If You Can't Take The Heat...

United States
October 15, 2009 11:12am CST
Kwitcherbytchin and get out of the kitchen! Apparently some folks can't handle even the slightest bit of scrutiny or criticism: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/nobelist_turning_whiny_as_his_medal_DHhbOkdO3S7Z0CAaSYdV1L [b]'Alas, the evidence is clear--doubts about Obama's backbone are spreading. The Financial Times says the view that he talks a good game but doesn't get anything done is no longer confined to conservatives. "The danger for Mr. Obama is that you are beginning to hear echoes of these charges from people who should be the president's natural supporters," columnist Gideon Rachman writes. He cites a European politician -- part of a key Obama base -- who says the president often goes wobbly when challenged. Examples are abundant, from succeeding in Afghanistan to reducing the deficit, but there is no sign the White House gets it. Instead, the president's team is in full attack mode against an enemies list of dissenters and critics. The targets, from the Fox News Channel to the insurance industry to gay-rights bloggers, stand accused of being unfair, self-serving or unrealistic. Each attack contained a whiff of self-pity, revealing just how difficult Obama is finding the transition from candidate to superpower president.'[/b] another excerpt I find relevant: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=33975 [b]'The last time such a war raged between the White House and a media outlet, Richard Nixon was President, and his V.P, Spiro Agnew, was doing all he could to blackball the New York Times over their unflattering coverage of the Vietnam War. This time, t...he war is between a President whose skin is at least as thin as was Nixon’s, but whose motives are far more self-serving. To put it bluntly: Obama doesn’t like the fact that Fox News personalities like Glenn Beck point out dichotomies between what the President says and what he does, between what he promises and what he delivers. Obama and his administration actually equate such critical journalism with warfare.'[/b] If Obama and his administration are going to have a freaking meltdown every time someone fails to praise them or (gasp) speak the TRUTH about their weakness and ineptitude, then perhaps they should consider the fact that they are likely in the wrong line of work and should step down so someone with a thicker hide can step up to handle the business of governing America. Do you think it's a good idea to have a public conniption anytime someone dares to speak the truth or expresses a dissenting opinion?
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12 responses
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
15 Oct 09
He's a narcissistic sociopath married to a narcissistic sociopath. They have a symbiotic relationship and feed off of each other. In their deluded world of self-adoration they were able to suck in others who fell for the promise of change. They wanted this change so badly they didn't consider that change is not always a good thing.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
15 Oct 09
He behaves like a true narcissist. And if you ask, what does that mean. Most abusers and most serial killers are narcissists. It is a mental illness that is characterized by having no compassion for any other but yourself. Ever see the movie with JLow...where she kills her ex husband? HE was a narcissistic personality.
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@patms1 (521)
• United States
16 Oct 09
This is one of the reasons I love myLot. I love to read that there are people out there that think the same way i do. I read the NY Post for the real news and only watch Fox news. I am so happy to see that Americans are waking up to the scary person they have put in office. I say they because I take great pride in saying I DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM. God help us we have three years of him. Believe me this really hurts to say but we would have been better under Hillary.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Oct 09
Oh wait, you weren't talking about me...
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• United States
19 Oct 09
I'm not surprised this has happened. It's obvious Obama was not and is not experienced enough to take on such a demanding job. The job is trying for even the most gifted and tough skinned politician, but that's not Obama. I believe he's too easily influenced by the wrong people. You know that old saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword." I believe some in the media have contributed to the creation of this problem. They've treated him like a god instead of being realistic about this man and I personally believe it's because of their hatred of the right. Thank goodness for FOX news. At least with FOX you hear all sides of the issues. Obama would do better listening to people who care more about this country and its future than to people who think puffing him up is better than telling him the truth.
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@millertime (1394)
• United States
17 Oct 09
There are a couple of things that Obama does that I think are really pitiful. In almost every speech he makes, he STILL has to make some sort of statement or reference to the Bush administration and how he inherited all the problems so nothing is his fault. It seems like he is obsessed with this, almost as if he has to keep repeating it so he can convince himself that it's true. The other thing is his singling out and specifically making references to the Fox News Channel. If you'll notice, they don't refute Fox News on the issues, they just attack them generally saying, "They don't like me very much" or "They make it their business to attack us" but they don't say they're mis-reporting the facts. I'm very thankful that at least one news network is bringing us the facts on threats to our democracy and constitution like the communists and socialists that Obama has chosen to put in his administration. The best example is Van Jones. The White House didn't refute one thing that Fox News reported and that's because it was all true. They ended up letting him go once the truth that he was a self avowed, hard line communist was exposed. In my opinion, Obama is going to end up hurting himself by showing preference to some networks over the one that he and his administration don't like. Every time he attacks them, it makes even more people tune into them to see what they're talking about. More people will start learning what's not being reported by the Obama networks. But hey, what's bad for Obama is good for the country...
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
16 Oct 09
File this under what a little man Obama is. Obama needs love, wants love, and cannot stand it when someone does not love him. GROW UP Obama!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
15 Oct 09
I'm eager to see people defend him. I'll bet the same people who called Sarah Palin thin-skinned for objecting to the disgusting way people attacked her children will defend Obama for whining about the failure of Fox News to be sure all their employees worship him and refuse to scrutinize his actions.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
15 Oct 09
If Obama feels he should be immune to criticism from the media, it's the media that has fostered this idea. They gave him a free ride throughout the campaign and indeed right up until recently. Even now, it is only faint surprise at his nobel prize that even begins to approach critical evaluation of his achievements or lack of them. And the coddling continues. Although Saturday Night Live boldly broke through with a skit about Obama in which he states he hasn't come through on any of his promises, it was more of a complaint from the left, that he isn't being liberal enough and they are disappointed. Still, this comedic criticism didn't go unchallenged. CNN actually "fact-checked" the SNL skit to make sure it was accurate. Seriously, CNN fact-checks comedy skits now? http://blogs.usatoday.com/entertainment/2009/10/jon-stewart-skewers-cnn-for-factchecking-snl-skit.html Watch it, it's funny and strangely sad.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
16 Oct 09
I remember when Nixon was in office and battling the media. He was thought to be paranoid. Right now it's just FOX News and conservative radio giving Obama a hard time, but as it becomes more apparent he isn't doing his job or keeping his campaign promises, more will jump on to the bandwagon. The media might start off your friend, but they won't stay your friend. John McCain had been the darling of the media. They turned on him fast enough. If they think it's in their best interest, they'll do the same to Obama. Obama better toughen his skin before all the media starts calling him paranoid or a, "cry baby".
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@LiveLove (443)
• United States
16 Oct 09
It is never a good idea to over react to a accusation because that makes the accusation seem true. I actually don't care for Fox News because of the things I've heard and seen on that channel so I don't see a problem with the Obama administration and supporters bashing that channel but I will say that not everything on a news channel ( or Fox News in general) is complete rubbish that should be annoyed. Differing viewpoints are lovely. Yet, I don't see just completely saying that President Obama has done nothing is reasonable. There was never a president who actually upheld every single political campaign promise and I don't see why the current President should be expected to be an exception. There won't be immediate results but hopefully somethings will improve.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
20 Oct 09
It's par for the course for Barry. Had G.W. Bush said half of what Barry's whined about, he would have been laughed and ridiculed right out of the White House. Since it's Mr. Obama, it's suddenly okay, him being a radical leftist and all. The hypocrisy is sickening.