What's the significance of having mylot friends?

@msq516 (61)
October 13, 2009 9:37pm CST
I am a newcomer here. I have found some mylotters are friends and some have many mylot friends. I wonder what's the significance of having mylot friends. Thank you for helping me.
6 responses
• United States
14 Oct 09
To me having friends is great that way if you have a problem you can talk to your friends about it. Also, they will usually respond to your posts. I always check the friends started tab so that way I can respond to there discussions, I also am sure they do the same thing. It is good to have friends that way you can always rely on a friend responding to your posts.
@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
I am confused also, because members are just keep on requesting but never post response to my discussions. I thought friends are supposed to be there to help you with your discussions. Now I don't know what's the use of having many friends.lol!right now I stopped accepting requests.
• United States
14 Oct 09
Well, my mylot friends help me a lot. They help me edit my writing when I ask--they help me with personal problems when I have them. If I have questions about something they are really good at answering them. And in return, I help them when they need it.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
hello msq! well, having mylot friends will add the fun & joy in your stay here on mylot and they are the possible respondents to your discussions... they can help you in many ways here...just like in real life... our friends adds life & color to our life and they are there willing to help us and gives support... have a nice day and welcome to mylot! hope you will enjoy your stay here...
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
Maybe you are trying to ask if you get any cent for having friends in mylot, well, no, but they open a lot of ways for you to earn, like when they start discussions you can respond to so you would earn, they also respond to your started discussions and they give you a lot of other ideas too.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
new learning. new contacts. for referrals. or just plain new persons to exchange views with.