Do distance relationship work?

October 22, 2009 2:42am CST
I have been in distance relationship and that has never worked. Quarrels, misunderstanding, miscommunication,out of touch and insecurity occurs. Its really difficult to communication and keep touch and also its not secure. so do u think it works?
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43 responses
• Singapore
22 Oct 09
Hi! I am saddeed on how it turned up with your relationship. I must say that for me, fortunately, it worked well. Though I cannot deny the fact that there are really hardships to maintain it, with what you called insecurity, misunderstanding, miscommunication, etc. To be honest, me and my now husband also experienced to end the relationship twice because of those but we still succeeded to be on each others arms back again in the end. I think aside from the fact that you have to be inlove with the person, you also have to condition yourself that long distance realtionship will not work as how those ordinary relationship works. It involves trust, patience and commitment to pass those obstacles that may come in your way. That's what we did and we are now on the way for two year blissful and happy marriage.
23 Oct 09
I agree. Trust is the word!
@sugarlen (138)
• Philippines
2 Nov 09
Trust is of outmost importance in a distant relationship. It may be hard but that's the only way to keep your relationship from going.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
26 Oct 09
Hello mrnischalgurung, I had been in two long distance relationships before. I admit that it is hard to maintain the relationship and you need to have a lot of patience and trust. Fortunately for me, both relationships had no problem due to the distance. The first one was unsuccessfully due other aspect of the relationship and for the second one, it was between my husband and I. Given a choice, I prefer not to have a long distance relationship anymore.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I have mixed views on long distance relationships. I have heard of many people, where it worked out. Slowly steadily building a little relationship, getting to know someone, very slowly over time, until you meet, and then finally go on a date, and then marry and make a family. So since I have seen that work, I can't say it doesn't work. At the same time, I've seen a large number of times it did not work. You can't really check to see if what that other person is saying to you, is really true. One girl found out her guy was actually dating someone else, while saying he was waiting for her. Of course that didn't work out. Another guy was saying that his girlfriend couldn't understand why he wasn't available all the time, and assumed he was cheating on her. So it's very difficult, and requires a ton of patients, and forgiving. For me personally, I don't think I could fall in love with someone that I've never met, or know anything about. I'd have to at least meet, and see that other person for some time, to know they really are, who they say they are. You can't do that over the phone or computer. So online dating is not going to happen for me.
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@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
hello, i am in one. and so far it is working out fine. trust and patience is the ingredient. we have misunderstanding while communicating sometimes online but always kiss and make up before we end the talk. communication is the key factor. we never let a day go on without talking to each other. thank you for this post. ann
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@veronizm (907)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
Hi mrnischalgurung! So sorry to hear about how your relationship went. In my opinion, I do believe that long distance relationships are very hard to maintain and it needs great sacrifice in order for the relationship to continue. Relationships, especially the romantic ones, need constant physical presence in order for love and trust to build and grow. We all know that love is manifested through time and if the person is not with you all the time then there are not enough chances to express each other's feelings. Yes, we can express it by saying it through the phone or email chat but it's still a different thing to express it face to face. However, it also depends on how long the couple have been together before they were separated by distance. Couples who have been together for more than two or three years and have expressed their deep feelings and have already built their trust with each other are most likely able to keep the relationship and love with each other even if both of them are apart. But for those who have just been together for like a few months before they are parted would most likely loose the relationship because they probably haven't built their love and foundation that much :)
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
Absolutely it will work if you want it to work and not if you allow it not to. I can say this because I am in the situation at present. I have a 4 years and 9 months relationship with my boyfriend now, who is currently working abroad. On our second year, that was his first time to go away and work abroad. After 2 years, he came back home. 2 years for being miles miles apart was tough. During those 2 years, definitely there were misunderstandings and petty fights. There are likewise temptations. But, we overcame them all. At present, he has to return abroad for work. It has been a week that he is away again, and all i need to do is cry alone. I cannot bear the longingness of his presence, yet I need to be strong. I just think that this is temporary and this is for our future. We believe that distance is not a hindrance for our relationship to last long. Besides, when he gets back home again, we will get marry.
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• Italy
24 Oct 09
I think it only matters how much you have trust on each other, distance does not matter in any relation. This world have advanced technology you can talk to your partner live and can solve the misunderstandings. If you guys dont have trust then your relations can get disturbed easily when you are together. What i think is the faith and trust is basic key to any relation.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
23 Oct 09
Hey mrnischalgurung! I have been in a long distance relationship in the past and it was very difficult. But, in this instance being in a relationship with this person was difficult no matter where he lived! So, I don't think it is a very good example! Some long distance relationships can work if the two people are really committed to each other! There are two mylotters here who met and fell deeply in love and are now living together and are really happy! So that is proof that it is possible for a long distance relationship to work if the two people really want it to! But, it really takes an extra bit of patience and committment and most people are not always able to deal with the problems that go with it.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
I do agree that distance relationship will work if someone have a discipline in his/her self. Because the core of retaining distance relationship is trust, discipline, fear of God. But as i witness and observe most of the distance relationship is not working due to undisciplined among the lovers or partners...But for me I do believe distance relationship is working unless wearing a good relationship to God...Have a nice day!
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
My husband is working abroad so we are in a long distance relationship. And yes it's not that easy if you are in this situation. Though it's difficult to communicate and to keep in touch I can still say yes our relationship works. Well, it only depends on both parties how they handle the situation if they both have love and trust for each other it will work. You don't need to feel the insecurities if you know where's your place in her heart. Eventhough quarrels occur you can still resolved it by listening to each other reasons.
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
Well, for me it worked. I guess it just a matter of believing in that person, learning to understand and accept the possibilities that occurred. Nevertheless, it wouldn't worked out unless you have less faith in him/her. Trust plays an important role, in this give and take relationship.
@sunkha (13)
• Bangladesh
23 Oct 09
sometimes it works ,sometimes depends on understanding.but insecurity occurs every can occurs in any other relationship should trust your patient and try to keep on touch.
@rhan04 (307)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
Most long distance relationships don't really work because of the factors you have mentioned. But it is still up to both of you if you trust each other. It's all about trust. Try to remove those insecurity feelings and focus more on how you can make your relationship work. Talk about your issues and try to resolve them without quarreling. Open up to your partner if you are bothered about something and he/she should try to be open-minded about the issue and vice versa. It's difficult but it would really help.
@shobhan51 (376)
• Malaysia
23 Oct 09
I have seen partners who have had children and married for a number of years and living together, break up due to infidelity. A relationship, whether the individuals are living together or are living apart, can be successful only if there is love, faith, trust and fidelity. These elements are important for a long-lasting and successful relationship.
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@cecelgay (563)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
Hi... alot of people says that long distance relationship will not work, but some say that it is possible, Actually it will.... but it requires big and strong trust, love and respect. This three character your relationship must have. We become more possisive to our partner because we never trust him/her, we feel ,more jealous because of it. It will not work ever if we dont have that. Also one of the most important is the constant communication, if we lost it problems will occur, the trust will weaken and those things you've mentioned will occur.
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• United States
23 Nov 09
I was in a distance relationship for about two months. We met on myspace and it was working beautifully. Then as we were planning to meet. He lost his credit card and hit me up for money. That was the end of that relationship. When I didn't have the money he went away for good. Happy Myotting
@tontunan (254)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
it will work of course. it is because true love never minds distance. being far from someone you love will test how faithful and true you are. just like the surviving couples who preserved their marriages even if they are miles away from their partners. here in our place most husbands work overseas while their wives stay at home.
@larish (2191)
• Philippines
22 Oct 09
I was never involve in a long distance relationship maybe because I don't think it will work. I think a lot of problems will occur with long distance relationships. In contrary, I have friends who succeeded in having a long distance relationship. A colleague of mine just celebrated their 2nd year anniversary, they have been away from each other for 1 and a half year. A friend of mine just got married after a 4 year long distance relationship. It is still fair to say that it really depends on the couple if they want to make it last.
@Archie0 (5652)
24 Oct 09
They can work. Ive known of more than a few that have. It just depends on whether or not you both are willing to work on it and want it enough. Once you get past an few hundred miles the distance doesn't really matter. So being in another state isn't going to be the problem. The problem is going to be similar to most other relationships, communication. In relationships where the couple is in close proximity they can get by in lapses of communication and being lazy with it because they are physically together and it will but them at ease. When your not going to be seeing each other as often its important to focus on communicating and sharing things so that the feeling of intimacy can be sustained. Talk to him and let him know where your head is at and then his answers will let you know whether its something worth pursuing.
@borhan (1338)
• United States
22 Oct 09
Generally, maintaining relationship from distance is difficult. A close relationship is better to understand each other, knowing each other. Whereas in distance relationship scopes of forming misunderstanding, doubting each other occur more.
• Canada
23 Oct 09
I am in a long distance relationship now and i can say that we are pretty steady now. we just keep our communication lines open and we give each other extra patience and tons of trust. it is really difficult but if you really love each other,then your love will still be the main thing for the relationship to work..