school time good or bad?

October 22, 2009 8:33am CST
hello friends tell me, that do you like your school time or not.if you are not on school so please tell me, are you missing your school time or it was a borring time?
4 responses
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
26 May 10
Well i like my school life very much. Those are the days where i had no worries and happy like a free bird.
@ava152007 (641)
• India
8 Nov 09
Hi School time was really good time of my life.. If god gives me a chance to choose me then I want to go back to school time.. What a fun time..... If you are in school time just enjoy and do study , become good child,, That will definetly help you in futue.. Good luck!!!
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
22 Oct 09
I'm not in school any longer, as I'm 25 years old with no time for college. I can tell you tho that I LOVED school. I didn't particularly care for all the subjects... or waking up in the morning... but I loved school. I always (mostly) had awesome teachers, awesome classmates, etc. I didn't always do well, although I did try, and its true that (depending on your job/career after school) that you don't use most of the stuff you learn... but hey. Its only 12 years out of hopefully 70+. I think its good... not only do you learn math, art classes, etc but you get to meet all kinds of people and learn how to associate yourself with different levels of authority, etc. If I could do it all over again, I would ;)
• India
8 Nov 09
hiiii, friends i want to tell you that school time is very wonderful and don't miss this time