Why do so many people still follow organized religion?

@angemac23 (2003)
October 16, 2009 7:17am CST
I myself have beliefs but I do not follow an organized religion. I think religion is evil in that it starts many wars and hurts many people and has been for thousands of years. Not to mention, the church is notoriously known for not evolving to today's society and for being sexist towards women. How can people still worship when, for example the catholic church is run by the Vatican which has more money than most countries. This is infuriating for me because that money should be spread out among the people who have none since after all the church is SUPPOSED to be out loving fellow man and helping others. Not to mention the scandals this religion has gone through and the fact that the crusades happened and so many innocent people does for their beliefs. Thousands on women have been executed and put to death for believing in witchcraft and this is because of organized religion. Even if those women were witches, they have the right to follow whatever religion they want. Organized religion is appalling to me and I find it barbaric that many still follow it's practices which are so far behind on the times. We should have beliefs and follow some of the things that religion teaches us, but we do not need to do it in a church under an organized form. Churches should not even exist, they cost too much money to build. Money that can be used to feed starving children and build houses for the homeless. But yet people still continue to go to church instead of doing the right thing....Be a good person, help others, do not be greedy and stay true to yourself....in my opinion that is the best religion anyone can follow. I can go on and on with this topic like for example....why do religious people notoriously sit back and say "god will take care of it" when something bad happens....instead of taking action and fixing the wrongs of the world, they sit back and expect god to take care of it! This drives me nuts....no wonder the world is falling apart!!
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11 responses
• United States
17 Oct 09
Gods,Grace, Love and Mercy is Sufficient..And he said Hate the sin not the Sinner. I pray that he covers all of us with the blood of Jesus and fill us with the spirit. But word to the wise even the devil believes in God he dwelled with him for a time before being cast out. Open the good book (Bible) and learn for yourself.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
17 Oct 09
I read tons of good books. The teaches me nothing, I already know how to live a good life and I will waste no time reading it and will use that time to help others which is what we should all be doing instead of sitting back and waiting for god to take care of everything!
@vikkiz (518)
17 Oct 09
I have absolutly no interest in religion and cant stand any of the brain washing it does to people I hate it that much i have withdrawn my children out of all religious studys as i do not want them being brainwashed!, The reason i hate it all is because i get on with my non religious life in peace and never bother or judge other people whilst i have christians, and muslims who live around me fighting over what is right or wrong and have to tell them to get lost when they both try and get me to take their side over one another! its pathetic Myself and my family believe in looking out for our family,working hard and making sure our kids are brought up properly, This is real life! I once had a teacher tell my 4 year old if he wants everything to be good in the future he should pray to god and god will help him!!!!! How ludicrous i had to sit my child down afterward and explain that this is fantasy and the only way he would have a good future is by working hard and being realistic just like mummy and daddy!!!
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
17 Oct 09
Well said! I can't believe a teacher actually said that to your child!!! I have never seen any results to nay of my problems from praying and waiting for god....but I have seen numerous results from my hard work and dedication and just plain doing things for myself!
• United States
17 Oct 09
You should see my writings on this subject... Try to answer my question about the Carbon Footprint of the Church... (Globally) Try to imagine, I mean really think about it...
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
20 Oct 09
You don't like organized religion because you thing religion is evil. I'm a Muslim and I'm confident in my beleif. My religion is not just a label or something to be done in just the Mosque/church. My religion is my way of life, it has guidance on how to live, how to walk, how to treat guests friends neighbors, how to pray, how to stay away from evils, how to deal with people, how to spend, how to work etc.. Which give answers to the questions like: Who created universe and humans, why we are here, what we are supposed to do in earth, whats is the aim of our life, where we will go, etc. I'm willing to live in peace by submitting my wills for Almighty God's guidance. Peace.
@checkmail (2039)
• India
16 Oct 09
Hello angemac23 this is checkmail and often me too try to follow an organised religion.As an organised religion is known for its power, knowledge, deeds etc.And most of all they have the good behaviour/habbits practice within themselves, so its more easy to win our trust to follow them.Yes you can skip an organised religion but won't get the advatages that are allowed to them.Nowadays there has been improvement in the organised religion practices with the increase of new generation.
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
17 Oct 09
I think I can do just fine without religion. I go good deeds and when something goes wrong, I fix it instead of waiting for "god" to correct it. I know I am what I am and that is a good person....I don't religion or a book called the Bible to tell me otherwise.
@dadoods (41)
• Philippines
17 Oct 09
it honestly true that each of us has it's own beliefs, and some belongs to a certain religious organization maybe because it is where they feel comfortable with and find harmony..always remember that "man is unique" we are often dependable with people especially with the same belief, i also believe that there is no such church could save us except ourselves and by doing good it is already an act of having your beliefs. and some people misunderstood about the phrase "god will take care of it" there is a phrase missing and that is " but you do the rest" the world is falling apart because the world is not working hand in hand just because man is unique, we have different point of view on the issue, situations and facts. and its not the church alone played the big role but also the government.
• United States
17 Oct 09
I sooo feel your pain! It is so irritating to watch people be so spiteful in the name of a "loving God." Judgmental, usually, sometimes just downright mean. I personally believe that the masses still run this way because it is: A) easier to follow the crowd and be accepted, which Jesus obviously did not do, btw B) being raised to believe one way makes it mentally and emotionally difficult for many people to really think for themselves I also believe in God, but do not necessarily rule out other beliefs if that makes sense at all...and I have absolutely nothing to do with organized religion. It makes zero sense to me. If we are supposed to love one another, how are we to do that when so many religions segregate us as people? It completely defies common sense. "My religion is the ONLY way & everyone else is going to hell." Give me a break already. In most Christian churches I went to as a kid, it was considered wrong to question the "Word of God." Excuse me? Isn't my brain a gift? Am I not supposed to use it? Hello, McFly. It is my personal belief that that is the ultimate insult to whatever deity one chooses to believe in. People were given brains to NOT question??? I don't buy that for a minute. Great discussion, btw.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
16 Oct 09
I don't think as many people follow organized religion like they used to! That is why we have so many different churches nowadays, because some of the people didn't go along with the ways of the catholic church! I myself am catholic, but I don't follow the beliefs like they want me to! I follow only the things I believe in, that are moral and humanly reasonable! I am compassionate with my fellow human beings, and I don't believe in wars,and killing other people like the anti-christians do! And it's not so much the anti-christians , but it's the bad people that have their own greed in the way, like Hitler, Bin Laden, and others that are surfacing!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
16 Oct 09
I go to church a few times a year, because I enjoy it occasionally. I'm not a regular church goer, though. Church is a support group for those who need to bolster their faith and I have no need of a support group. I agree with you, organized religion can be very evil. Men use it to gain power over others, have influence and gain wealth. I'm not against religion, just the misuse of it which seems to happen when it is organized.
@dens61 (130)
• Philippines
17 Oct 09
I sympathize with you for feeling this way. Really organized religion in the world has not done any good for the people which it should care for in the first place. But I must say that there is a religion today who is trying hard to do what God has commanded and what God requires His worshippers to do. This religion doesn't involve their members in wars which is what showing love for your fellowmen means, whatever his race or nationality is. They believe in only what the Bible, the word of God, says and commands them to do. They don't take part in politics which is a dirty and corrupt endeavor. They don't have graven images to pray to and worship but only pray and worship dirctly to God who is in heaven. They don't have leaders that act like rulers among their followers but are all equal amongst themselves. They obey the commanded of Jesus to preach the good news of God's kingdom and that kingdom is their only hope for peace and comfort for all. That kingdom is the kingdom that we were told to pray "YOur kindom come" and they have hope for God's "will to be done on earth as it is in heaven." These people are known as JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.
• China
17 Oct 09
I donot approve your opinion althought i am not a theist. Religion is like a computer and a government.Every coin has two sides.Religion plays an important role sometimes in purifing human's soul.People who control the organization deside the way of religion.Actually many theories in some religion are quite persuasive.The key point is how do we people take it.