Are you a forgetful person?

@icesmile (7160)
October 20, 2009 1:44pm CST
I am forgetful for sure...but is so strange, i can remember very well what happened long time ago, but i really can t remember what i did few hours ago; i have a big problem? I am only one who forget "small" things, or i am just tired? sometimes is so funny, and i laugh a lot, but sometimes i got nervious; Yestarday i were to shopping, and i buy food and a pair of shoes for autumn; after i come home, i put all in refrigerator, and i want to wear my new shoes, .but i really don t find it, i can t remember where i put my shoes, my new shoes, and almost 10 min i don t find it...again and again; of course that i find my shoes...but after i got crazy; where do you think that i find my shoes? please don t laugh....because i laugh a lot already..with tears; IN REFRIGERATOR; is not possible, do you think that i have a real problem? I want to ask you ever was in a situation like this, to forget where you put your things? Of course that is funny;
14 responses
@UK_Shree (3603)
20 Oct 09
I don't think you are alone. Yes the story about the shoes in the fridge is quite funny, but I don't think you have anything to be worried about. I sometimes almost put the sugar or salt in to the fridge when I am not really thinking! I think we all have a certain level of forgetfulness!
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@UK_Shree (3603)
20 Oct 09
Maybe you do just need time off, a break from your normal routine so you can recharge your batteries a bit. I am sure you are just fine!
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Oct 09
hi, so is not so bad, you know, usual i had a very good memory, but after a lot of problems last year, i think that my mind is tired, maybe i need some relax...or maybe is just age? i got old?
@Rtlsnk316 (1197)
• Mexico
20 Oct 09
Yup, it does happen to me very often. It is very problematic since sometimes I even forget something that happened minutes ago, but some things I can remember easily, I can't identify the pattern there or what's being involved. I'll check out some brain excercises that exist online, I know that will help in some way.
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Oct 09
brain exercises, maybe i will try, thank you for advice
• China
21 Oct 09
Sometime I often forget something.When I was a student,teacher told us must finish exercise next morning.I often forget to finish,beacuse when I went home,I often watched TV.I often forgot my keys in my house,and I could not enter into my house when I came back.One day when I went to shop to buy salt,I found there no money in my pocket.
• Southend-On-Sea, England
20 Oct 09
Yes it happens to me all the time - well, lately since I've entered middle age. I used to have a brilliant memory but now have to write everything down otherwise I just forget it literally 2 minutes afterwards. Then, I go and forget where I put the paper that I wrote it on. One way of reminding myself about things is to send an email to myself and keep it as unread, until I no longer need to remember it. Like you, I can remember things from many years ago. A lot of my very early childhood memories are crystal clear, to the point where I can even remember being in my pram and in my high chair as a baby, but ask me what happened 5 minutes ago and I'm stumped! I try to play brain-engaging games on the internet a lot, but it doesn't seem to help much. Maybe it's stopping me getting worse though.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Oct 09
i must try games on line? or just to take a brake and just try to relax more?
@jugsjugs (12967)
20 Oct 09
I am a very forgetable person.I am always forgetting where i have put things like my car keys.I tend to walk around the house with things in my hand and as you know when you pick things up you tend to put them down and then of course forget where you have put them.It happens most days to me.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Oct 09
mean that we are not so old? or we are?
@ravich (242)
• India
21 Oct 09
hi friend forgetfulness is some times a boon for some who had bad experiences.. ..i used to have very good memory power but now i dont feel so...i am not even having a problem to grasp a name who i regularly meet classmates..i am taking time to recall their name...may be less time but i meet them daily...i am feeling that i got this problem because of two reasons...first is that i use my mobile phone very heavily so i feel it is showing some effect on my memory...even my friend say that he is experiencing such problem so i thought that it might be one of the reason..the second reason is having more pressure and no sufficient relaxation....i am feeling this might be the second reason..but it may one day create some problem if i got that continued..i thought to try to be back to positions ..get back my memory..
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
20 Oct 09
I also used to have very good memory. Sometimes I'd write things down to be sure. I didn't care about where I write stuff, because the act of writing itself used to trigger my memory. But, lately I am having pockets of memory where for the life of me, I can't remember. I woke up this morning to find dirty dishes in the dishwasher. It seems I forgot to turn it on last night. Well, I must be getting old.
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Oct 09
this is a good idea...but how i can i can write where i put my car keys? because this kind of things i forgot, i have a very good memory for important things
• Canada
21 Oct 09
I am not a forgetful person. In fact, I am just the opposite. I remember things that are beyond the imagination of others. I remember big things, and I remember tiny little details. my mother and my husband are both very forgetful people, and they always turn to me to remind them of things. LOL
@haiershen (1080)
• China
21 Oct 09
for sure, i'm a forgetful person too. i always forget more thing which was happened a few hours ago, for example,it was rainning when i went to office from home with umbrella by bus,but if the rain stoped when i get off the bus, i always forget the umbrella.when the next rainning day come,the umbrella was not found and no choose just to buy a new one.those thing often it is a little trouble me.i do not know why? good luck and have a nice day!
@joygracia (1325)
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
Yes! kinda a bit and I truly hate being so forgetful coz it really affects my job and my way of life. I did try to drink some vitamins about it but its just so expensive to have a maintenance of it so what I`m currently doing is to at least take once in a while of the vitamins of I could buy one and just be as mindful and fucos on some things.
@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
Hmmmm it also happens to me. Our memory get dull if we don't exercise it. We should at memorize at least ten objects a day to keep our memory sharp. It could also be that you're low in iron. Do you usually sleep late at night? There's a study saying that when you're low in iron there's a high tendency that you will have short term memory or forgetfulness. I suggest you consult a doctor or have your blood components examine. :) Anyway how old are you? shadow41
@SACHIN2708 (1634)
• India
21 Oct 09
no dear i am not forgetful person even i am very sharpminded but evrery thing have two aspects one is good and one is bad .you know what it helps me to maintain my sqaure and all balance and everypeople appriciate me .i remember all events of my childhood but you know i met so many cheaters friends and i want to forget them but due to dis i am not able to do that ha ha ha ha ha ha
@shilley (155)
• India
21 Oct 09
Yes i do forget small things but many a times i feel it is not forgetfullness but absent mindedness.We are all so busy with our everyday routine and we have all got stuck in a hectic schedule,we hardly find time to sit back calmly and think about things.And we are always in a hurry in everything we do and want to finish every task in shots.I think it is the lack of patience and restlessness which tends to forget about things.I have noticed when i am not tensed and i am not in hurry i do finish my work better and faster with great ease and comfort.I have also noticed being calm and patient helps to relax and does not put that stress to ones mind.So next time you miss something try to stay calm and think about it in a more relaxed way.Once i had misplaced my wallet and later found it in my college bag itself.Yesterday i went to recharge my mobile but forgot to take money and came back without top up card.Now i have misplaced my wrist watch and i am in search of it...:P
@lodz28 (86)
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
yah, i am forgetful too.all i have to do list all the thingts i ve wanted to accomplished & the things ive wanted to buy.
• China
21 Oct 09
So I am. I was always finding something,my credit card,my I.D.card,my book,my socks,my keys……so many things .Often I found this one but forget another one.Once I was worried about it,but now,I don't care.Forgetful maybe troublesome,but,I can easily forget unhappy things.Dosen't it?Take it easy.