had any quarrel occured between your family members for acestral property?

October 17, 2009 8:05am CST
its a big problem to give the shares of derserving people and almost in every house even once these quarrel occurs to share the property or belongings of the fore fathers. Has it ever happened in your family too?
3 responses
• United States
17 Oct 09
Unfortunately, this is what broke up my family. A few years ago my father passed away and my oldest brother just thought everything in my parents house should be his. It has been heartbreaking for my mother to know that her son is the cause of the conflict. (the rest of us felt everything should stay with our mother) Now our family can't have get togethers like we used to because of the anger of my brother. (we fought him on it, but he got most of what he wanted) Hope it has never happened to you.
• India
18 Oct 09
we are facing such problems and all the family is now broken or about to be broken.
• United States
19 Oct 09
Well, I'm sorry to hear about that. If people would realize that material things don't matter in the end, we would both be better off and have our families together.
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
On my father side there is no property left for him so there are no quarrels occured. On my mother side, my mother own a portion of lot in our province, at present they are now processing the paper. They had a mini quarrel before because the lot has not given to proper person, it was straighten up last year and now they are just processing the papers and documents to have a title. I believe this quarrel about ancestral property can lead to killing as I had seen on the news there are many stories like this. This only show no blood is sticker when money is the subject, I mean big money and property.
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
17 Oct 09
Yes, sadly that's very usual. My father's clan has a huge property near the beach and there's also a farm. He has been asked to go back to that place by his relatives but he never did because he did not want all the mess. A lot of people have been claiming those lands and would want even a small piece of them. My father did not care about them. He said that even though technically he has a share on them, it was not him who worked for those lands to make them what they are right now so it's okay for him if the people who tended them get his share. My mother's family has the same properties but luckily, none are having troubles with it.