How to handle a bully?

@submerryn (1304)
October 12, 2009 6:52am CST
I read in a blog recently about a mother’s predicament on the subject of her son being bullied in school. She wrote that even though her son is big in size, his classmates often bully him. She got so frustrated that she taught him this – “If anyone ever pushes you, push him/her back!” What do you think? Do you think what she has taught him is correct? Do you think the saying, “if you can’t beat them, join them” is correctly used in this situation? Do you think responding WITH a wrongdoing TO a wrongdoing will make it right? I am not sure as my son is only two and has yet to face this issue. But if he ever faces this in the future, I’m sure I’ll be at lost as to what to do…
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@JamesKYTan (1605)
• Malaysia
13 Oct 09
When my son was in kindergarten, there were a few pupils who picked on my son as he was quiet and timid. I reported to the teacher, and one of them was the daughter of the teacher of another class.In primary school there was a boy whose parents donated a huge sum of money to the school, left pencil shavings into my son's bag. I complained to the teacher no action taken. I the complained to his mother who said her son is an angel. I spoke to his father who questioned his son and admitted the act. He promised he won't do again. Another instance one boy picked on my son constantly, I complained to the disciplinary teacher and if no action was taken on the boy I shall bring to the attention of Star Paper. No further such incidences.