Another Little Girl Missing!
By lelin1123
@lelin1123 (15594)
Puerto Rico
October 21, 2009 3:01am CST
A 7 year old girl walking home from school in Orange Park, Florida is missing. Why is this allowed to continue too happen in this day and age. Parents have to realize that no matter where you live in this world our kids are not safe. They can't be allowed to walk home from school alone. There are just to many pedophiles out there looking for our children. I know both parents have to work these days however, Parents need to make arrangements for their kids to get home safe and sound. You can live in the best neighborhood or the worst it does not matter because the pedophiles are all over and they are looking for your child. I am so angry that we are not fighting harder for our precious children and allowing these perverts to get to our kids.

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27 responses
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
22 Oct 09
Oh my god, Is that ture? Sorry to hear that that's little gril was poor.Maybe she even didn't know what happened to her.I hope she will soon be found..Why so many perverts live in this world they are awful..Parents should learn a lesson noticed that not funny,keep your children form these pedophiles.whatever how busy you are.At least don't let your children stay alone
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
22 Oct 09
This is so true but I guess either people don't listen to the news and see what is happening or they think it won't happen to their children. Thank you for responding.
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@ruths77 (21)
• Australia
22 Oct 09
Feel so sorry to all parents who lost their kids, it must be just the worst nightmare in life. I have 22 months old son and can not imagine if that happens to me, he's my life and can not live without him. I believe all parents feel the same way too. Especially knowing that pedophiles is everywhere in this world, whether you live in the best area in any country. As parents we really have to try harder to protect our children. I know some parents are working like I used to. I think we have to arrange any possible way to always make sure our kids will not walking home alone. I will never let my son walk alone home, even when we go to the park, I always following him whenever he goes. I think they should never let all pedophiles out from jail.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
22 Oct 09
This is true pedophiles should not be released because they will never be cured. They will always have the temptation and many will still act on them. So they should be in jail for life never to be released. We owe that much to our children. I can't imagine what that child went thru if it proves that she is the child found in the landfill in Georgia. Thank you so much for responding.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
24 Oct 09
I have been wrapping my brain that no one saw this happen. I mean the time kids are getting out of school, a lot of people are out and about. I mean they had to be walking by a road that's not less traveled, why didn't no one see anything. I agree, kids shouldn't be walking home by themselves. In this case, she wasn't alone, she just went ahead of her sister and the other girl. This case was just 50 miles away from the other child that went missing. I wonder if these two are linked in some way. It's a scary thought, that there is a serial killer that preys on children on the loose. Parents need to take special precaution to keep their kids safe. Even if it means, waiting with your child until she/he got on the bus and waiting until he/she got off the bus. I might look weird, sitting outside with my child and a neighbors child, to catch the bus and waiting for her to get off the bus, but at least I know that they got on the bus and off the bus safe and sound. Then I turn around and either walk with my older child's bus stop or drive there depending on the weather, to do the same thing all over again.
I'm a over protective parent, my kids are never out of my sight unless I can't be and even then they are not in a spot to be taken from me. I moved to the area I live now, because where I used to live a 13 year old was taken right outside her home while waiting for the bus. Even where I live isn't safe, a town near me, a small child was taken right from her own bed. She was later found just right up the road from me.
With this case, it might not even be a pedophile that killed this child, could have been a neighbor. There are so many cases of kids and older people gone missing and it was the next door neighbor.

@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
26 Oct 09
May God Bless you because you are doing it the right way. No parent nowadays can be to protective. Its a different world then 30 years ago when things were not this bad. When there are $500,000 pedophiles throughout the US that is a big problem. Take care!
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
22 Oct 09
A child has been found in a landfield in Georgia and they are thinking its her. I hope not but even if its not its still someone elses child. I'm sick of what is going on with our children today. Thank you for responding.
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@suzzy3 (8341)
22 Oct 09
Some children insist on walking home from school alone it is part of growing up and gaining independence.Although saying that It is not a good idea to let them.You don't know for sure a peodophile has taken her,maybe she has run away.Many missing children turn up safe and sound.Lets hope this happens in this case.You are quite right there is no social status of the people who do these terrible things to children.I am just releaved that I don't have any little children of my own to worry about anymore.We watch our grandchildren when we take them out and it is quite a big responsibilty these days.You are quite right we must take more care of our little children and keep them safe.

@haiershen (1080)
• China
23 Oct 09
it is so sad, i'm very sorry to hear years old girl was missing,the partents have many duty to take care of their child. do no let them alone,it is necessary to bring them to the school and also pick up them after day off.i do agree with you that no matter how the parents how busy are? the family would be very sad if those thing was happened.and the litter girl how to live.hope the girl will be finding by the partents as soon as possible. good luck and have a nice day!
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
22 Oct 09
I am with you on this one Lelin. The rate that this is happening seems to be an epidemic. We spend so much time pushing things such as vaccines and doc dental check-ups. We need to keep better tabs on the actual little people. I have four children myself and run a homedaycare. I am adamant about the buddy system and we are right in front of the school.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
22 Oct 09
I'm sick in the stomach over this child being killed. Her body was found in the landfill in Georgia. The person who did this must have dumped her body in a dumpster and the dumpster was taken too Georgia. I can't believe what the parents and grandparents are going through. Its just horrible when a child in America can't be safe coming her from school. Thank you for responding.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
22 Oct 09
Today (Thursday) they have now found the little one's body in a landfill. I feel so bad for the family especially the mother. The mother appeared on the "Today Show" yesterday pleading for the safe return of her daughter. I have never seen such a utterly heartbroken, worried mother even appear on TV. She had me sitting in tears and praying for the child's safety.IMO we need to have much stronger laws and punishment for these disgusting people.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
22 Oct 09
I know I heard about the body being found last night. It took me hours to fall asleep last night. I just kept thinking about what this poor child went thru in her last hours of life. I just kept crying. I saw both the mother and grandmother crying which of course made me cry. I have a 3 year old grandchild and I could actually understand and feel what they were going thru. If anything like this was to happen to my granddaughter I would be in a hospital sedated and wanting to die.
@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
22 Oct 09
Hi friend,
I know. This is just making me sick. It has become almost a bi-weekly happening. What is with these GD pedophile freaks. I just don't get it. I am so thankful my kids are pretty well grown. My youngest girl is 15. She takes the bus to and from school, thank God!
We moved from the city to the country when she was 2. I just couldn't take the violence in the city any longer. But it is as you say, it doesn't matter where you live, these pigs are everywhere. They need to get a life and leave our children alone.
I just heard on Jane Valez Mitchell that they have found a body in Florida of a child. They are thinking it is indeed the child that has been missing since Monday. It just makes me ill.
Take care of you and your family.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
22 Oct 09
Its such a dangerous world we live in and I'm just sick of our children suffering like this. Thank you Cheryl and both you and your family take care.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
22 Oct 09
Yes you can't be afraid of being to over protective these days. Any minute that these pedophiles get they will act and take the child. That is why our children have to be watched over by family at all times. Thank you for responding.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
22 Oct 09
Yes it seems that it is happening everyday here in the US. She was walking with her twin brother and older sister, and their was a argument and she took off alone.
I just heard on the news that they found a body that might be hers. they are not saying yet if it was her or not.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
22 Oct 09
Yes a child was found in a landfill in Georgia. I feel so bad for the parents having to deal with such a horror and having to wait for the body to be ID.
Its just sickening to keep hearing these horrible stories week after week.
Thank you for responding.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
22 Oct 09
I saw this in our local newspaper and this is so sad! I'm with you. I don't know why some parents still allow their children to walk to and from school alone. There's no telling what must have happened, but I couldn't help but wonder if this girl's parents had not taught her not to talk to strangers or even had a chance to teach her. I walked to school for about a year when I was in the first grade and we never had worry about pedophiles back then. This was 1958-59. In other words, it was before we moved out to where I'm living now and it was too far to walk to school after we moved to my present location. Things are so much different now to what they were back then. Kathy.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
22 Oct 09
This is true for me too. I walked back and forth to school but it was with my brothers, sisters and friends. Like you said back then we didn't have to deal with pedophiles. The little girls was supposely walking with her sister, twin brother and friends. She had a fight with some friend and ran off. If this is truly what happen I don't understand why the sister and brother didn't run after her. Thanks for responding.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Oct 09

@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
23 Oct 09
Somer Thompson was walking with a group of kids, her friends and her sister and twin brother. Its seems she ran ahead of them and then disappeared. I don't understand why the sister and brother didn't run after. It is just the worst thing a family can go thru. I believe that all predators that have been convicted of doing harm to a child should never see the light of day again. Thank you for responding and keep safe.
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@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
22 Oct 09
I agree with you, children should not be left by there parents walking alone. I will be a mother soon and I will never let my child go to school and left to school alone. i would be more careful because pedophiles are just around. i hope all parents should be aware by this.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
21 Oct 09
Yes but the brother and sister should have ran after her and not let her go. My parents just called me to tell me that CNN announed that they found a child in a landfill in Georgia. They are thinking it might be her but they haven't ID the body yet. If this ends up being the little girl that brother and sister will be blaming themselves for the rest of their lives, because I know I would. 

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Oct 09
yes its a horrid thing BUT please dont assume that parents and caregivers arent doing all they can...thats just not fair...Predators are slick could have the BEST formula ever known to man but if a predator wants your child/children or you (since this happens to adults too) they'll find a way...
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
21 Oct 09
Yes some parents are watchful like my daughter and her husband however, when you leave a child to play outside by themselves or go to a park by themselves its giving the predator the opportunity to get your child. I'm sorry if parents were more careful we wouldn't be having so many of our children being kidnapped or killed. If a child comes home by school bus then someone needs to be at the bus when the child gets off. I know that its difficult with both parents needing to work but there has to be another parent in the neighborhood that would be willing to do this for their neighbors. Either picking up the child when they get off the bus or at the school itself. We need to not let the disgusting predators win this fight. Its horrific that we the parents are not outrage and fighting for justice for our kids.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
21 Oct 09
I tend to agree with you. I see parents taking such risks with their precious children. They think that nothing will ever happen to them. Odds are that nothing will but still....there is the risk. I just could not imagine taking such a risk however slight when it came to my kids. They were not allowed to just walk home. If I were not able to pick them up or walk to meet them then I arranged for a ride for them. Now I go up to the playground with my granddaughter and I see all sorts of little tots running around and no adults. How crazy is that? One day there was a little girl of no more than 3 sound asleep in a child swing. I was so angry and I could not leave until the older brother, about 6 came and got her and carried her home.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
21 Oct 09
OMG a 3 year old sleeping on a swing with no parent around! I can't believe it. That is what the problem is parents don't think it could happen to them. What would a three year old be doing at a playground by herself. I don't allow my granddaughter who is also 3 to even be in my backyard without me there watching her, and she is a smart mature 3 year old. However, you never know anything can happen in a minute. Parents have to get with the program and realize the dangers out there and not take it for granted that it won't or can't happen to their child. Thank you for sharing.
• United States
21 Oct 09
I agree w/u 100%. Gone are the days a child should be out walking alone, sad but very true.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
21 Oct 09
Yes it is and I'm crying because a child has been found in Georgia in a landfield they believe it might be the little girl but they haven't ID the body yet. I'm sick in my stomach and angry at the same time. Thank you for responding.
@Fireheart (683)
• India
21 Oct 09
Now thats really worse,nowadays there are many danger that lurks on every corner of world that it is simply not safe for little children to wander, i wouldn't let this happen if i were in this situation,i would do everything i can to keep my child away from bad things, and i shall protect at my life's cost.afterall it is the parents duty to look after their kins, i wonder they might be doing letting their kins wander off like that.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
21 Oct 09
Yes I agree that is why I'm so protective of my granddaughter as is her parents. We don't let her out of our site for a minute. One of us is always with her. If she is sleeping one of us is always going in to check if she is ok. Its a terrible way to live but this is unfortunately the way the world is and its a real shame and not fair to our precious kids.
@SallyAnna (142)
• United States
21 Oct 09
Hi Lelin1123,
It sickens me to think that anyone would hurt,abuse or neglect a child,yet it happens everyday in our society. When I was growing up the world seem to be a safer place. Atleast in my neighborhood, as a child we could walk to the park and actually play safely. I've noticed in this day and age that neighbors aren't as friendly. It's sad, I wish children could step outside without having to look over their shoulders constantly.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
21 Oct 09
I so agree with you. We were able to play outside, walk home from school, go to the candy store with no real fear at all. Now adays you can't leave a child alone for a minute. Your child isn't even safe sleeping in their own bed. My daughter and her husband nine times out of ten they have their 3 year old daughter sleeping with them out of fear of leaving her in her own bed. Doors and windows are locked but they still have the fear. I won't let her play in the backyard by herself because it only takes a minute for something to happen. I have heard of kids taken right in front of their houses while playing. Thank you for responding.