What matters most in times of calamity?

October 9, 2009 3:19am CST
When the typhoon "Ondoy" hit the philippines we are far from exempted. It was late that Saturday morning when we realize the typhoon is not an ordinary one. We are enjoying a lazy Saturday morn and not in a rush to have a breakfast when I went out of our bedroom to have a CR break. Going out I was amazed to see the dining area with water, it sure looks manageable to us so we set out to do what we can. But my husband was restless, He went out to see what is happening outside. When he came in, he said what I was doing is hopeless. It sure made me mad, how can it be? What I am doing will sure help and did not listen to him. He went out to visit some relative nearby. I was alone doing my thing when It occur to me that the brown water outside is really coming in. I was paralysed. My husband came running and telling me to pack the things that I think is important because we need to leave our house right away. He was instructing me to grab this and that but I can't seem to make it out. Finally, alone again... the thought struck me. At the end, you only got to keep with you what really matters most. You can't bring those expensive equipments and personal belongings you have been keeping for such a long time. No, in the end... it doesn't really matter.
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5 responses
• Philippines
9 Oct 09
In times of calamity or emergency what matters most is to save our life and help others to be save. We can replace all the material things that we have, we can have them again but we just have one life. So in times of danger forget about those things and save our life first.
• Philippines
9 Oct 09
I sure realized that in a more real sense than I anticipated that very day.
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
12 Oct 09
Yup same thing happened to us. We woke up rather late that Saturday Morning since the weather was very alluring to put you to sleep rather comfortably. There was no news how bad the weather is and we all know that it was some kind of signal #1 only so we have not taken it seriously. We were even able to eat late and there was no flood yet on our first floor. So we decided to play on our laptops while the rain has not yet stopped before we go to our usual weekend routine of buying grocery items. By about 10 we noticed that the rain even got stronger and we decided to postpone out trip to the grocery. My wife looked outside to realized that the roads were startting to be flooded. We ignored it and continued to play our time and we realized how bad it was when the power got cut and we went down our bed to realize that the rainwater was coming in from our second floor. I decided to go out and unclog the drainagefrom our terrace. When I looked at the road I realized that the water was half body deep and never realized that our first floor was already starting to flood. We went down and the water was just knee deep and when I looked outside that water was even higher. From that point we decided to pack things up and leave the house. WE went onto higher grounds and were fortunate that just one block after our house they were never affected and went to live overnight with my Wife's co-worker living near our house. The flood quickly subsided and the water that came in our house was only waist high. Thank God, all of our appliance still ran several days after the flood I was deeply thankful for that as the damage was rather minimal only.
@joezon50 (378)
• Hong Kong
9 Oct 09
beaushell,yes in times like this we can'nt save anything at all exempt our own lives to protect if we can.Nothing we can do and if ever we still have some extra strength we need to help others than to save these materials things our life and lives of one another is the most important in this world.have a nice day.
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
11 Oct 09
The human lives are the most important to preserve in times of natural disaster. We can replace almost any material things, but life is priceless. Prayers in times of these natural disasters is the best weapon and source of strength. Many people under-estimated its power.
@lyanne (60)
• Philippines
11 Oct 09
In times of calamity, i think what matters most is to save our family.. Lives of our love ones matters most than things we cant bring to our grave.. Things can be irreplaceble but our love ones cannot be replaced.