An honest opinion

October 14, 2009 11:35am CST
I have only one friend that will give me a truly honest opinion, sometimes it's a little too honest, but it's honest nonetheless! I do try to go shopping with her! Some people say it's rude to say the things that she says, but i would rather someone told me if I looked like a complete eejit! Do you have an honest friend whose advice you ask? Do people think they;re rude?
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15 responses
• United States
14 Oct 09
I have a best friend that is totally honest, and I married him. He is not rude when he tells me if I look good or not, just letting me know how he feels. I love that he can tell me anything and that he likes to imporive me. I can do the same for him and we really balance each other and help each other grow. I personally do not like it when people hide the feelings so as not to offend. I have thick skin and can take it :)
14 Oct 09
that's good, some people are so easily offended!
• United States
14 Oct 09
so true. It can be irritating when people get offended for minor things. I always wonder what makes a person get mad when someone tells there opinions. I wish there could be so much more tolerance in this world. We could start small by just accepting other peoples ideas as there own and walking away if we don't agree. No need for the hate and anger :)
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
15 Oct 09
When I go shopping I like to get the things on my shopping list and if I am going to buy some clothes I fine what I like try it on and if I do not like how it looks I do not buy. If I ask a friends advise about something they do give me an honest answer.
20 Oct 09
good idea.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
14 Oct 09
Yes, I do have an honest friend like that. I look at it this way, when you truely want to know something that you feel people are lying to you about. You go to that person who will be honest. Than you know who your true fruiends are. I to like to take friends that are honest like that shopping. As they tend to help make sure youdon't buy something that when you get it home lands on the closet floor the first time you try it on. I do not think those people being honest are rude. being honest is never rude..I am not sure who started that rumor. But they need to stop it. That is the problem with the world today...we would rather be friends with people who lie and hurt us. So we can use the poor whoa is me crap to explain why we are lazy and unmotivated. Than seek out people who have good virtures and morals that will be honest with us. Those that arew honest wish to help us. Those that lie...well, you get the picture.
20 Oct 09
hehe, yeah, I do.
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
14 Oct 09
When it comes to shopping, I prefer to shop alone. Not being much of a 'browser' I'm focused on whatever it is that I'm looking for and I want to get in and out of the stores as quickly as possible. Whenever I shop with others, I find myself getting annoyed while I'm waiting for them to finish looking so that we can move to the next store.
14 Oct 09
I do normally, but it's nice if you're unsure about something!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Oct 09
These people are only rude when their opinion doesn't fall close to others. Do people want the truth ?? Don't they just want the world according to themselves. If the truth hurts you, it will just create thinking and maybe some new ideas. Of course how you say things makes a big difference. Example: She is pretty as the first day of spring.or She is pretty as the day after a long cold hard winter. Both mean the same thing but which do you want to hear??????? Language can play funny tricks on us all at times. Take this into account.
20 Oct 09
Good point, I hadn't thought about it like that!
• United States
15 Oct 09
I'm a very honest person. So my friends know that if they ask my opinion I'm going to give them a straight up answer. But they don't get offended because they know that's how I am. When I ask advice, I ask for the honest to god truth. I'd rather hear it straight then sugar coated lol.
20 Oct 09
Glad I'm not the only one!
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
It's good to be honest but there is a difference between being frank and being tactless. If people are telling that your friend is being rude, maybe she is tactless. I appreciate honestly but it should be told in a manner that won't hurt the person. Although, there are truths that hurt but at least you tell them that would somehow lessen the hurt. My bestfriends are really honest to me. And I commend them for telling me the truth. Truth hurts yet my bestfriends assure me that everything will just be fine. :)
@lrglara (1334)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
most of my friends are honest. i truly treasure my friends. if there is something they don't like about me, they tell it. you can actually be honest with someone without being rude. its in how you say it. you can feel if he/she is just criticizing you or being honest with you. :)
14 Oct 09
I know, but she is honest, people only think she's rude.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
15 Oct 09
i hate rude people like that before. but now i tend to get used to it. as long as the person likes me no matter how rude the person i can keep up with that person now. before i will surely going to stay from that kind of people. but i have realized that most of people around me are like that. as the saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them. ha ha. i mean we have to accept them for what they are . as long as they will not get in our way in our plans in life and in what makes us happy in life, even though they can be rude then it is just alright with me now.
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
22 Oct 09
Hello 3cardmonte! I have a friend who always give me her opinions especially when I ask her. I love asking her because I know once she gave it, it's really true whether it would hurt you or not.
@Weizen (144)
• China
15 Oct 09
I think everyone have honest friend. but you know everyone have differenn family backgrand ,and knowledge ,so everyone have different opinion about the same matter ,if you think your friend is honest .you should trust her ,if she is hoest ,I think she won't cheat you any more ,what she do is good to you .maybe sometime ,her word is rude ,or her behivour is rude or mistake ,but we should forgive her ,after all ,everyone can not have too much honest friends
@Sangkala (238)
• Indonesia
15 Oct 09
i don't know how honest your friend, or the way she tell you her opinion about you. did she tell you like this "your brain too small, forget it, you will not pass this class". or "your breath smell like a garbage, go brush your teeth". i think no matter how honest our friend give their opinion about us is depend by how they tell it to us.. and why, cos maybe, sometime someone that we call friend say something honest about us just to make we fell bad and some how, they take advantage from it .. yes, i have some friend like that, but he said his opinion with jokes so other will not really feel bad about what he said.
@qmeyers (42)
• United States
15 Oct 09
I love the brutal honesty of one of my girlfriends. I accept even the parts that i don't like because i know that she never says anything to me to be mean or malicious. People who don't know her that well sometimes think she is rude because she is very to the point and doesn't tolerate fluff well...
• United States
15 Oct 09
there is no such thing as "too honest". . people say it's rude because the truth hurts. . . do people say it's rude when you tell them the truth and its something good?? no because the can handle it and it feels good to hear but when its not so nice its rude. . the truth is the truth whether its good or bad you have to respect it and the person it comes from. . i dislike people being fake and hiding the truth because they're afraid of being RUDE. . those are the same people that give you false hope at times when the truth really needs to be seen. .
@amijor (234)
• Philippines
15 Oct 09
I am the honest friend. My friend and most people think of me as being mean. I tend to say what is on my mind with some efforts in adding subtlety. Most of the time my friend ends up thanking me for a big chunk of honesty I've done even though it stings her a bit at the start.