavior, not the President. There was no intention or attempt to glorify or worship the President. Educators often use positive role models in their lessons, including Presidents of the United States, and this practice is supported by the Howard County Public School System. The Howard County Public School System does not require nor encourage teachers to include references to President Obama in their lessons, nor does it discourage the use of such references.
The Howard County Public School System respects the right of individuals to disagree with the words of the song and/or even the use of the song in this context. However, the idea that a public school system would have a “policy” to force students to “worship” the President is so ludicrous it deserves no response.
What should concern everyone is the fact that the name of the school’s assistant principal was posted on the blog and has now been circulated widely on the Internet. As a result she has received uncivil, vulgar and threatening calls and emails from all over the country. These come from individuals who have no clue what really took place at the school. Enough already! This is much ado about nothing. These attacks are harassment and must stop.[/i]
There's more after this if anyone is interested.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Oct 09
I read through all the stories on that site about this song, and nowhere did they tell us what the lyrics were, nor did the school administration deny that the lyrics posted on the blog of that one parent (why does it matter that only one parent paid enough attention to be upset about this?).
They said:
" There was no intention or attempt to glorify or worship the President. Educators often use positive role models in their lessons, including Presidents of the United States, and this practice is supported by the Howard County Public School System. The Howard County Public School System does not require nor encourage teachers to include references to President Obama in their lessons, nor does it discourage the use of such references.
The Howard County Public School System respects the right of individuals to disagree with the words of the song and/or even the use of the song in this context. However, the idea that a public school system would have a “policy” to force students to “worship” the President is so ludicrous it deserves no response."
If those weren't the lyrics, I would like to know what they were. But I couldn't find a statement that the lyrics were not as published. All they stated is that the children weren't forced to praise and worship the president. So, it's really not an untrue story, or at least they haven't told us what part of the published lyrics were not as used.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Let me make sure I get this right. The teacher played a song that she and her class from last year wrote about Obama?
Then the kids were singing along?
There is nothing wrong with teacher children yes you can and yes we can. We want them to reach goals in life.
But One
that teacher and her class never should have written that song last year.
Two That song never should have been played and sung by the other kids.
You can teach kids yes you can and yes we can without including the president in it or how "good" he is or how "great" he is going to run the country. That is were it crosses the line.
Teach them they can believe in themselves and to work hard....but leave the propaganda out of it.
I would have thrown a FIT if that was my kid.
No matter who was president.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Actually, if you read all of the information from you would know that it is only a CLAIM that the story is untrue, NOT a fact, and evidence suggests that the CLAIM is actually false, not the STORY.
The children did sing along to the song, which repeats “Yes I Can” and “Yes We Can.”[/b]
Instead of taking responsibility for making children sing a song praising a public official, the school has decided to BLAME THE PARENT who blew the whistle on this indoctrination. Nice.
It would be nice if this were an isolated incident, but it is not, see the children in New Jersey forced to sing a song praising Obama that was originally a song about JESUS CHRIST where they simply replaced the name of Jesus (who is not allowed to be uttered in school) with "Barack Hussein Obama".
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Why oh why is this happening? You never show kids singing songs about Bush or Reagan. Or Clinton. Not in school.
So why is it right for them to sings songs about Obama?
Especially saying things like he is "good" and lead this country well.
Yes kids should learn about our government and our presidents. But at a certain point it stops being education and goes straight into propaganda....which this is.
I would be ok if htey used a song to help kids learn that he is the 44th president and the first African American. That he was born in Hawaii..etc....
Teach them who the presidents are. Major events that happened during their presidency....but don't teach them that a president is "good" or "bad". That should not be brought up til high school when the chidlren are old enough for their own opinion and healthy debate of both sides of the issues.
Which can't happen with the smaller elementary school age kids.
Mark this down as teachers going wayyyyyyyy out of bounds. The parents need to hold the teacher and the school responsible for this.
If the school won't do anything about it then I say it is time to pull your kid out of that school.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Oct 09
So....what about the other schools? I know many do not like to watch youtube videos...but there they are, singing out their little hearts, in NJ PUBLIC schools. And since I saw that video from a NJ school, I do NOT believe the teacher's version of what happened in this school.
I was sent to Catholic schools for eight years. When I went to a public High School,(we're talking the 1970's) I continued to wear a religious medal of the virgin Mary to school on a small chain. I had a teacher who said very snidely...SOOOOO, you're a Catholic, are you? There was more...I'll keep this short. I reported her to the dean...and told my mother as well. The lying teacher denied it...and continued to make snide remarks all year towards any attempt of mine to enter into discussions. Being it was a social studies class...religion came up frequently. I hated the class, even though the subject had always been a favorite of mine. I had to fight her once again at the end of the semester for a decent grade...she gave me a C...and up until that time I had been a 4.0 student!
Why tell this story? Teachers are HUMAN...and they DO often have personal problems, agendas, and they do lie.
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@MuncheeLee (132)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Now I am going to have to ask the girls at work with school age kids if THEY had to sing this garbage!
It's not enough that the kids get a sanitized version of Islam shoved at them, but now this??!! What is Maryland thinking?!
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@BaziIL (47)
• Israel
9 Oct 09
This is even worse than USSR time.
Did you notice the first one who came up with the story was FOX news? the American stream media suffers from Obamania. Media people need to be the watchdog of the politicans, not their puppy dogs.
Shame shame *sigh*
@beckypetersen (5)
• United States
9 Oct 09
whAAAAT IS THIS A JOKE?CHILDREN FORCED?...WAS THAT NOT THE IDEA OF CHILDREN DELETING PRAYER AND RELIGION FROM SCHOOL IN THE FIRST PLACE?? this is obnoxious.america is no longer free if they are forced to any such makes no difference if the name is changed.this is a hitler brainwash trick.absolutely rediculous. Were my children still young enough for school,and forced to do such a thing...i would immediately get them out of the school and run for dear life. this is an abomination to christ and to my God.... i have personally never trusted any part of the government and beleive it is all created on a massive power and control game.this country was supposed to be based on the american choice. based on freedom. where did that freedom go??some hoe this brings recollection of a book i once read as a child called "animal Farm" the moral of the story fits right in with the changes of today in our country. so much for land of the free.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Oct 09
We should have spoken up as THE MAJORITY here in this country instead of accepting the lie of 'separation of church and state' fed to us decades ago. (that term is not found in OUR founding documents, btw) They realized long ago they had to 'remove' God (notice I did not say 'religion') from schools to be able to insert 'worship' of something else. Now, we have a few generations who are more accepting of this sort of thing. Harder to discern a BIG lie, when you've accepted other smaller lies already. That my friend is 'thought reform' (brainwashing).
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Forget I pledge allegiance to the flag, we will soon have have a school reciting a pledge allegiance to Obama. Heck a bunch of worthless actors and actresses have already pledge their allegiance to Obama why not school children? I just want to ask are there any Democrats that get embarrassed by discussions like this?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Have you seen the one about the pledge to the debt? They just recently started playing it where I'm at:
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]I went to it, & I think it's actually a dig at Obama's spending, but regardless, there's another video near it that shows Obama as part of the Borg, "assimilating" humanity! To true to be funny, really. All those formerly human drones, chanting along.
" futile."

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Oct 09
First of all, are you sure they were actually "forced" to sing this song? I'm NOT defending it, by the way; honoring him during Black History Month as the first black President is one thing but this is a bit much.
However, I have to wonder if this sort of thing hasn't been going on for a long time but we just didn't know it. It's only been fairly recently that You-Tube videos have been everywhere, so it seems.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Oct 09
It doesn't take much to 'force' a small child to do things. Peer pressure, authority figures and all...wouldn't you agree? That is what makes is so reprehensible.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Oct 09
I guess I really don't understand what is such a huge deal about this stuff. I kind of think kids should be taught to respect others and that would include the President, regardless of what party he's from or whether or not I voted for him. I could be wrong but I would guess that those who are so adamantly against any song or rhyme or anything else that even remotely "praises" President Obama are saying more than enough during their own time with their children to reverse any "indoctrination" they're receiving in school. I mean, if we're talking about 6 year olds, how much harm can it really do to them to sing a silly jingle about the President? Is that going to cause them to grow up to be socialists? Is that going to stick with them until they're 18 and can vote? They were singing about him being for equality and wanting to fix the economy but they didn't go into policy details. They didn't say "Rich people are bad" or "Abortion is good" or anything in the least bit controversial. My guess would be that five minutes or less after they were done singing those songs they were forgotten.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
9 Oct 09
I agree. We are talking about 1st graders. If the teacher tells it to them or plays it for them then they will do it.
We teach our waht the teacher says...follow directions.
It would not fly with high schoolers because they are older and can have formed their own opinions. If a teacher told them to sing a song praising a president, they are old enough to know it is wrong.
But a small kid...not so much.
I have a first grader. If a teacher played it for him and encouraged him to sing to it and learn the words he would do it. At that age they are eager to please and will follow directions and what the group does.
Which is why I homeschool.
Teachers used to be people you could trust with your kids. But not anymore. Between the inappropriate relationships and the introduction of personal values, opinions and politics...teachers have eroded what trust and faith a lot of parents have in them. It is no wonder homeschooling and virtual schooling have grown so fast.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Am I the sole person out there that finds these songs not just wrong, but badly written? (There needs to be a "puke" emoticon for this spot!) That first one relied on bestial grunts to force the boring, sing-song rhythm, & was actually not a "song" at all, but a chant. Anyway, strictly on artistic merits, these songs do not make the grade.
Gummint schools...when will people wise up & yank their kids out??

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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
9 Oct 09
No, you're not the only one!
Yes, "Where is your birth certificate, Obama?"
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
10 Oct 09
[b]Quinn: Incorrect. He has a Hawaiian "Certificate of Live Birth" (COLB) he's showing to everyone--NOT a bona fide BIRTH Certificate (BC). The differences are IMPORTANT. A real BC shows the name of the hospital & parent's & doctor's names. AND, a COLB is often issued LONG AFTER a baby is born, to people NOT born in Hawaii! AND there are TWO different hospitals in Hawaii that claim to have him being born there. Hel-LOOOOOooo! SOMEONE IS LYING!
His real BC is completely under wraps, & he has spent over a million dollars in lawyer's & court fees to KEEP it hidden! Wise up! He's HIDING the real BC, & even Nancy Pelosi knew it when she put out false documents (recently brought to light) saying he HAD produced proof, to all states except Hawaii! He has records of his birth under lock & key in Kenya, under guard, & the Kenya PTBs refuse to address the problem. Those who've tried to see them have been kicked out of the country!
FURTHERMORE HIS OWN STEP-GRANDMOTHER was AT his birth--IN KENYA--& swears to this day she saw him born there! She's been pressured--even offered money!--to changer her story. I've heard her speak. She's not that old, & she's not senile. You want to tell her to stop imagining it??
FURTHERMORE, he has records that prove he is a dual citizen of Indonesia, as well as having adopted American status, & it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL to BE a dual citizen & be elected PRESIDENT! Either the Constitution matters, or we are not the USA anymore. GOT IT???
YES, I'M YELLING, BECAUSE YOU'RE APPARENTLY DEAF TO MANY FACTS. ALL of this has been documented--by many people!
FURTHERMORE, more & more people are becoming aware of his long history of hiding (ALL of his records are hidden--school & everything!--not just his BC!). YOU are in a fast-dwindling crowd.
GROW UP! Get your head out of the sand, or unstick your lips from The Big O's scrawny patoot! He is not legally PRESIDENT!
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@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
9 Oct 09
I think the best solution to all this madness that is happening in the schools, is to replace the teacher's aides that are often in the classrooms as well, with a parent instead. A parent of each student, could rotate their turns to sit in on the classes everyday, so parents finally find out what is going on, and what the teachers are actually teaching. Until then, parents will have no idea what their kids are really being taught..children have no idea that what they are being taught is either right or wrong, they accept as the norm. It's about time that we, as parents, can judge for ourselves.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Great idea. But the problem with it is alot of parents work and won't be able to get involved like that. Also all the parents are going to have different ideas of what is ok or appropriate for their child. So while one parent may be ok with their child singing songs praising Obama another may feel it is completely wrong.
I think the best thing is for the teachers to let the parents know what htey are going to teach. Turn of copy of the lesson plans for the year to the parents at the beginning of the year. That way they know what is going on and if they approve of it.
It will also help the parents keep up with homework assignments,projects and other things that may need to be worked on at home.
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@Sweetchariot (1718)
• United States
9 Oct 09
@ Debra: I agree, there are so many parents who don't want to get involved, and that's why we the world is the way it is.
@lilwonders: Sadly, both parents are often working, now...I agree with your suggestion...parents should have the right to see the lessons that are planned for their child. Ufortunately, if the teachers have to outline that plan each year, then they would complain that they have too much work to do, and then they would soon picketing for a raise. 

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Good idea! And now can we ask for a show of hands of parents willing to get THAT involved? Afterall, aren't we SUPPOSED to TRUST the government to have our best interests at heart? I'm being somewhat sarcastic here...cause I don't think there is enough parents out there who would do it.
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@millertime (1394)
• United States
10 Oct 09
I don't know, is it just me or does this bring to mind the words, indoctrination, propaganda, mind control and brain washing? Why is it that this type of behavior is only tolerated when it's liberals doing it for the left wing cause? There would be nothing but outrage if it was a teacher teaching the kids to idolize a right wing conservative. This has no place in our schools. It has nothing to do with what kids that age should be learning in school. This is a teacher that is pushing her own political and racial agenda and she is using the kids to do it. She should be ashamed of herself and fired. If she was a conservative, she would already be looking for a job, but this is the double standard that you always see from the left wing. The rules they want to impose on the rest of us don't apply to them. I don't understand why more people don't realize at this point that they are destroying America. I guess we'll have to have full blown communism before some people will finally wake up.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Oct 09
I saw a video of a young child being traumatized by a teacher after being asked if her parents voted for McCain or Obama. The girl answered McCain....and said that her father was in Afganistan...the teacher went into a rant that caused the girl to cry and sob. You tell me WHY a teacher should even ASK what political party the parents are voting for? I was asked as a student in high school what religion I was, and when I answered Catholic...I was berated for a whole semester! This is totally unacceptable and probably illegal, or should be!
@millertime (1394)
• United States
12 Oct 09
I saw that video too and that's another teacher that should have been fired. I think we'd be better off if we did away with the public school system and privatized it. Maybe that would weed out some of these teachers that shouldn't be anywhere near our children.
@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
8 Oct 09
this should be added to the folks who don't understand why people make comparisons between Obama an Hitler.
There is a not so subtle indoctrination of the youth going on, they are really hitting the teens (I have two in high school) who will be voting age in the next presidential election. My girls have booth been ridiculed and singled out because they were brave enough and educated enough on world events to actually have a dialog when the teachers begin 'praising' the current Administration's accomplishments.
How upsetting it must be for these teachers to have a fourteen year old girl remind them their messiah hasn't done anything he said he would.
I guess that's why they are going after the younger generation. Obama is going to be in the political arena for many, many years. People say he can only serve two terms, eight years isn't that long.
well, Today Russia has extended it's presidential term from four to six years. But this is America and wouldn't happen here. The 22nd Amendment limits terms right? But what if you just really like the president and he's doing such a wonderful job, and just hasn't had enough time to finish everything he started out to do?
some interesting reading (page 5):
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Well here's a big WOO HOO! for your kids! Seriously, that takes real guts. Be sure the teacher doesn't cheat them on the grades they've earned!

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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
10 Oct 09
It's great your girls know the truth and speak it, in spite of being ridiculed. I'd love to know what the teacher said when your daughter pointed out that Obama hasn't done anything he said he would do. I hope it was in class when she said it, so the other students could hear the truth. It should be food for thought.
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@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
11 Oct 09
it is during class, and usually the teacher tries to persuade them, then when they realize they can't change their minds, they change the subject because they are taking up too much class time on irrelevant discussions. funny how it's relevant when it's pro-Obama.
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