Does your spouse snore?

United States
October 17, 2009 4:45am CST
I was just sitting listening to my husband as he sleeps and I can't help but be annoyed by his snoring. He for some reason just recently started snoring but it seems to be every single night now and it is loud. He never used to snore unless he was really tired and hadn't slept in a few days or had a few drinks in him but that was almost never. My brother in law snores like a bear and my sister is always telling me how she has to go to be before him so she can sleep and I am almost to that point lately although I am not sure if that will matter because the other day it was so loud that it woke me out of my sleep and I wasn't able to fall back asleep. I know that there can be serious health related issues to snoring and I am hoping it isn't something like that being it just started but I really wish it would stop because I have been losing a lot of sleep because of the snoring. So what about you are you losing sleep due to your loved ones snoring??
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28 responses
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
31 Oct 09
This is so funny to me because I am often amazed at how quickly my other half falls asleep and starts snoring. I usually nudge him so he turns over and most of the time it works. I have also heard family members snore so loudly you could hear them from several rooms away and was amazed they didn't wake themselves.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
20 Nov 09
Men! At least life is never boring with them around, lol!
• United States
20 Nov 09
Hehehe...I often think the same thing with people who snore really loud and can not feel it and wake themselves up. There was one time when my husband fell asleep and started snoring and I somewhat kicked my leg and it woke him up and he said stop snoring babe, I was like what??? He said I could hear you snoring in my sleep and I was like that was you and he was serious he thought that it was me snoring so loud that it woke him up and I tried to tell him that it was him snoring and he was convinced that it couldn't be because he said he was only asleep for a few minutes and didn't have enough time to start snoring...i wanted to kick him again for that LOL...
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@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
17 Oct 09
Hi froggie How are you this morning? Did you get any good sleep last night? I know what you are saying about snoring. My hubby snores alot and has since we first got together which was about 8 years ago. Some nights he was worse than other nights. I have to fall asleep first or I can't sleep. I have been taking Tylenol PM to help me do that. Im not sure exactly what they say about snoring but I think it has something to do with the breathing. I know there have been nights that I have to wake him and have him to turn over. I do this by nudging him a little and he will turn over. I wish you the best and hope that you can find a fix for this. Have a great day and keep smiling..
• United States
22 Oct 09
Hi Rose, Actually last nights sleep was pretty good because I was so tired I didn't even remember my head hitting the pillow so I didn't hear him snoring at all. I am sure he is snoring because he is tired and I have have realized that if I shake my leg or nudge him in the side he will quit for a little while. I have always been told that snoring has to do with breathing as well and that it may be something serious. I am sure that it is not that since it just seems to have started when he is losing sleep, but I just rather be safe than sorry. Thanks for your response and have a great week.
• United States
22 Oct 09
Hi froggie You are welcome. I hope that your good night sleep comes mor often for you. I know that last night my hubby must have been extra tired too. He started snoring right off the bat. I currled up to him and he rolled over and that helped me to fall asleep. Have a great day. Keep smiling.
@KrauseHome (36447)
• United States
27 Oct 09
My husband snores from time to time and it can be annoying for sure. There are times I have to poke him in the ribs and try to get him to turn over a different way and see if that helps. I know I snore if I am really tired from time to time so it is annoying even for him, and wish there was an easier solution for this for sure.
• United States
20 Nov 09
I wish I snored at times even loud enough to keep him up once or twice just for pay back LOL I have always been told I sleep with my mouth wide open and breathe through my mouth but don't snore i guess or at least has never been told I have. Like I have mentioned before I think it is just because he is really tired because he hasn't always snored and since I started this discussion he has quieted down a little bit. Thanks for your response KrauseHome
@XiaoLin (289)
• Italy
17 Oct 09
Hi froggieslover, I also can't stand it when my husband snores. Fortunately, it doesn't happen every night, ant it is nothing compared to the noise my father used to do, when I was living with my parents. I don't know how my mother can sleep, actually. I feel a little bad because when my husband snores I kick him in the legs in order to meke him turn. When he changes his position he usually stops snoring. I don't kick him consciously, I just do it while half aseep. Sometime, when I am full awake, I gently push him telling him to turn, but he does it while still sleeping and he turns back to the snoring position again. So, the only solution is the kick. Sorry hubby. As for the health problem related to snoring, maybe you coul ask your doctor. There are hospitals that whatch you while sleeping, in order to find out if you have sleeping-habit problems. But maybe it's not your husband case. It could only be a very stressing period, tired from work or something similar. Try asking him.
• United States
22 Oct 09
He never used to snore like this now it is every night, I have already done the same things you say you have done with the kicking and nudging. It usually works for a little bit and then he is right back to snoring again. I think a lot of what it has to do with is he hasn't been getting as much sleep as he used to. I also realize that in the morning when he used to get up in the early morning he is now sleeping in a bit longer. Thanks for your response.
@XiaoLin (289)
• Italy
26 Oct 09
Is the problem a little bit better now? After he had the sleeping he needid, did he feel better? My husband also snores in the periods he is more tired and stressed, and I also realized he doesn't get up well restored. He doesn't feel he has slept enough. Is it the same for yours?
@dawnald (85146)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Oct 09
That's hilarious. I was thinking about doing a discussion about sleeping in separate beds, partly due to snoring! Yep he does and I do too! If I fall asleep first, I'm OK. If not, I'm poking and moving his pillow and pinching his nose and all sorts of things to get him to stop!
• United States
20 Nov 09 hasn't resorted to where we are sleeping in separate beds yet, I have a bad case of withouts as I call them where I can't fall asleep unless he is in the bed with me, I can lay in bed no big deal and once I am asleep i am fine but I need to have his body there before I can sleep so unless that changes I don't think we will be in separate beds anytime soon and I just have to deal with his snoring in which like you I go ahead and nudge him, elbow him, kick my feet on the edge of the bed or clear my throat really loud until he wakes up quits snoring and I can fall asleep Thanks for your response dawnald
• United States
19 Nov 09
Sadly I'm the one who snores. Haha, my boyfriend usually doesn't mind, unless it's super loud [usually it isn't, he says]. Then he just wakes me up, I turn over, and he can get back to sleep before I start snoring again. Have you tried those Breathe Right Strips? I've heard from my brother that those work wonderfully on his common-law wife, who snores like a bulldozer.
• United States
20 Nov 09
It is a bit different hearing of a female snoring...your boyfriend does the same thing that I do with my husband then, I will nudge him and then try to fall asleep real fast before he starts up again. It usually doesn't work but I will continue to do it for a few different times and then usually by about the third time I can fall asleep but like I mentioned before I think it is just because I am so exhausted there is nothing left to do but fall fast asleep. We haven't tried anything because it just started full time and we think it is seriously just because he is so tired and lately it hasn't been that bad and I think once he fully catches up on his sleep it will stop again until he either has a drink or is really tired again. Thanks for your response ticklemebreathless
@dodo19 (47351)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
21 Oct 09
I have noticed that my husband snores a little, once in a while. However, it's nothing really unbearable, and it does not happen very often. And the times that it does happen, it doesn't last very long. It's not really anything annoying.
• United States
20 Nov 09
That how my husband was it was so few and far between that it wasn't a big deal but lately it has been a bit more and while it is a bit annoying I have heard people with worse and if this is all I have to deal with I will deal LOL Thanks for your response dodo
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
21 Oct 09
my wife confirmed to me that i do not snore, only but not always, when i am too much tired or being so drunk. i also know that my wife do not snore. but we have this 2 year old baby boy who does, every night, everytime he sleeps, even if it's daytime. and if he snores, he just like a full-grown mature person that snores too loud. i myself can get more sleep than my wife, as she gets awake with his snoring, or should we say, she must wake up to check him, he loses air or gets his breathing stops, as in he is being choked. we still cannot confirm what really is the cause this, but we already have plans of sending him to some tests, and one is the sleep test. something that we really can't afford but good thing, there's some from here on mylot that is going to help us for this matter. this is a possible case of "sleep apnea", a sleeping disorder or problem. some says this is not a big problem as he is still a child and it will eventually gets solved when he gets older. but there are more that says, this is something not to be ignored. i have some posts here on mylot, about my son and sleep apnea. i also have a blog about him. so if you have time, please read my discussions here. my blog with his blog apnea, you can check my profile for the link to my site.
• United States
20 Nov 09
I am sorry that your family has to deal with such a thing, it is scary that you have to worry about him. I have been in for a sleep apnea test just because of my diabetes and i know that the test can be very helpful. i am hoping that once you are able to get the tests that you will be able to tell what the problem is and can get it fixed so both you and your wife can rest easy and also you son can be safe and sleep healthy. I will check out your discussions and I will also keep your family in my thoughts. Thanks for your response neildc
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
19 Oct 09
My husband snores only lightly and not all the time. However, I'm the one who snores like a band saw, or so my husband says. I know that I do snore because when I awaken in the night my mouth is so dry that the inside of my lips is stuck to my teeth. I've been told to keep from snoring, I'd have to not sleep on my back. Because of physical limitations, I have to sleep on my back. Any suggestions, anyone?
• United States
20 Nov 09
I wish I could help with your snoring but if I knew any way of helping I would also use it on my husband LOL Maybe someone else that has responded to this discussion can help you out. Thanks for your response bellis
• United States
19 Oct 09
Well I dont have a spouse but my ex who I spend nights with on the weekends snored. Ahh its soo very hard to sleep next to his loud snoring. He would always fall asleep first because he had to take medicine and it was a side effect to be sleepy. Well I used to wake up and just shake him a little bit as if I was going to wake him up. I felt bad for disturping his deep sleep he never woke up but it did stop the snoring for a moment or two enough for me to go to sleep.
• United States
20 Nov 09
I have also felt crumby about disturbing my husbands sleep especially when it is late and he has to get up early in the morning and go off to work but I also have to get sleep LOL After a few times of nudging him he stops long enough for me to get to sleep. Thanks for your response hinkerbell
@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
my husband snores too when he's asleep, i can't sleep too when he snores so loud. i just let him sleep by his side so snoring would be minimize and it do works, just try it.
• United States
20 Nov 09
I will go ahead and try it of the snoring starts up again real loud, I have been able to just nudge him and he has stopped for a few minutes long enough for me to get to sleep but if he does start back up i will try your suggestion. Thanks for your response xannebull
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
18 Oct 09
Yes, my husband does snore but it only bother me once in awhile. Sometimes I am just not real tired and when he snore I have a hard time getting to sleep. If I am tired it bothers me some but I am so tired I just can block it out then and go right to sleep. I am sure I probably snore but it does not bother my husband once he go to bed it does not take long before he is asleep.
• United States
20 Nov 09
That is what I hope for is to be so tired that I can just pass right out but I seem to be on a kick lately to where I haven't been able to sleep until about 2 or 3 in the morning and so most of the time I am laying here there for 2 or 3 hours before I even start to get tired and that whole time I have to listen to his snoring... I am not sure if I snore or not, I have never been told that I have even on my very tired night but I do know that I sleep with my mouth wide open, I don't know if that's why I don't snore or not but if it would help husband I might just be suggesting it LOL Thanks for your response happy.
• United States
18 Oct 09
My ex-husband snored. He would deny this. Now why would I lie about this? Anyway, unfortunately I am a light sleeper, so it would not matter if I was already asleep by the time he came to bed, it would wake me. He was very loud. You could hear him through walls. My daughter confessed one day that she could hear it too. It still did not make him seek help. He slept fine, so why should he care if we didn't. It got to the point where I slept in the spare room every night. I hope you don't have to go through all of that before he seeks help. Good luck.
• United States
20 Nov 09
My kids are down the hall and I know my daughter has said that she could hear dad a few times in her room and I just tease and say how do you think I feel LOL. I am a heavy sleeper once I get to sleep but I am a light sleeper until I fall asleep if that makes any sense. It hasn't gotten to the point to where i have had to sleep in a separate room yet and I am hoping it never does because I will never get any sleep I seriously can't fall asleep until he is next to me, I can lay in bed without him but I cant sleep until I can feel his body against mine once I am asleep I am fine but I need him until I am asleep his snoring and all LOL thanks for your response catecca
@mafi0831 (108)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
My husband is snoring. I am used to that. I wake him up he doesn't snore because there might be problems. If my husband is snoring that's the time i know he is sleep already. I even hug him during sleep and i am not bother with his snoring. If you love your husband, you will accept him whoever he is. They say that snoring is really a problem but i dont think that. there will be problem if my husband is not snoring.
• United States
20 Nov 09
I do love my husband with how he is, I am not going to stop or love my husband less just because he snores and I loose a bit of sleep...that was not what I was trying to say at all. I have always been told that snoring could be a sign of sleep apnea and although I have not done a bunch of research on sleep apnea from what I understand it is dangerous and can be very harmful to someone. I don't think that this is the case with my husband but I will continue to keep an eye on his snoring because I DO love him. Thanks for your response mai0831
• Canada
18 Oct 09
I had a night like that last night. My hubby kept snoring and snoring. It was so annoying. I usually fall asleep really quickly lol before he even gets started with his snoring. I kept waking him up and saying roll over, you're snoring again. Good thing, he's a good guy and doesn't mind me doing that. He rolls over and stops snoring then rolls back on his back and starts again.
• United States
20 Nov 09
The past few days he hasn't been snoring so I have been a bit happier sleeping although I have been waking up a lot on my own maybe I am so used to being woke up by his snoring my body doesn't know any better lol. My husband doesn't seem to get mad when I nudge him either to get him to stop he just always giggles and says it wasn't me i don't snore. Thanks for your response westernangel
@zhouxi (1752)
• China
18 Oct 09
yes,he dos ,i think i 'm get use to that .because we live together for twenty no problem!hehe!
• United States
20 Nov 09
Yes I am sure after that long one would get used to it LOL...we have been together 11 but he just started his full time snoring a few months back so I am guessing I have quite a bit of time to go LOL Thanks for your response zhouxi
@vikkiz (518)
18 Oct 09
my partner snores,talks, walks anything you can imagine he does it in his sleep im used to it now after 8 years of it!!!! He never wakes up! Even if a bomb hit the side of our house i think hed sleep through it, Ive become used to my nightly walks around the house to get him back to bed!!! And normally when he snores i waggle his head backwards and forwards till he stops lol I know it may sound harsh but i never get a good nights sleep and he knows i kick him in his sleep to get him to stop because i tell him in the morning haha!
• United States
20 Nov 09
Hehehe that is funny, I always tell my husband when i nudge or elbow him too and he will tease and say no wonder I have all these bruises LOL I have yet had to deal with any walks but he has talked or I guess I should say mumble in his sleep. But all of us in this house at one time or another has talked in our sleep LOL Thanks for your response vikkiz
@ample03 (403)
• India
18 Oct 09
I am lucky that my wife does not snore. And I think that I do not snore either, otherwise she would have told me about that. It is really important that you should get a good night's sleep everyday just to make yourself fresh next day. It is really disturbing if someone snores. I really do not know what is the remedy of it. Any idea?
• United States
20 Nov 09
The only rememdy I have come across so far is to elbow your spouse a few times until they quit long enough for you yourself to fall asleep. After the full week of losing sleep it does start to takes its toll on your mind and your body...Thanks for your response ample
@neelimaravi (1793)
• India
18 Oct 09
yeah, sometimes, when he was very tiered he do so, i am very irritating to that sound, i just slap on his mouth, then he stops for a minuite afterthat he will start again. oops, i saw somebody gives different sounds of snoring, it makes me laugh. thankyou for a nice topic, have a nice day.
• United States
20 Nov 09
Yeah that is usually how I take care of his snoring for a bit, I will go ahead and nudge or elbow him and he does stop for a few minutes then I always try to hurry up and fall asleep real fast before he starts again, it usually takes about 3 or 4 times of doing that before I can fall asleep faster than he snores and it does get exhausting and I often wonder if that is why I am able to fall asleep so easy after the third time LOL Thanks for your response neelimaravi
• Mexico
18 Oct 09
Hi froggieslover: My mom has the same problem you have but after almost 25 years old living together she can sleep with this noise. Even with that i know there are some medical treatments to quit snoring. Hope you tell this to your husband. Have a nice sleep if you can. Lol. XD
• United States
20 Nov 09
I always tell him he is a snorer but he always plays it off like he isn't. I don't really think he is snoring because he has any medical condition, I honestly think it is because he is tired and that is only because he has not always snored but I do also know that snoring could be a sign of other medical conditions like sleep apnea so i will also keep an eye on him. Thanks for your response starsailover