If God is omniscient, then why he created souls who are supposed to land in hell

October 17, 2009 3:30am CST
We hear that some people will reach hell. We also hear that God is compassionate and he doesnot want any person to land in hell. But what can poor, weak God do? Consequences are consequences. By the way, we also hear God is omniscient which means he should know the future. If that is true, then why did he create those souls who will land in heaven? Before he created, he shoud have known that these would land in hell. So he need not have created such people, especially when he is so compassionate that he does not want anybody to reach the dreadful hell.
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15 responses
@devideddi (1435)
• United States
17 Oct 09
My first thought is how do you know how good something is if there is no bad to compare it to. My serious answer is that God has offered everyone an invitation to Heaven and eternal life with him. It is a gift, all we have to do is accept it. We choose whether to go to heaven or hell, he offered it to all of us.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Oct 09
Maybe it has more to do with what we're supposed to learn than what God is supposed to know?
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@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
17 Oct 09
good people are very little left these days while the bad ones are increasing day by day due to many reasons. If one think according to your point of view then this world will become an even more worst place to live.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
17 Oct 09
Hi Frederick, Nice to see that some people still think for themselves. The same thing can be said about Judas who is said to have betrayed Christ. It is recorded in the Bible that God knew that he would betray Jesus. The whole idea portrays God in a very bad light, although I'm sure that someone has come up with an explanation for that too. The whole idea of heaven and hell and just one chance for everyone makes no sense at all. Just give it some thought, if this was true, think of the advantage that some people would have over others. Some grow up in Christian households and others almost never hear his name. Blessings.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Oct 09
How does the actions of Judas put God in a very bad light? As you said yourself, "...some people still think for themselves. The same thing can be said about Judas...." Judas wasn't a puppet with God pulling the strings. Jesus did tell his apostles that someone would betray him, and Judas had the chance to give the money back and repent, but instead chose to hang himself for the action he took against Jesus. Now take Peter, Jesus told him that he (Peter) would deny him (Jesus) three times. That is exactly what he did. Did Peter hang himself? No, he repented. Both men made their choices. It wasn't God's place to make it for them.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
18 Oct 09
Hi, Please refer to the gospel of John, chapter 17,verse 12. Here Jesus is praying and says, referring to Judas, "none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled".KJV. This tells me that Judas had to be lost in order for the scripture to be fulfilled. Blessings.
• Philippines
17 Oct 09
Hello Frederick. You are so bitterly ignorant the way you created your discussion. I am sorry for that characterization but it is the way I see it. Anyway, man is created with intelligence. And because he has it, he has the choice to do what he wants to do. And because he has that freewill, he is accountable to the consequences of his acts. If those acts lead to Hell, he has no one to blame but himself. Why blame God who did nothing but to create, love and protect. Did you know that the God's most treasured possession is man, and that includes you? You just don't know how much he loves all people on earth. Maybe we don't see what favor he gives us everyday of our lives. Who are we that He should bother Himself whether we still breathe or our organs still function right? Who are we sinners that when we sleep at night we will still be awake in the morning. He still make our eyes open and continue to live. Simple things yet man cannot appreciate it. Sinners should die for what they have done. But no.There is way to escape from the everlasting pit. He said in John 14:16 "Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." He chose to die to save mankind from the lakes of fire. He chose to be crucified instead of us where in fact He did not deserve it for He never committed any sin. He was blameless. He said in His word' "Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in Heaven and you are on earth so let your words be few." Lastly, it is okay to question God on what He does because that means that you are communicating with Him and He likes that. Even the apostles and prophets argued with God. But the more they spoke to Him, the more the Lord revealed His plans and His heart to them. Communication establishes relationship. Why don't you try it. Godspeed.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Oct 09
Your logic can not be denied. If God created hell at all, He would be guilty of sending a soul there whether they had freely chosen it or not. That would make God a MONSTER!!! Is there really any crime a person could do to justify eternal hell?? Eternity is an awful long time to be punished. A Being capable of creating the universe has got to be smarter than that. God will teach. God will send consequences. Some might think that feels like hell but no more than others who are hurt by your choice of actions. It is the only way to see, to UNDERSTAND!!! I wouldn't count on those fiery pits for eternity. Someone is just trying to scare you into shaping your will.
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@loudcry (1043)
• India
18 Oct 09
This is how I see things. God is just a concept, created to make people behave in a certain 'right' manner. This explains why the concept of hell and heaven were created. Religion uses fear to control people. If you look at god and religion in this way the question of god being uncompassionist does not arise. Reply to this after giving some thought.
@milagre (1272)
• Portugal
17 Oct 09
I dont know if it was God who made them like that or if it is their own free will or choises. Anyway, everything has a propose and i think this people are here with all of us to teach us how to deal with them, and how to avoid to be like them and at the same, is up to us to try to make them choose the best way in life. Thay are also here to learn and to do the best for them and for the others. Best wishes
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
Yes God is omniscient. He knows that if He creates perfect beings, some will choose imperfection. But He created all of us anyway. Does God have more options? What if He created all of us to be a ROBOT? Can't reason, can't think, can't have judgement, doesn't have WILL and feelings and FREEDOM! What kind of God would He be? Tyrant? Cruel God? Or what if He doesn't create at all? Nothing at all! Just He, the Father and His Son in all universes. What kind of God will he be? Selfish? Yes! Praise God! because He started to create us all although He knows then that it would pay a price of his Son's life, of his own agony of losing His son just to save the lost creatures. He did not stop creating, for us to experience what he experiences, FREEDOM, LOVE, SELFLESSNESS, JOY, PEACE while He planned to save them with his own life. That is His compassion. To create and save them even if his own life will be lost at the cross.
• United States
19 Oct 09
What possible good would it do God to have a world of robots? Robots can't love Him, can they? God gave us free will so we could decide for ourselves whether or not we'd love and obey Him. It's always irritated me when people fault God because hell exists. God has made it perfectly clear how to avoid going to hell. Besides, hell wasn't created for man, but for the devil and the fallen angels. If any of us goes to hell, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
18 Oct 09
If there is one thing that every parent knows, it is that their child will disobey them. They may not know what their child will disobey on, but throughout all of human history, children disobey their parents. So, given that parents know this to begin with, do they lock their children up with chains, or tape them to their bed? Or do they still give them the choice, and opportunity to do what is right? Of course they give them the chance. So in theory, why doesn't G-d just prevent the birth of anyone who rejects him? Well, consider this... let us say that I am adopted. My parents are not choosing G-d, so they have chosen hell. Yet I was adopted into a family that taught me about the Lord, and I know my eternity is in Heaven. If G-d had prevented my biological parents from being born, then I would not exist and be going to Heaven. My father for example, was saved during college. It's still unclear whether my fathers father was saved or not. It's possible he is in hell, or in Heaven. But in the latter, if he had not been born, my father would not have either. It's always an amazing thing that we humans keep trying to point the blame for our choices on G-d. Regardless of any other theological point, everyone who goes to hell does so by their own choice. It's not G-d's "job" to keep us from going where we choose to go.
17 Oct 09
Firstly i have to say that there are many different interpretations of heaven and hell and the powers of God. Some believe that God can still be omniscient and have people going to hell due to the original sin that adam and eve commited in the garden. They were given free will (as we have) and they picked the fruit off of the tree and then were made to leave the garden. This analogy can be used for our lives. We have the free will to do good, but, if we choose to sin then like adam and eve we will not be able to reign in the garden (heaven) but instead will be condemned to a form of suffering. However, the view illustrated above is simply one view which is followed by SOME christian thinkers. I do not have time to discuss all of these views as it would be like a books worth of views if i put them properly. But simply, my advice would be to read some of the works of Irenaeus, Aquinas and Augustine who are some of the major players to have written about God and suffering.
@jimple27 (51)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
No God did bring us to hell! It's us that bring ourselves into vanish! We had the choice that God gave us. But sometimes we choose to be bad and that is our will! God can't change your choice but He can change you if you're willing to be changed! He is reaching you everyday! It's upon you if you will open your door to Him! He gave us the chance to redeem our souls but if we resist HIm, it's upon us! (Read the book "Steps to Christ" by Ellen G. White, you really really know who is Jesus!)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
we must always remember that God works with ways that are beyond any human comprehension, so all we need to do is to have faith, trust and love Him
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
17 Oct 09
We know very little about the true nature of God aside from what we know in the Bible if we are Christians. Many questions will remain unanswered for now. That being said, we will not be held accountable for not knowing all there is to know about God. But we will answer for our actions and reap what we sow. Certainly we can not speak for God as to what and why things happened and what should be done. As humans, we are expected to live and act as humans. enjoy life