Name one type of person you hope you never meet again?
By ronnyb
@ronnyb (6113)
October 17, 2009 8:01pm CST
Are they persons that you may have met in your life that you hope to never meet again .I can answer that question for myself and the answer would be a resounding yes.There was a young lady that I met once and fell inlove with once .At the start of the relationship I told her that I am here for the long run and I am not interested in just a physical relationship.I must admit that she told me that she was involved with someone but the relationship was going nowhere .I guess the warning bells should have gone off in my head to run and leave that situation alone and this was what I would have normally done but this was a young lady that I had been persuing for some time and had finally gotten my chance .I did tell her though from teh onset that I am just here to see what will happen with your realtionship and if you really love this guy ,just let me know because I will go and leave you two to it ,she didnt answer but I didnt even make much of it at the time ,I was too busy looking up at her with big adoring eyes
Needless to say I decided to take my chance and we started talking mostly it was phone and we never really went out .I had asked numerous times that we should go out but somehow between religion (she was a sabbath keepeer and saturday was usually the best time for going out ) and her work we never went went out.The relationship was great in terms of her conversation which is something that I really treasure .The relationship progressed liek this for some time mostly by talking over the phone and ocassionally meeting for short periods of time ,usually when I sneaked away from work to meet her .
We talked about anything and I liked her views on the varied issues we discussed .Oh ,I forgot to mention that her boyfriend lived abroad and would visit her for short periods in time and so we had ample time to talk in between those times when she wasnt talking to him .Anyway as time prgressed I began to learn that the relationship that she complained bitterly about wasnt as bad and the guy was supporting her financially from abroad and he was from what I could see a really nice guy and even though I had my intentions on his girl ,was not conceited enough not to notice this fact .Consequently I kept on asking her what was it that she wanted from me because I couldnt see what I could give her that he couldnt and she was always say "one day I am going to marry you"................what an idiot I was to believe her !!!!!!!.
This situation continued for some time and the doubts started to mount in my mind as to how far this relationship could go until I finally decided that I couldnt compare with this guy and she would never leave him for me and all she wanted was someone she could use.
Now back to the discussion at hand.Now the way I feel about this girl now is that I hope I never meet anyone like her again .Do you have anyone that you have met and hope never to meet again
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15 responses
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Oct 09
I hope never to meet selfish opportunists again who only think about themselves and in every situation plan to use the people around them for their own advantage. I had a relationship with someone like this; he used everybody he came into contact with for his own gain including me. We took a trip financed mostly by me; he would leave me alone in strange places so he could do his own thing and when we returned home was quite happy doing a part time course while I worked full time. He used my stuff, contributed nothing and because he came from another country attempted to marry me so he could live in Australia; the last one didn’t work!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Oct 09
Thank you ronnyb! I am happily married now and part of the reason I made the right choice was because of the lessons I learnt. You know what is good for you sometimes by learning what you don't want!

@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
18 Oct 09
Serves him right ,although he used you ,I am happy that he didnt get to marry you for a pass into Australia atleast in the end there was acertain petic justice to be had .Well look on the bright side Paula ,atleast now with your experience you will know to avoid such persons in the future .Have a good day Paula and may your fruit basket never be empty
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
18 Oct 09
Ya, my ex male friend. I have now dated him for 14 yrs. Thats longer then his last ex knew him. So many times over the yrs i have caught him with other females. All the time its females that are less then half our age. I know what it is that drives him. He wants a son. Its like his unquenchable thirst. I know he left his ex because she only had girl children. The first child both say is not his but he denys the 3 that are his just because they are girls. I was never able to concieve with him and now im glad of it. But just last week he sent me a pic of himself in bed with a 21 yr old girl. He is 55. I told him never to call me again and forget my name and number. Sure enough 7 days later he is calling wanting to know if he can see me. I hung up on him. I have just had way too much of his crap now. Let him go his way and just leave me alone. When i first met hem. he said i was the only white woman that ever showed him affection. Somewhere along the years that changed from the "only" white woman to the "first" white woman. Hes a dog and i dont care for dogs. Actually hes lower than a dog. Hes a pig.

@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
18 Oct 09
All i do is ask him to leave me alone but eventually he will call again. Even since i hung up on him. I know he will call again. Every word i can think of to discribe his personallity is ugly. And hes not a handsome male. So he is ugly inside and out. He commits crimes and gets away with it all. Like a poisons snake. He always says "we have to be together". I do not know why he says that and i dont want to know why. Because i dont think we do.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
18 Oct 09
Wow happy to hear that he is out of your life .People like that shouldnt be around you .They make you toxic and I know you can do better.Soon someone will come along who treats you the way you should.One day I am sure he will realise the monumental mistake he has made but by then it will be too late.thank you so much for responding to my discussion

@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
18 Oct 09
Backstabber to be exact , they have been plotting all the time yea .
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
18 Oct 09
I have been used and abused by alot of people in my life. I hope to never come into contact with those types of people ever again who claim to be my friend and do me that way anyway. I hope they just stay away from me if they are not going to treat me right.
@vandana7 (101408)
• India
18 Oct 09
hi stephcjh, me 2. :( Lots of people abusing me - phsycially, mentally and financially, violating my personal rights. I wish they dont return into my life. Unfortunately, my father is a firm believer in be good with all, even if they are bad to you. He believes it is all in social skills and that I should learn how to move with such people as well, without being hurt, and learn how to retaliate in their way, and stuff like that. He doesnt understand the agony I go thru everytime these people are around or are nasty. He brushes it off as if they didnt mean it or that their reactions are natural. There are too many instances to brush them off as coincidence. Wish he would understand. In the meanwhile, I continue to get these bouts of anger and frustration because of these people as I am unable to ban them from my life because my father wont allow me to. U c, most of them are my relatives.
• United States
18 Oct 09
gOOD MORNING RONNYB, i AM SO SORRY U RAN INTO A PERSON LIKE HER, WHAT A LOSER SHE WAS. I am glad i wasn't around when that was going on i believe i would have had to give her a piece of my mind for treating & using u that way. People cab be so cruel & selfish to good people.She wasn't doing u right or her boyfriend. I HOPE HE'S DROPPED HER TO & SHE HAS TO MAKE HER ONLIVING & IS STRUGGLING DOING IT.
u CAN DO ALOT BETTER THAN HER, SWEETIE. I do have a couple of people i hope i never see again &don't think i will if i keep what little sense i have. U have a great sunday.

@wenjule (107)
• Jamaica
18 Oct 09
There may have been a few persons like that who have somehow come into my life and have caused some amount of discomfort. To be honest there was a stage in my teenage years which I would call my hate stage. When I was in that phase I always wished I had the power to eliminate them in one way or another. Since I got older I have taken these people off my mind because I dont see the reason to remember them if I dont like them. Keeping them in the forefront of my mind would be a terrible waste of time. I have also developed an attitude that I will not live for regrets. Everything that happens to me I try to use as a learning experience. This way I dont dwell on the negative. Ronnyb this girl may have wronged you and you are feeling hurt by this but I just want to say that you should use that experience as a learning experience so that it never happens to you again.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
18 Oct 09
I sincerely hope I never meet another rent a cop like the one at the CNN center in Atlanta, Georgia. Apparently, he had adequacy issues and could only feel like a man if he made a little girl cry. What's wrong with folks? Yes, we were protesting. Yes, the little girl was protesting, but she was only eight! Even if I were a rent a cop, I wouldn't find it necessary to behave that way.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
18 Oct 09
The one thing I can't stand is arrogance and people who assume..I am standing at my bus stop and guy just assumes I am married.I say no Iam not .Then he thinks he can picks me up. wrong.Then he says I am sorry you are married. I am not married I say again .Eventually he leaves.As for relationships.i don't want a guy who leaves and comes back,especially when we are in different cities. My ex was in another country. We first would talk daily but soon after he didn't write for weeks at a time.All I ask is for a guy to email me once a week or if we are in the same town ,once a week we get together. Is that too much to ask?
@suzzy3 (8341)
19 Oct 09
What a b.I know you had feelings for her but really she was just using you for when she was bored,anybody that leads someone on is a rotten lot as far as I am concerned.That poor guy was working abroad supporting her how awful is that.He trusted her and she messed him about as well.goodness knows how he will feel if he finds out about how she has treated him.People like that will end up being very lonely one day,while everyone else is settled down and happy she will have upset and hurt so many men no one will want to know her.I don't blame you for being hurt and upset.You can only go by what someone tells you and if you trust that person,then they destroy that trust it is their fault.Some people are not capable of having a stable,honest,faithful relationship.You wanted a proper relationship covering the whole spectrum she is a silly I say she will be the loser in the long run but you had a lucky escape,she would have made your life a misery.You will meet a nice girl who appreciates you and she will be worth waiting for.I would have had something to say to her myself,treating you so bad,we love you Ronny.x
@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
1 Dec 09
Hello my friend ronnyb Ji,
Asan Indian woman , married as per our culture andsocial bindings, we have nothing toremember such things.Our memorybox is totally empty on this front. We are tied together fort the last 40 ys (goung to complete to night. Wishingyou verybest of outcome.
May God bless You and have a great time. 

@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
3 Dec 09
Some people are irritable by nature and some people are nagging by nature and some other people are jealous and stingy by nature. I never want to meet those type of people
@ravich (242)
• India
18 Oct 09
hi friend i have one whom i don't like to face again..because of the small fight we had between us..and were friend till the time and never met again till now...and still i feel i should not meet him..that will be my worst experience to have if he is in front of me...that should always be like a bad memory of meeting him and expect that will never come true in my life...........
@jndlponti (2402)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
I wish I've never meet my Landlady before back when I was in college. She is so Dominating, she is the one like she really want's you to tell her evrything even your deepest secret. Then if you don't she will fing a way it could be that you will be put to shame or not just for her to get what she wanted..
Well in short she make my first two years in college as the very worst experience I could ever had. I even called up my family already to pull me out of that dormitory for I have an Evil Landlady.
For now I heared that she is not anymore the Landlady their for she gor married. I even saw her friendster and I still feel the same hurt even after 8 years.
@madomaster (5)
• Canada
18 Oct 09
I never want to meet the lady who kept running and farting on our way to the store :S
@joezon50 (378)
• Hong Kong
18 Oct 09
Hi ronnyb,a person who i dont like to see it again
was LAIR person.This is the one i really dont like
to make friends to them ever.I like a person who
cares the feelings of others,be infront or at my back
i want them to be Honest to me.Because same here i
give them respect.I incounter a lots of LIAR person
already and i am very careful right now.