There But For The Grace of God...

United States
October 12, 2009 7:21am CST
Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes people lose their jobs or their homes, catch a disease that has a social stigma attached to it, get addicted to a substance or some other such thing happens to them which leaves them in a situation that opens them up to be scorned or pitied by others. It's easy to feel self righteous and judgmental because YOU have not had to walk in those shoes and think you never will, but the fact of the matter is that it COULD happen to you and it does happen to decent people around the world every single day, often through no fault of their own. Why kick someone when they are down? And for everyone who may have a smug feeling of satisfaction that they have not fallen into the trap of judging people who are in hard times, uh, yeah, you're actually doing that right now when you judge the idiot who is so bitter and self righteous themselves. We all do it, no matter how good or kind we may truly be. Some people are bitter and horrible, it's true, but when we judge them it really makes us not much better than they are. Next time you are ready to heap scorn a person due to their situation or their lack of sensitivity to somebody else's situation, stop and ask yourself: What would Jesus, Buddha, or Gandhi do?
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4 responses
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Oct 09
What would Jesus, Buddha, or Gandhi do? I don't know but they'd no doubt do better than me....
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• United States
12 Oct 09
LOL, better than me too, I'm sure! I bet THEY are worthy of whirled peas!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Oct 09
Whirled peas for everybody if it will make them better people!!!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 09
hi I am all for whirled peas, and too it would get rid of all those pesky peas we keep getting served here.he he.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 09
thanks AngryKitty you have made me use my little grey cells as Hercule Poirot would have said,as I was furious with this one responder who came down on me so hard. then you made me think,I did not know her at all, why am I judging her, she probably hurts and is bitter for many reasons. why be angry at someone who is already angry? So she misjudged me,well I can live with that, you are right when we judge somone who is bitter and self righteous we are ourselves being judgmental. Jesus would not have reacted as I did, and if I had kept my cool I would not have sent my blood sugar shooting up so high. It is still right this saying: judge not lest ye be judged.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Oct 09
Hatley maybe it's true that one shouldn't judge a person, since we don't know the whole story behind their lives, but that person WAS judging you and was very harsh. Since she had gone through so many negative things in her life, if anything, she should have been all the MORE compassionate and understanding, don't you think? And she completely missed the point of that discussion of yours
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• United States
13 Oct 09
Hatley, those attacks on you were completely unjustified and unwarranted. You did NOTHING wrong before OR after that person attacked you. The person who was so cruel to you is obviously very bitter and possibly emotionally disturbed but that doesn't mean they should be allowed to say such hurtful and nasty things to you. I'll happily defend you again over that issue in a heartbeat. It wasn't just what happened yesterday and today here that "inspired" this discussion, it was some other things I noticed about people, and myself as well that moved me to write this.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Oct 09
One of the great things I love a lot about MyLot is that we often reveal specific points in our lives or about ourselves, perhaps sharing things that have been very negative, and the great thing is, is that so many of us have perhaps gone through the same experiences and often the responders might give a bit of a pep talk, encourage us, or just give an ear. Being that said and done, if a person HAS gone through more or less the same experiences, shouldn't they then be more sympathetic rather than condemning, unsympathetic or telling a person off that they are seeking a pity party? If they have been in the same situation somewhere along the line, then they should be more understanding and compassionate, rather than judgmental or harshly criticizing to the point of making the other person feel horrible--that is yeah, maybe I'm being judgmental myself, but I do draw the line when one of my friends gets hurt but the criticism of someone else to a point where it greatly affects the friend emotionally.
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• United States
13 Oct 09
I agree with you, the person who has suffered similarly SHOULD be compassionate, especially considering the fact that they know first hand how it feels. I don;t know if you saw before it was deleted, but I said pretty much the same thing to a certain person who was cruel to a dear friend of ours. I forget what the point I was even trying to make with this discussion, except maybe that I noticed some of my own hypocrisy somewhere. LOL
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@olydove (1209)
• United States
12 Oct 09
Oh I wish more people thought this way. So many of us suffer and go through serious trials in life only to be emotionally scorned or hurt by those that think they are better than us. They think because they are financially better off and emotionally better off for the time being that it's ok to belittle someone that down and it truly sucks. However you know what is even worse than that? Someone whom has previously been down on the lower end of the totem pole, then ends up being in a situation where they are not better off suddenly becomes that mean individual that they used to get kicked by. I personally know someone like that.. and I am the one always getting kicked by this other person
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• United States
13 Oct 09
Those kinds of people really do suck, thy are like those ex-smokers who suddenly think they're better than those still smoking. LOL If they insist on kicking you, maybe it's time to start kicking back. I'm sorry that you have to deal with such morons. I hope things will improve for you soon.
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@olydove (1209)
• United States
13 Oct 09
Oh the ex smokers thing is indeed a perfect example. Another one is someone who used to be obese then they lose a bunch of weight and throw it in your face or constantly make snide remarks about you being heavy... too bad they don't realize they can gain it back much faster than they lost it. Thanks, I'm sorry too and unfortunately I don't see this person changing anytime soon. I don't usually kick back but every once in awhile I let loose a little. It's hard for many reasons but mainly because we live under the same roof and I have to show a level of respect but there are days where I just want to forget that she is my mother and tell it like it is. I can't though because well she is after all my mother. I wish I could be like other people and just move out and leave her to fend for herself without feeling guilt ridden. Never mind the effect this whole situation has on my marriage and my boys. It's weird because sometimes it's like she knows when I'm ready to just pick up and move even if I have to sleep in my van and all of the sudden things get better for a week or two.. then it starts all over again. I feel so trapped between my responsibilities as a daughter, morally, and between the fact that sometimes we should be a bit selfish and choose to live a better life.
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