What is the reason you have only 1 child?

@julianarw (1521)
October 18, 2009 8:10am CST
I am a mother of 1 son, 3 years old. How many children do you have? If only 1, what is the reason you have only 1 child not more? I hope you would like to share with me.
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10 responses
@Jody20 (887)
• Netherlands
18 Oct 09
The reason that i only have one child is that i had a hysterectomy.
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
18 Oct 09
The reason for me is divorce!
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@Jody20 (887)
• Netherlands
18 Oct 09
They removed my uterus.
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@getbrowser (1708)
• China
18 Oct 09
In fact, I don't get married until now. But in my country, China, as Family Planning Law, one family should have only one child. In order to limit couples to having one child, my country continues its one child policy all the time for reducing the likelihood of pregnancy or childbirth. If there are no such a Birth Control, we may have 2 or more children. Yes, in my country, most people love to have more than one kids. Best wishes to you and your son.
@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
18 Oct 09
I ever hear about that as well. But having lots of children takes cost as well and not only that. Children needs full attention from their parents :D Thanks for your response. Have a nice Sunday
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@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
19 Oct 09
I have only one child. The main reason is the policy in my country: One child policy. If not, perhaps I will have one more child because I think two children are perfect for a family. I don't want many children, two will be good enough for me. I love China
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 09
Hello my friend You less. I know that you have one dear little son. If you did have a second pregnancy how would that go down the one child policy? I would love to visit lovely China one day.
@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
19 Oct 09
Yeah...many people said two children are perfect for family. But the most important things are how we could spend our time with our children isn't it. Thanks for your response. I hope someday could visit China ^__^
@kezabelle (2974)
18 Oct 09
I have two childre both girls my eldest is 5.5 years and my youngest is 3.5 years old, we are actually planning to have one more baby but are getting married in April next year so plans for another baby have had to be put back a few months in the hope we get a honeymoon baby as I didnt want to be pregnant while trying to organise a wedding.
@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
18 Oct 09
I wish you success for your next wedding. Thanks for your response
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Oct 09
I have six children.My two daughters came were from my first marriage and my four boys came from this which is my second marriage.Some people only tend to have one child as they did not like the pregnancy or the birth where as others are happy just to have one child.
@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
18 Oct 09
Wow...6 children ^____^. thanks for your kindly response.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
18 Oct 09
HI JUlianarw, I am also a mother of one son and my son is 32 months years old now. I only want to have one kid due to high living expense and it is really a difficult task to take care kid. I am a full time mom and taking care my son 24/7.Super tiring task for me. Having more kids are fun,in the sense,that they can play together and the house will be more merrier.But what I concern most is whether we can afford to have more than one kid in my family. Everything is expensive especially talking about future education.Nowadays, it is needed to buy policy insurance for our kids too just for protection and saving purposes. Another reason why I am sticking to one kid is because I am phobia to give birth again. I can't stand the pain of labour and one time is more than enough for me.That will be my first and last experience in my life.
@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
18 Oct 09
I am work at home mother as well. I know how you feel. I choose to take care son by myself. The different you and me maybe I don't feel any pain when I gave a birth because I had C-operation. But still I have a night mare (could not sleep well) when my son under 1 year. thanks for your response.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
19 Oct 09
Hi,I also went through C-section for my son's delivery,but I was struggle in pain for the whole nite before decided to have last minute C-section. After C-section, It was so pain because of the operation part.I can move well for about two weeks. I have been taking care of my son since he was born and before he reached 15 months,I have to wakeup during midnite for night feeding,but now I am more relaxed as more midnight feeding,but my son is getting active everyday.So tiring but feel happy can see his development day by day.
@BarBaraPrz (46885)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
18 Oct 09
I don't have any children. It was a conscious decision. I knew I wouldn't have been able to cope with them on a day to day basis. I was sure I'd end up strangling them, or at least shaking the daylights out of them. (I had no patience when I was young.)
@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
18 Oct 09
Thanks for sharing your opinion.... Have a nice weekend
• Melbourne, Australia
3 Nov 09
I have one child he is now 16 years old. I will only ever have 1 child & that is not by choice. My husband & I have tried to have another child since the day we met. 13 years later & still no child between us. But that's ok, we know it will not happen for us. We are glad to have my son anyway. My son was from a man who left me & dened his son the moment I told him I was pregnant. My son has a sperm donor & a father...any man can make a child, it takes a real one the raise them
• Japan
31 Oct 09
I have 4 children, ages from 7 to 17!! I love kids and would of liked more but that was not possible. Between my first and second children I had a misscarage and thought I wouldn't be able to have any more. If that had been the case I would of been happy with just one child. But I was able to have 3 others. It is hard work and sometimes I feel that it is to much to handle (am having problems with school with two of my kids at the moment) but they give me so much joy. My brother and his wife only have one child and that is all they want. I think each couple, especially the woman has to think what they can deal with,both in terms of pregnacy, birth and raising a child, also the cost of raising a child and the future of this world.
@seanbryan (349)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Oct 09
hi julianarw, My first baby is yet to be born end of this month, he is an IVF baby a precious one after 5 long years of waiting. I don't know if there will be a chance for me to bear more as I can't conceive the normal way. I prefer two or three kids if God permits but one is just fine if there's no way to have more. Good Day!
@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
18 Oct 09
You must be excited become a new mom. Thank you for your response and share your opinion. Have a nice weekend