Have you ever had stitches?

United States
October 13, 2009 4:47pm CST
I had stitches when I had my c-section with my son 3 years ago but they were the kind that dissolved and I didn't have to have them taken out. Just last week I had to have some moles removed and one was a bigger one that was on my back. They had to cut it out and put stitches in my back. They itch like crazy too. I guess it's from it healing. I go this Friday to have them taken out and that will be a week since I had it done. They took one off my arm but they just shaved it off so I didn't have to get any stitches in it. It doesn't bother me at all. But the one in my back is itchy and I can feel the pull from the stitches. So I'll be glad when Friday gets here and I go get them taken out. So have you ever had stitches and why did you have to have them?
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20 responses
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
13 Oct 09
I had stitches from my c-section too... then when i was younger, i got into an minor motorcycle accident where i had 6 stitches on my ankles..
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• United States
14 Oct 09
I bet that hurt on the ankle.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 Oct 09
6 stitches?? Ouch...that must have hurt a lot. What did you hit on?
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
My slip-ons got caught with the wheel and sucked everything in.. i was pinned ont he bed for about 2 weeks..twas so frustrating not being able to walk for a while.
@athomice (396)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
Hi there! I had many stitches in my body, in the back of my neck, my 2 tendon of achilles (ankle), in my left foot, in the back of my left knee, and in the left side of my hip. Most of my stitches are 8-10 inches long (I think?!) But the dangerous part of my stiches is in the back of my neck due to my benign tumor. And after 5 years of the first operation they had to reopen it because of the recurrent of my tumor. I had a club foot on my left so they reconstruct some nerves and muscle there, I had a hamstring release on my left leg (back of my knee), then they realease some nerves and muscles on my left hip, and both of my tendon of achilles are release (my left & right ankle). My doctor release some of muscles and nerves because they are to tight or contracted secondary effect due to my tumor. That's all I can say because it's hard to explain some words If you want yo can research this "Intramedullary Tumor Astrocytoma" Gr.1 C2 to T3. It's my tumor findings. God Bless!
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• United States
14 Oct 09
Ouch, you've had a lot of stitches. I hope the tumor is all gone and better now.
@athomice (396)
• Philippines
16 Oct 09
Yeah it hurts! As far as I remember I am schedule for another one because of the tumor but I choose not to. My parents is in big debt because of it and I'm getting older for my parents to suffer money matters. They have to enjoy their lives even though were not rich. :)
• Philippines
13 Oct 09
Yes, I got stitches on my tummy coz I had 3 caesarian operations before. I never experienced giving birth the normal way. I also had a stitched gum when a dentist pulled my tooth when I was young.The dentist couldn't pull it so he had to move it to loosen it a little. When he finally pulled it, it left a big open hole so he had to stitch it.
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• United States
14 Oct 09
I also had a c-section and had the dissolvable kind. That was no fun but at least I didn't have to go back and have them taken out and I'm glad he used that instead of staples. I know a lot of people that had staples when they had c-sections.
• United States
13 Oct 09
I have only had stiches ones I my 18 years of life so far at least. Whene I was born I had a birthmark an they told my parents it would get smaller and the it would be fine. Needless to say it necer got smaller it got bigger. I was 4 months old and it broke oped and bled all over the place and my parents tok me to th ER and they had to remove it. And I got stithes so now I have this huge scar right under my right shoulder blade. I dont remember if it itched or not sence I was so young. Happy Mylotting
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• United States
14 Oct 09
Oh goodness...well at least you were little and not really remember having it done. I hate it left a big scar though.
• United States
14 Oct 09
Yes I have had stitches before. In fact when I had my gal bladder removed I had the dissolving ones. then when I had my tumor removed from my back I had regular stitches. They itched big time. But what made it worse was the adhesive from the bandage they had put on it, that I was allergic to. Then when I had my tubes tied I didn't have stitches they used that glue stuff.
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• United States
14 Oct 09
Oh yes, I know what you mean about being allergic to it. I was allergic to the bandage they put on mine and that was not fun when I found that out.
@forptc (287)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
My, that's got to hurt. Heh heh, that's pretty much the problem with wounds healing, they really itch but you know you can't scratch and that makes it feel a lot worse than the itch itself. Well, what can I say? I'm a guy so my very first set of stitches were when I got circumcised. I'm sure you get the idea. I just don't know how many stitches they made but it was also one of those that dissolve after some time. The other set was when I was rushing to cook breakfast by attempting to slice frozen white meat into thin strips so it would cook fast but it ended up tipping and me slicing a hefty amount of skin and muscle on my middle finger. I was on my way to work then. It was good that medical services were free in the workplace so I had my cut sutured, I got three stitches with that one. Up until now, the cut flap part is still numb. I guess the nerve endings got severed badly and never recovered.
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• United States
14 Oct 09
My husband cut his finger open at work a few years back. He still doesn't have feeling in one part of his finger and he said it sometimes itches him still and his skin is kinda dry around the part where the stitches were.
@forptc (287)
• Philippines
15 Oct 09
Hmm, looks like he also had quite a bad day then. Now that's a bit worse considering it's a work-related injury but it's also good in a way that the employer could offer free medical services and, sometimes, incentives for work-related injuries. Looks like the underneath of his skin has been severely damaged that it dries up even though it has been years since. It never really recovers. The doctor who sew me up back then told me that there's a tendency for the cut flap of skin to deaden, and it did. She stitched my finger up well that there's just a thin scar following the cut that remained. They didn't have the dissolving thread then so I had to wait for six days before I could have the stitches cut up. No signs of the punctures left either.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 Oct 09
Come Friday, I hope you will recover and hope the itchiness go away. I have never had any stitches before and I hope I won't ever..
• United States
14 Oct 09
Thank you!
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I had the stitches that dissolve when I had my c-section over 30 years ago. Guess they stick to what works. When I had my hysterectomy they used the staples. I'd rather have the itch instead of the paranoid feeling I got when they pulled out the staples and stuck tape in its place. I was just sure I was going to split and my guts were going to spill out. Of course they didn't but it sure didn't stop me from thinking they would.
• United States
14 Oct 09
When I had my c-section I asked them if they were going to use staples cause I was terrified of that. lol He told me not that he was going to use the dissolveable stitches so that made me feel a little better about it. And for the glue...that's all they had to use? I would have been scarred it would pop back open. lol
@sahm35 (890)
• United States
14 Oct 09
In 2002 I had dissolvable stiches when I had my c-section. In 2007 when I had my c-section they actually glued my incision together.. Glue! Can you believe it?
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
14 Oct 09
I had on my cheek from a cyst and inside my gums from the removal of my wisdom teeth. They never itched and I think most of them dissolved somehow, they have stitches that dissolve, and never again. They didn't pull either. I hardly knew they were there. I believe your back skin stretches when you move so that's why yours pull.
• United States
14 Oct 09
Yeah, the back does stretch so I guess that's why I feel it more.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
14 Oct 09
Other than a c-section and oral surgery, I needed stitches in my ankle after I stepped through a glass box and cut myself badly. I was sneaking into the Christmas presents to see what they were. My mom was so mad that instead of taking me in for stitches, she just bandaged it.
• United States
14 Oct 09
Uh-Oh. I bet you didn't sneak anymore after that huh. lol
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
14 Oct 09
Ankle stitch again...oh my. How long you took to recover?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
14 Oct 09
I don't remember how long it took. And yeah I did still sneak around, I was just more careful!!!
@wahmivy (776)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
I split my upper lip open when I was but a toddler and needed to have stitches for that. Never did anything to require stitching again until I gave birth and the OB-GYN performed an episiotomy. Naturally, that needed to be stitched up again. :)
• United States
14 Oct 09
Oh yes, that did need to be stitched up. lol
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
14 Oct 09
Yeah I've had fourteen stitches in my face from a dog scratching my face when I was younger. It was a pretty big dog and I was pretty small at the time so I had a pretty nasty gash.
• United States
14 Oct 09
Oh my gosh, 14?
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
14 Oct 09
Thankfully I have only had to experience getting stitches once. I was 13 and cut my knee on a broken glass. Seven stitches to a young girl was like the end of the world. It was just a minor injury but I squeezec all of the drama out of it that I could. Truthfully, have stitches removed was more painful than having them put in.
• United States
14 Oct 09
I bet that was bad for you as a young girl. I don't think mine will hurt when they come out. They don't hurt me now...they just make my back itch.
• United States
14 Oct 09
Yeah, I had that kind when I had my c-section with my son. It was nice to not have to go back and have them taken out.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I think medical technology has changed a lot since my stitches. They even have some stitching now that doesn't need removal. Where were those stitches when i needed them? Ha.Ha.
• United States
14 Oct 09
When I was about 9 or 10, my brother used to play little league baseball. One Saturday he had a game, and I was out playing with my friends while he was playing baseball, like I always did. Me and my friends were all beside the concession stand, where they were building on to the place at the time. There were extra pieces of fence, nails, and wood everywhere. Me and my friends were playing "house" and my friend Meredith was the "mom." Well we were in the middle of playing, and the next thing I know, I'm sitting indian style and the girl sticks a piece of fence into my left leg, right above my knee. Next thing you know, blood is gushing out of my leg and they run to get my parents. My parents had a freak out and pulled my brother out of the game and rushed me to the hospital, where I had to get 20 stitches. Thankfully I was young, so I don't remember much of it. :)
• United States
16 Oct 09
Oh my gosh. It must have been a big gash if you had to get 20 stitches.
• Canada
14 Oct 09
When I was about six years old, I had an opporation on both of my legs, and had stitches in each one.
• United States
14 Oct 09
I wouldn't want stitches on my both of my legs. Didn't it bother you to wear jeans or did you have to wear something more comfy and not so tight?
• United States
13 Oct 09
Oh gosh where do I start? When I was younger I was playing with a glass bottle at the kitchen sink and my mother kept telling me to stop and to get down but I didn't listen. The bottle slipped and fell to the floor and broke. I panicked and went to jump off the chair and I jumped right onto a very sharp point edge of the bottle and had to get stitches in my foot. When I was about 8, I was at our family reunion swinging on the swings and my hands slipped. I flew off the swing and landed face first on the ground. My teeth went through my bottom lip and I had to have stitches. The doctor really messed them up though. He had my lip very swollen so I had to go in and have some of them removed and that was so painful. I've also had other stitches in my mouth from getting teeth removed and the such. Those were far less painful than the mouth stitches though.
• United States
14 Oct 09
Ouch, those incidents sound very painful.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Oct 09
hi sweetgirl oh yes I had a sebaceous cyst taken off my back and had stitches. yes they sure do itch. but having them out was painless. also I fell and fractured, really smashed my shoulder so had to have an artifical shouldr joint put in. there were 38 little clips to close this wound and they had to be removed.it felt like someone tugging at my skin not painful just an odd sensation. I have a very fine hairline scar on my upper arm.
• United States
14 Oct 09
I'm glad it was painless when they took them out. I've been wondering how it was going to feel when they take them out. My husband told me it doesn't hurt at all...just kinda feels like someone tugging on your hair or something (that's how described it).
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
13 Oct 09
Yes, I had stitches when I had a couple of my teeth taken out which I had to go back and have taken out. I also had a scope done on me and had to have stitches I had two that were dissolved ones and then two that were not and had to have removed and they did itch alot.
• United States
14 Oct 09
They really do itch. I can't wait to have mine taken out. My husband had stitches in his finger a few years back because he sliced it open at work and he said his finger still itches him sometimes.
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
I have a stitch before when I was circumsized but it is very little compared to what you've had. Well I think that is a common story to guys like me who have undergone the stage of adolescence.
14 Oct 09
Luckily, I never had even one but I've seen a lot of them already since I am a nurse-to-be. I've seen doctors doing such during operations and I've removed stitches as well, for countless times already. I enjoyed doing it and I made sure that I was doing it right so as not to harm my patients. Regarding the itchiness, if you can;t help it anymore, you may scratch the area around it. I repeat, the area around it only with your KNUCKLES, not with your fingers, and worse, nails since it can cause wounds and worse, infections. And also, you may ask for creams to be put on the site that was sutured if you feel like it's no longer tolerable.
• United States
14 Oct 09
I took some benadryl a few times and that seemed to help some. I also let my husband take a q-tip and triple antibiotic ointment and rub it on there for me at night and that sensation of the q-tip rubbing across it actually helps with the itching. Sometimes I will take my shirt and just rub it up and down and that helps some too.