Scar stories?

@katsalot1 (1618)
October 9, 2009 9:56am CST
Have you noticed people get really excited about sharing the stories about how they got their scars? Particularly males! They can talk for ages about exactly what caused the scar, where they were, what they were doing - and enthusiastically show them off! I've seen men ripping off their shoes and socks to show where they trod on a piece of glass or roll their trousers up to show the scar that they got from a rusty nail. It is almost as though they are badges of achievement! Has anyone else noticed this - or have a scar story to share?
7 responses
9 Oct 09
My hubby has a HUGE scar accross his stomach from having his kidney out some years ago. He's quite embarrassed about it, so when people ask him he makes up tall tales for his own amusement and to see how much they believe. He has told people its from sharks, a car crash, a knife weilding maniac all sorts. Most people know he is lying but occasionally people will ask what type of shark or whatever! makes us giggle!
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@katsalot1 (1618)
9 Oct 09
I don't think that scars from operations are talked about so much, they do seem to be kept a lot quieter than scars from childhood accidents for instance.
@katsalot1 (1618)
9 Oct 09
Yes, I suppose they are evidence of things we have overcome!
9 Oct 09
I think it is our instinct for survival that makes us talk about our scars as they are proof we have survived, whatever happened! My hands are covered in scars, but they are just a sign that I am a clumsy chef (not good when you work in a professional kitchen!) but if you had an accident as a child it shows you survived!
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@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
10 Oct 09
Yep i have two scar stories to tell, but both were made the sameway and in an almost similar place, so its actually only one. I have two scars in my forhead, and believe it or not it resembles to the harry potter lighting scar(lol). Well how they happen is a pretty lame story. When i was a kid I was playing inside my house(mini soccer i guess), and while playing with my brother i tried to catch the ball since i was the goalkeeper and smash my head against the edge of my parents bed and well one scar down. The second time was kind of the same playing soccer inside my house i tried to catch the ball and bang! again in the forehead. Though this time i smash my head againts a table in the living room.
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@katsalot1 (1618)
10 Oct 09
I think that i you have a Harry Potter-type scar, it might be worth making up a more exciting story to glamorize it a bit! Only joking!
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
10 Oct 09
haha you are right, maybe one day i will make up something. Though if it works for something, i save it from scoring. So it was worth it. No actually it wasnt really worthy, but its fun to tell people that i have a harry potter scar and show it to them.
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
9 Oct 09
I have a cool skateboard scar on my hand from when I was a kid. With us guys it is built into us to show off our scars, just like that scene in the movie Jaws.
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
10 Oct 09
Always as it is a talking point. I wear my scars like a badge
@katsalot1 (1618)
10 Oct 09
And I suppose that you are very happy to show it off and go into the details about it!
@vikkiz (518)
9 Oct 09
Im obviously a woman and ive never been asked a question about my scars before so i will explain in full glory lol!! I was a bit of a tomboy up to the age of about 16 so i have the man like scars to proove for my tom boyish ways!!! My most horrendous one was when i tryed to climb down a cliff without any climbing gear, i fell from the top and was knocked out for a few seconds, when i came round i was laughing but then i tryed to get up and i couldnt move my left leg??? Turned out id landed on a spiked rock and it had gone straigh through my knee!! They had to cut the rock with it still in my leg and airlift me to hospital to have it taken out properly!!! I still have a huge scar to this day and its very ugly!!! I also chopped my finger finger off, and have a lovely scar to show for that aswell lol, oohh the regret now of being a tomboy when i was younger lol!
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@katsalot1 (1618)
10 Oct 09
Wow! Now that is a scar story worthy of telling! You were sooo lucky that you didn't get spiked somewhere else, although I'm sure you didn't feel lucky at the time.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Sometimes scars are like badges that we wear. The only scar I have is on my knee. I was kneeling down to pick up the pieces of a broken glass and some fragments cut me across the knee. Seven stitches is not that exciting. If a man were telling this story, I am sure it would be a lot taller of a tale. Men and scar stories are like the fish story that gets bigger every time you tell it. There must be some kind of pride that goes with sharing your scars. Men seem to procure more enjoyment from this than most women do.
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@katsalot1 (1618)
9 Oct 09
You are so right! If a man was telling the story it would probably embellished considerably. I've probably upset all the men who read this now!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Who knows? It could end up being another scar story to tell.
• United States
9 Oct 09
I do like scar stories because they are really exciting to hear about what happens to people. I have a few of my own scar stories to tell. One day in second grade (a loooooooong time ago) i was playing a varient of handball with all my buddies. When a ball with the point in which the wall met the concrete it went flying up in the air and I went to catch it. I was right under it when a kid pushed me sideways into a broken jagged piece of fence. My knee was really torn up and now i have a bright white line going across it. also another story I have is when i was mountain biking with my father and some friends we went down a section of particulary steep rocks and i fell, sending the kickstand into my leg. It is now a bright dot on my leg. Scar stories are fun to listen to but not so fun to hear about the blood and stuff. That kind of makes me squemish.
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@katsalot1 (1618)
10 Oct 09
I bet you remember those incidents really well! Maybe that is another purpose of scars - to remind us of what happened so that we avoid doing it again.
@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Oct 09
Ha ha! I am female . . . and I have a zillion scars (barely noticeable now), and I hardly remember where most of them came from! Scars, I guess, can sort of be like tattoos - though unintentional I'm sure. It can be fun to show them off - hee hee - especially if there's a good story to it! I have one particular scar on the side of my knee. I went ice skating and my friend passed by skating to say hi. Well, he fell and accidentally kicked me on the side of my knee with his toe pick. I got a hole in my leggings, so I checked it out and sure enough it was bleeding. My poor friend was freaking out. I went to the hospital just in case - and I didn't require stitches. However, once it healed, it stayed puffed up and you could see the toe pick markings. It's a faded pink now (instead of red/purple which is was for a long time), but you can still see it clearly. Whenever I see my friend, I purposely wear shorts or a skirt to remind him what he did to me - ha ha - and he does feel bad. We're always joking that it will always remind us of our friendship!
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@katsalot1 (1618)
9 Oct 09
Scars are definitley reminders of things that have happened. And yes, they are sort of like tatoos except you don't normally get them voluntarily!