a big question about mylot tasks

United States
October 18, 2009 3:02pm CST
hi. i have made a few tasks to do. why users do not follow the instructons as i have requested??? are they blind or simply want to cheat me and earn easy money???
4 responses
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
I cannot speak in behalf of these people that are doing your tasks. You could either revise the instruction so they'd understand it more clearly, or it's just that people are having a difficult time doing the tasks you wanted. You need to figure out first what the real source of the problem first before concluding that these people are actually trying to cheat on you.
• United States
19 Oct 09
the instructions are really crear. if i ask that they invite 5 (five) friends, i will credit them only if they provide 5 valid usernames. or im wrong? a lot of users provide only 1 username or a few non existed usernames, or already credited users.
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
Hmm, maybe you could really rephrase the instructions just to make it clear to them. We cannot try to make assessments on the other end of the spectrum, meaning the members who are doing the task, if they are doing it and see if they can get away with it, or that is just how they understood the instructions. hopefully, you'd be able to figure it out soon enough and get whatever you need to get done.
• Canada
18 Oct 09
Hi Im a Newbie, registered only a few days ago... can you tell me if I can see those tasks and if I could do them would I also be earning? however yesterday I only earned $0.02 can you tell me if there is a way of earning a few dollar a day like maybe/ dreaming/hoping of earning $80.00 a day, need to replace my day job, badly need to quit for my sanity!! thanks Regards, Rosyc1963
• United States
19 Oct 09
rosy. just check in task under my username. i have 3 tasks to complete. and please: read and follow the instructons
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Oct 09
Where online earning is concerned there are many people who think they can 'bend the rules' and get paid just the same. Many do not want to follow the instructions or the rules but want to do it their way. Your instructions are very clear and straightforward so there is no reason to complete it incorrectly. Same here on myLot too and I'm sorry that it is happening to you with your task. Imagine admin here with all the users that don't do things the way they are supposed to, how fed up he must be
• United States
18 Oct 09
Some users just get lazy and miss the biggest part of the task. Or some just giveup and hope that the person who created the task made a mistake and doesn't notice that the task taker oner didn't do a certain part of the task. I didn't know how to word it so that is the best I could say. But some tasks are to hard for users.