I said the "F" word in church !!!!!!...
By jellymonty
@jellymonty (2352)
October 13, 2009 4:11pm CST
OMG.. this has to be one of my most embarassing moments and I don't think I'll ever forget it even if I wanted to...
Anyway on Sunday I decided to go to church after a long absence of attending church. Everything was going normally. During the sermon, I had sat next to this really annoying woman who kept coughing and sneezing without closing her mouth
Sometime later she turned towards me and really coughed till crap came out of her mouth and some of it spilled on me. Naturally I blew off and said loudly "why the f**** can't you close your mouth while you cough?"
The whole churched just starred at me and even the pastor stopped talking and looked at me in bewilderment.. I swear I almost peed in my pants from embarrassment.
I calmly apologized and the pastor said jokingly.. "well that goes to show you sinners pop up everywhere..."
Anyway long story short, after the service I did not roam around and say hello to everyone like I normally do.. I whizzed out there faster than the speed of light and drove like a maniac back home.. So now am officially a complete sinner
So I won't be going back to that church again.. well at least for another five years when people eventually forget that horrible incident.
Have you ever been so abrupt like that? I mean have you ever said something so bad that people will always remember you for it?

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25 responses
@jellymonty (2352)
13 Oct 09
I am so glad nobody is chewing me up about this in here.. Thanks guys

@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
13 Oct 09
I think that was hylarious, and I'm catholic as well, but before that I'm human and have feelings and emotions too.
I bet that person learned the hard way to be polite enough next time before she sneezes or coughs thanks to you.
Personally, I do not think that cuzing is that bad of a thing, people have to relieve themselves from stress in some way and if it happened at a bad time in the wrong place (nothing wrong with a church but you get my point) then that's what will occur.
You enjoy your life, you'll be welcomed back in any community for being an honest person.
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@jellymonty (2352)
13 Oct 09
oh I can imagine swearing in a catholic church.. I'd probably be hanged for blasphemy

@sacmom (14192)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I don't know jelly, you better make it 10!
But you know what, I'd probably do the same thing if that had happened to me. It was very rude of that woman to not cover her mouth and even more rude for some of it to get on you like that. Not only is that not right, but she's spreading her germs all over you (and anyone else within contact). Now that's just nasty!
Hell, I'm always abrupt like that...if I'm not quiet, that is. Good thing I don't go to church or I'd likely be sinning all over the place!
Happy mylotting!

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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
15 Oct 09
That is just awful that that woman was coughing, etc. right next to you and not being decent enough to cover her mouth. What in the world is wrong with people that they do such things?
I would think that most anyone would react the same way you did if someone hawked a piece of phlegm on them. I would not worry about it if I were you. Maybe you should not have used a curse word, but you know what? You're a human being and we all screw up sometimes.
Hang in there...
Have a great day and happy myLotting!!!

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
16 Oct 09

@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
15 Oct 09
[b]Hello my friend
This is sad but funny, that woman was disgusting, I would continue to go to the church, if the church itself makes you feel good, don't let that situation stop you, she better be glad that was all she got, I hate when people do this, its like what the heck is your hands glued to your body, pick them up and cover your freakin mouth, then she had the nerve to turn in your direction, oh no my friend, god understands you are forgiven, maybe this woman needed that, obviously nobody told her this before since she thought it was o.k to spread her germs throughout the church, maybe she do things like this all the time, you should have stayed maybe a few people would have thanked you
Thanks for sharing, smoochess[/b]

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@coldmoon (1088)
• France
14 Oct 09
It's hard to keep control when you have to sit next to such woman, so you can burst out. But it's just a miistake, not a sin. If you truely regret, God will forgive you. Don't mind what the others think, they're also imperfect and they commit errors everyday. However, you should adjust a little your vocabulary. If the slang words are not widely used in your daily life, it won't be shout out when you meet the next uneasy situation.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Oct 09
hi jellymonty I think probably just about everyone has goofed up once in church. I don't use the f word but I am afraid I do say damn when I get totally upset, this was quite awhile back as my son was six and his sister five. They were just sitting there sweet as could be and I was feeling oh so proud of my two well behaved little ones til Lisa rose took off her shoes, giggled and handed them to her brother.okay I made a grab for the shoes and my
son decided to use them for some sort of flying airplanes I guess. anyway he threw them up in the air and they landed in a lady whom I had always dubbed secretly old Mrs.PicklePuss. well I managed to slip past the one person on the aisle and pass empty seats to retrieve the shoes from the scowling Mrs. Picklepuss.She snarled at me loudly, should bring up your brats better'n that. I said, dammit they are not brats. and grabbed the shoes, and my two kids, with my husband sheepishly tagging behind and strode out of that church. We had been going to that church for several months and really liked the pastor. He met me at the door,pulled me aside, and whispered,"Mrs. Hatley your kids are just fine,you are right,they are not brats,Mrs.Hinkle is not a very kind woman" well I was astonished and still had to get out of there as one does not swear in church. shame on me. But we did finally go back to that church but never ever sat close to Mrs. Picklepuss again. I was always remembered as the mom whose little girl didn't like to wear her pretty shoes.
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@laceycyoung (330)
• United States
14 Oct 09
Nothing though is as rude as my daughter. She was in church last week and she got so tired of listening to the minister. She stood up on the chair and yelled at him "shut up you big fat pain in the A$$." Everyone in the whole place heard her. Truthfully I don't think we will be going back to church for some time.
All because my 6 year old wanted to say something to her grandma. And Rhoda kept telling her to be quiet until when the Minister was done talking. Oh well at least he finally shut up for a moment.
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@sasalove (1709)
• China
14 Oct 09
I am a little sick for that woman after I heard your incidents, or maybe we are the sinner in the face of God the same. It is normal to get impulse under such situation. If I were you, assumed I will do it like you.
The woman next to you should apology too as she should not have joined the church if she cough so badly. After all, the church is crowed that her cough may pass to others. At least she should wear the mask if she really like to join the sermon.
I can imagine that how embarrassing you are in such circumstance, but never mind, God will never punish the person who did not intend to do it. I have also ever been so abrupt like you. I say the "F" words to the secu while they would like to examine my own stuff instead of the company's. It is crazy that time that I even would not like to mention it.
Happy Mylotting.
@6_Torch_Burn (108)
• United States
15 Oct 09
You have GOT to be kidding me! Not join a church because she coughs?
@6_Torch_Burn (108)
• United States
15 Oct 09
I read this post before I went to work and I did a 10 hour shift, and honestly I've thought about it the entire time I was at work.
If you are wanting me to tickle your ears, well Im not going to. Im not going to blame the cougher either, like every one else here seems to do, even though she was being ill mannered. Really hasnt everyone had a coughing fit before? I know I have. Of course I would cover my mouth and turn my head. If it persisted then I would excuse myself.
But you cannot answer for someone elses rudeness. You cannot change them. You cannot control them. All that you can do (hopefully at least) is control yourself. Apparently you couldnt do that either.
If the woman was coughing so badly BEFORE she coughed on you, couldnt you have offered her a napkin, tissue, or handkerchief? Every woman I know has something like that in their purse. Even if she had one, by offering her one you would have gently reminded her that she needed to use one.
Like I said, you cannot control anyone else, just yourself.
So you dropped an F bomb in church. Is it a sin? Im NOT going to get into that. But it was every bit as rude and disrespectful as the coughing Lady. More so in fact simply because, one cannot necessarily control a cough.
Let me tell you the real problem though. PRIDE.
It is PRIDE that keeps you from going back to the church.
Wouldnt it be a greater display of character for you to go back, apologize to the pastor for disrespecting the church service, apoligize to the Lady for cussing her, and apologize to the congregation for disrupting the service?
I promise you that if you do those things, you would show that you have a greater constitution than even the pastor does.
Somehow I doubt that you will, heck Im not sure that you'll even respond to this post. Honestly, I dont think that you'll even read it.
@jellymonty (2352)
15 Oct 09
You know you're right there.. didn't think of it in that sense.. I'm not saying I was right in what I did... I know I was wrong too and I felt bad for saying it and I did apologize to the lady and the pastor.. but its not easy going back to a church where you being called "blasphemous lady"
@pulkitgenius (127)
• India
14 Oct 09
Don't be so sad. If someone has done this to me, I had also said this. The only wrong thing which happened in your story is that you said this in church which is really not good plus you said it aloud in front of everybody. You could have just sit somewhere else after you saw that woman or you could have calmly said woman to keep her hand on her mouth. Because the church is a holly place and saying these kinds of word is not good in it, but don't worry. People will forget it soon or you can tell them what happened in the church so that they can understand you...
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@UCantSeeMe (116)
• United States
14 Oct 09
no worries i probably would have done the same thing. Dont be afaid to go back just be happy that noone that has a cough will want to sit near your. You just gotta look at the positive aspects. as long as you go in acting like nothing happened most people will do the same. You might get some stares and what not just smile at them like a big smile they will stop. lol trust me im sure there have been times where everyone in that place has slipped once probably not in church but deffinatly in public.
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@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
13 Oct 09
that was really embarrassing.. well it was just an initial or should we say normal reaction but maybe when you go to church again, think about yourself only and the things you should be thankful for. never mind other people.. we are all sinners by the way, nobody is perfect.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
18 Oct 09
Wow!! This would be embarrasing for sure. Especially if the Pastor heard it while he was preaching, but seriously especially with it approaching the Cold and Flu season and even cases of Swine Flu going around, this is not a thing a person should be doing for sure. The right thing would have been for her to cover her mouth when she coughed and used a kleenex or something for sure. I am Sorry that this experience had to happen to you, and maybe you should find a different church in the mean time until things calm back down there?
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
17 Oct 09
And so the woman coughing was not sinning? Putting your health in jeopardy? Shame on you for reacting, but with practice you can learn to break that addiction to foul four letter words, at least if you are willing to work hard at it...
I have years of practice...
How would you like being in my shoes?
I lost my Church membership, yep I was excommunicated over the profanity that another person spoke! Now how fair is that?
The root of evil begins with covering up a lie...
The Church is purely evil and has covered up many lies...
Give up the Church,
Live your life in Peace filled with Eternal Blessings,
I truly wish you eternal joy,
@suchi60 (912)
• India
14 Oct 09
I can imagine the embarrassment when you said that, but lets face it, we all have some likes and dislikes and when someone comes in between, there is sure to be some friction. I too had a bad day.It was while driving home with my kids, sister-in-law and her kids. I was driving around 45 miles an hour when this jackass turned his bike right in front of me. I could have killed that idiot and in the heat of the moment I called out b......
You can imagine my embarrassment when my sister-in-law spoke to me.
Don't worry, these things happen and will continue to happen. Its no fault of yours, if you used the f...word. She perhaps deserved it.
@VVroom (255)
• Romania
19 Oct 09
Lol... your text is absolutely delicious. Congrats! But... why do you think people will Always remember you because you said the f word in the church? Always? How can you know this? Well... I can almost guarantee that the very next day only a few of the witnesses still talked about this. Fewer after 2 days and probably nobody after 1 week. One week, if we are assuming that you absolutely outraged everybody. But maybe it was only your impression, wasn't it? Humans memory is not as strong as we think. I once had a media research project where a panel of people was asked about a news story, happened only 5 months before. It was about a priest who raped a 9 yo boy inside the church ( I guess, this is really outrageous, isn't it?) Do you know how many persons remembered the story? You'll be surprised... ZERO persons!!! Human memory is not as strong as we think. Actually it is but we don't know how to unleash our resources. And this brings me to another of your discussion themes where your point of view was NOT to care about what other people are saying. So how is it finally, do you care about it or not? Anyway, don't worry about that story. I' d say... do it one more time, but I am not sure about your reaction. I'd say this because you have no idea such a great gift you gave to all the other people in the church: a couple of seconds where the only thing that existed for them was NOW. No past, no future, no mind chattering, 100% focus on you, the sinner and the Timeless Now. When you outraged that community you stopped them, even for a few seconds, from getting older. So I just pointed out how f**k can be bad and good in the same time. Like everything else in this world. Without any intention of being rude and only for the beauty of construction I will end saying that f**k is not good or bad. F**k only is...:) Peace!