Anita Dunne and Mao Tse-Tung
@artistmel2000 (438)
United States
October 19, 2009 4:44pm CST
Am I missing something or is there really someone in the Obama Administration who admires Mao Tse-Tung, the man who is responsible for killing millions of people in China? Glenn Beck showed a video of Anita Dunne admitting she turned to Mao as one of her most admired political philosophers when faced with life's difficult questions. Isn't that the equivalent to turning to Usama Bin Laden when wondering how to deal with a difficult adversary? I'm so afraid to be an American right now. We have socialists admiring people who are responsible for killing millions of people and we have to put our trust in these people. Mr. President, I think you need to re-evaluate your administration and do some restructuring and very soon.
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5 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Oct 09
To be succinct - everyone in this administration is a wacko nutcase. People who are still pounding the "population control" that they espoused in the sixties, people who praise dictators like Mao and Chavez, people who are communists, socialists, social engineers - you name it, if it's a kind of radical, Obama has one.
The media should be all over these guys, but they give them a free pass because it's Obama who appointed them. The Senate should be all over these guys but they confirm someone like Cass Sunstein who thinks your pet should have the right to sue you in a court of law.
There's no one guarding the chicken coop, so to speak, and the White House is full of wolves. At stake are the very foundations freedom, and no one is standing guard.
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@artistmel2000 (438)
• United States
20 Oct 09
What bothers me is the press is giving these people a free pass except FOX news, and the White House has waged war against this news station because FOX news is asking the hard questions. It would seem to me that when someone is asking the hard questions and the White House wages war against this news station then the news station is hittng a very raw nerve. But I agree..... no one is standing guard while our freedom is at stake.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
19 Oct 09
Unfortunately, these radicals have always been present in America -- in any society, for that matter. We're seeing them out in the open now because President Obama is the perfect smokescreen.
Hey, the rush spending and bills that no one is reading is worrying me!
"Racist! You wouldn't care if it was Bush, would you?" Umm, yes, I care; I wasn't a fan of Bush! "You're still a racist. Obama is black!"
Look, this government spending and intrustion into the lives of private citizens--via MORE government--concerns me!
"Well, that's because you're bitter a black man is in the WHITE House!"
Who is this Obama guy? Truthfully, I don't know him. Nobody asks him questions, and he certainly isn't under any type of scrutiny in the mainstream.
"Oh, I see how it is. You're questioning the past of a black man. What a racist!"
Can we have a serious debate about anything? Healthcare? Spending? The government's role in our lives? These questionable czars?
"Can you try to not be such a racist! Obama is black!"
What's with people like Van Jones and Anita Dunn? They seem to be EXTREMELY radical in their views. They seem to favor a socialist-system. If Obama doesn't and he's just trying to 'fix' America, then why does he surround himself with this huge list of radicals?
"What's with your racism! Face it: A black man is in power now. You just can't stand it!"
And on and on and on it goes. These radicals are allowed to freely express their views without worry of an uprising due to the way our mainstream has been tilting in the past few years.
The media are, by and large, in the tank for the President. And anyone who's connected with the President is sheltered. Opposition to any is opposition to Obama directly and thus cause for the liberals to spring into smear-mode action.
The Hollywood elite and "art" community push a liberal message. And with guys like Penn and Stone worshiping the likes of Chavez, it has become no big deal to most Americans. They see it and suspect something is wrong, but then they remember, "Oh, well, it's not that bad. After all, he's a good actor."
It was a calculated effort, and it has worked! All competition to progressive liberal ideology has been marginalized and then further demonized by popular culture. Now, all legitimate criticism is spun in only a few ways:
Racism, of course, is the go-to cry for any opposition to ANY progressive's proclivities under Obama.
They pass everything off with blame. For example, instead of asking why Obama is acting just like Bush (worse) in regards to spending, they cite that he HAS to do it because of Bush, or that Bush did it -- so somehow it's "okay."
(How many do you know that will admit--or even listen to you say--Obama had a hand in the current crisis by voting AGAINST regulations for Fanny and Freedie and the like? .. Or how about him being one of the most useless Senators in history, voting "present" like Ben Stein was calling his name... "Obama? Obama? Obama?")
Or you're just a lying, bigoted, Fox-News-watching, hate-monger conservative who despises gay people, peace, atheists, minorities, and everything that isn't whites-only and holy blessed from the lips of Jesus.
It's all a sham, and the more they proceed with free reign, the more they show it for what it is. All one needs to do is look at what this "progressive" policy has done to cities, counties and states where it's been implemented.
Yeah, these socialist pigs (I know; it's a 'right-wing' talking point lmao!) will be exposed and run out of town. The real shame is that people never pay attention when they have the opportunity!
To borrow a quote from Rush Limbaugh and switch it up some, the media were very desirous that a black presidential candidate do well. To that end, most never questioned Barack Obama as a potential American President -- only as a popular man they admired. They gave him more than the benefit of the doubt. They gave him a free pass. Now we see the man through one simple, indisputable rule: those who he surrounds himself with.
Okay, incredibly long rant over lol
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Oct 09
"Unfortunately, these radicals have always been present in America -- in any society, for that matter. We're seeing them out in the open now because President Obama is the perfect smokescreen. "
Sometimes I feel like I am back in the sixties, these guys espouse the same radical views THEY held in the sixties. If nothing else, these are people who have not become wiser over time, but still cling to the ill-conceived political views of their radical youth. Their paths to Utopia have already been tried around the globe and proven a failure. Those who didn't live through those turbulent times don't seem to have historical perspective on how these experiments in socialism turn out.
More than just Hollywood, the entire public educational system has been working towards changing attitudes towards socialism for decades now. My schooling is ancient history and it was already happening then. The textbooks of today have been so altered as to perfectly match the perspectives of Obama and his socialist crew. When Americans question the direction of the country, the young ask "what's so bad about socialism"?
Freedom was theirs without any struggle. I don't know that we can return to the foundations of freedom until they realize what it is they are being deprived of.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
20 Oct 09
He probably has people in his administration who think the same way he thinks. What is scary is the news media not questioning the Obama administration. Makes me wonder what their agenda is.
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@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
19 Oct 09
He has who he wants, the people who share the same values, remember what his wife said during the campaign trail. She was Finally proud to be American.
It's not like America has turned out any great leaders to be proud of anyway (joking)
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@tatazbrush (126)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 09
wow Mao is very bad girl, any way did she genocide many people?, does she still alive?
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