Why Are American's So Quick To Call The Cops?

United States
October 13, 2009 1:24am CST
I have noticed that American's are very quick to call the cops over every little thing. Today my fiance was having a conversation with a guy about how he need to mind his own business, and the manager of the gym automatically though a fight was going to break out (because my fiance's black), and called the cops. This was after we had moved on to somewhere else in the gym. Where are the real "men" nowdays? Why can't people have a conversation without some nosey, paranoid dumb-a$$ calling the cops over it? What a bunch of scared little girls.
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• United States
13 Oct 09
I really don't know how this happened but its true and it pisses me off. Okay these people that live down the street think they can do what they want and drive their dirtbikes 50 mph down my street and double park. My friends were messing around with golf carts and guess what they end up calling the cops. I think its that they have the ability to stop anybody from doing something and they like the power. It's really stupid.