God's Plan in your life. Knowing your Role
By afarrell1
@afarrell1 (258)
United States
October 22, 2009 9:16am CST
Recently there has been a lot of preaching going on about following your calling from God - God has given you a gift and you need to step up and use it - Don't hide your talents like the foolish man in the parable. That sort of thing.
So how do you know what your supposed to do? I know there are gifts of the spirit, talents God has given, and callings in our lives. But how do you know? It's not like I can lay out a fleece and say "ok God, if you want me to do this then make it wet". So how do you know. I've been seeking him and haven't gotten a clear direction other than I'm not using it, what ever "it" may be. Would it be too blasphemous to ask God to be a little less mystical in his want and send an email?
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15 responses
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
23 Oct 09
I have known, loved and served my Father God through the Lord Jesus Christ, for 51 of my 73 years and my relationship with Him is the main priority in my life. Over those 51 years He has proven to be my everything.
Every child of God has at least one gift of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are Teaching, Exhortation or Encouragement, Prophecy, Knowledge, Wisdom, Speaking, Evangelism, Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues, Healing, Discernment, Helps, Giving, Leadership, Mercy, Faith, Serving, Pastoring, Missionary, Hospitality, Administration. As you can see, these are diverse and many people have a number of gifts. The gifts are for the purpose of edifying the Church.
I would encourage anyone who doesn't know his/her particular gift to take every opportunity of service that presents. If you are asked to teach, teach. If you are asked to take on a leadership position, do it. As you prayerfully accept and perform given duties, God WILL reveal to you where HE wants you to work. You will KNOW that it is not you who is performing the tasks, but that He is working in and through you, empowering you to work in His will.
One of the biggest privileges in life is to serve the Lord in the area to which He has called. If God sent you an email or spoke directly to you telling you His will, it would not be such a blessing as it is to follow His leading and discover through personal experience His guidance and enabling. Once you follow, you will KNOW.

@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
23 Oct 09
din, firstly I agree with you that God is not in the Temple or Church. God's Word tells me that the Holy Spirit lives within me. While we refer to a building as a Church, the true Church is the body of Christ - the body of all believers of all time.
I have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with my Father God through the Lord Jesus Christ, so I cannot agree with you that God is not in direct contact with us. He is my constant Companion who guides me, teaches me, encourages me, challenges me, enables me and is my everything. I delight in His presence.
While I value the advice of ministers of the Gospel, my ONLY authority is the Word of God. I do not plan my life as advised by a priest!
I would also have to disagree with your statement that "God will keep me in His list" if I do certain things. My name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life solely because of what Christ has already done for me in paying the penalty for MY sin and granting me eternal life with Him. I am kept by the power of God and held in His hands and NOTHING will ever separate me from Him or "take me off His list" as you put it.
May I ask what authority you quote for your last statement: Our next birth depends upon how & what we did in this birth! My Bible assures me it is given to man to die once and after that is judgement. My Saviour assures me that when I leave this earthly life I will be with Him for all eternity. We only have one life on earth and that life is followed by an eternity in either heaven or hell.
@din1955 (52)
• India
23 Oct 09
How we worship our beloved grand Father God!.
I have to say something:
God is not only in Church or Temple.
We go to Church/Temple to motivate our ways to life in natural ways.
I mean to say what we should plan our life as advised by priest/saint.
God is not in direct contact with us.
Service to mankind is service to God!
Do keep people & animals around you in list,help them,speak politely to them.
Then god will keep you in his list.
Help animals,by giving food to them.
I have seen people beating a dog or a cow!
People earn money by unethical ways,what may come!
They speak lie,they even kill someone,if someone resist them!
This is not way of nature.
Even trees are having feelings,when you are to touch them,they resist.
Those help nature ,nature is going to help them.
Our next birth depends upon how & what we did in this birth!.

@beautifulBrooke (191)
• United States
22 Oct 09
Excellent question. I actually teach on this very subject several times a year. I'm not a pastor, but I have been called by God to teach this. It goes over looked in almost every church I've ever been in.
Yes, there are Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Nine of them. But these are not your "purpose" gifts. Those are your "power" gifts.
What you need to study are called the "Motivational Gifts". There are 7 of them. Most Christians most strongly in 1 or 2 of the 7. However, as believers you should see all traces of the gifts within yourself, only being very strong in a couple. They are listed in Romans 12: 6-8. Beginning with prophecy and ending w/ mercy. These are not the same as the gifts of the H.S. These are your personality. Your spiritual DNA. Your complete make up. Unfortunately, it takes 4 weeks to teach this class, and I can't do it via the internet. But research it. It's definately a lost teaching.
There are 3 different sets of gifts in the bible. One being the 9 gifts of the H.Spirt., Another the 7 motivational gifts, and thirdly the 5 ministry gifts. (Commonly referred to as the "five-fold ministry".
One clue in figuring out your "purpose"...take note of the subject matters you find yourself more interested in. Also take note of the types of preachers you are attracted to. For example: do you find yourself interested in healing ministries? Do you feel drawn to folks that need a physical healing in their body and you feel drawn to pray for/with them? That's a start of figuring it out.. Any other questions, I would be glad to help. Just can't sit here and type for days to teach the motivational gifts... :-) blessins..
@levite (1062)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
And let us not forget also the "Fruit of the Holy Spirit" in Galatians 5:22-23 to balance the gifts. I have noticed some Christians who have received major gifts of the Spirit including some from the ministry gifts that they become so proud of themselves and their gifts thinking those gifts are theirs. One who receives the prophetic gift, for example, uses his gift boldly but when it comes to character and attitude he is sometimes harsh and without humility. And some do not have the "love gift" in I corinthians 13.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
23 Oct 09
Hi afarell1,
You first accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and ask Him to guide you to where He wants you to be in your life. Anything that you do well, do for the glory of God. Even in your job, do it as though the Lord were your boss (actually, He is!) and work with that attitude. You will find much greater peace and fulfillment in your job. Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.
There is no talent/skill to big or too small to use to glorify our heavenly Father! God has each of us here for a reason.
God bless you!
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
22 Oct 09
We also had this topic last night in our cellgroup. It also made me wonder what really is my "gift". We think our gifts are something that can contribute to the church. For example, if you are bless with material thing like money, then use you gift to support financial need of the church by contributing tithes. I am aware that I am good in drawing, but I haven't use it for the church and I don't know where to use it too. But if ever the church needs me, and I'm ready..
@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
23 Oct 09
I am good at art, I was asked to paint the mural for the newly built nursery. It turned out pretty good. but I still don't think that was my calling
@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
If you have a talent in singing or music, use it for the glory of God. If you are good in sharing God's Words to others, then do it in evangelizing the unbelievers. Read and meditate the gifts of the Holy spirit and pray to God what you want in the nine gifts. Pray and wait when God will give the desire of your heart. You do not need an email from God, prayer is your connection to God.
@babybugz (2)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
Its alright to ask God thru prayers. God thoght us in many ways. He already laid rules for us and its depends to us to how to follow it. God gave his son to us. Life will have many obstacles, trials and hurtings. There might be a lesson to learn and at the end of the day... God Loves us!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
23 Oct 09
We really don't know for sure, all we can do is be the best people we can be and believe in God and acknowledget that we believe in him. Treat other people well and live an honest life, I guess as long as you do that then you are doing things right, no one is perfect and God knows that we all have our issues, but I think as long as we try to live as best we can that is all we can do.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
A true believer has holy spirit within him that will always speak to him in a lot of wonderful way. You need no direct e-mail from God to discern what He wants you to do for Him. A real believer will be always feel from within his heart what God is asking Him to do. As every human being is given a natural talent as a result of a combination of genetics so that some have natural ability in singing, playing or writing music, drawing, sketching or any form of art, or even talent in mathematics, poetry and the likes while some really was endowed with certain talents by God even without the influence of genetic. The moment you become a Christian through your personal relationship with Jesus Christ these natural talents should be used for his glory and not for your own. So it is not really a problem of how to use those talents for Jesus. If you know how to sing then sing for the Lord. Join the church choir and use your voice for his glory. Now if you have the talent to teach, then be a Sunday School teacher, if you have the talent of eloquence then go and share Jesus and win souls for him. If you know how to draw or to sketch, you can use it in improving the Church Bulletin boards are joining the multi-media ministry of the church. Any talent you do have no matter how small it may be can be very useful if used for the glory of God.
God is not mythical because God has always been real. The only problem is that some people have not really find true personal relationship with Him so that they could not really understand God and his purpose in every one's life.
@angelgravity (13)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
I have asked myself that question just minutes ago. I was quite confused if I'd go in the job fair or not. My dad feared that I would just waste time and transportation fee just to get there, and in the end I'd still not gonna make it to finally say, "Hello job!". Right now, I decided not to go. I asked for signs, and they hinted "Stop, don't go anymore."
I've been craving to get my first job now that I've finally graduated, but I always missed chances when they finally come. Something always come up every time a job fair or an interview reach my cellphone and e-mail address. Sometimes I do wonder, what were the God's plans for me. I always conclude that something bigger might come my way, that's why mere chances just pass. I am learning to be optimistic recently because I'm laying my full trust to Him. He's the only one who knows my destination; the one who knows what's the right direction and U-turns, and I'm just driving the vehicle to get there; I'm following the path He's pointing out to me.
Neither one of us know His plans, but He'll give us hints. You just have to be sensitive on it, and there you would know- no right word can describe that feeling that 'you finally know it'. You'd just know.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
Simple!!!!...look around you.
Meditate...think about your life.
Are you happy?...
Go inside your room,think about your life,what is missing...?
If you feel that you are missing something in your life,then,try to find it.
Have you ever indulge yourself to charity works?..if not,..then start now.
Maybe GOD's plan is,for you to help the needy.
Are you rich enough to adopt a child?...why not try to have one...maybe GOD has given you the wealth to support a homeless kid.
Are you very rich and you don't know how to spent it?...why not put a school for free.
Ok,..enough with money.
Do you think you had the ability to read the Bible and understand the scriptures?...then,why not search for the true meaning of it...maybe GOD wants you to be His disciples ,to preach the gospel of the LORD GOD.
Sometimes,there are things that happening in our lives that we don't understand why it did happen.But,if we think about it,we will see the reason why.
Why God created the frogs...for snakes as foods?...it maybe the reason why,...but behind it,there is a deeper answer that we can't understand easily.
So,as we,why God just don't send us email or text message to let us know what is our purpose in this life.
It is for us to discover what GOD is offering us ahead...

@JAG2009 (266)
• India
23 Oct 09
I guess a good rule of thumb is that you continue to do whatever it is that you do - your studies/job etc in the best possible manner. Remember that verse - "Whatever you do, do it as if unto the Lord"... (I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact verse. But trust me, it's there)
His "calling" could be just that - where you are right now, doing what you have been entrusted to do.
In the meantime, keep an eye out for whatever people comment/compliment you on - maybe it's your thoughtfulness or the way you show attention; maybe it's your organizational skills; maybe it's your encouraging spirit; or perhaps your questioning, curious nature that wants to find the truth..(as is obvious from your question)...there may be a clue into what your "calling" is.
I believe that "talents" are meant for people to take care of whatever has been entrusted to them - their careers, their families, their money...nothing super spiritual about it; just ordinary, normal, "earthly" stuff that you need to be responsible for. He's already spelled that out clearly in His word.
Anyway, that's how I see it, and that's my attitude...pending a heavenly email, of course :)
@irene3184 (898)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
I think you will know your role in life if you meet someone and it needs your help.You can feel it what is your purpose of living in this world through the consequences and the people around you.
@fuzzy7277 (6)
• United States
23 Oct 09
I know my purposes in life; I say purposES because there are at least 2 different ones I know I must follow in life. Not necessarily because of God--I'm not atheiest, but I am agnostic--but because of the 2 loves I've discovered already in my life. Since I was little I have always loved creating things, esepcially stoires. From short stories, and then to novels (I wrote my first novel at 11, and a 900 page one at 13). From then on I've written several books, none have been published but that is because I have yet to send them to a publisher or literary agent. I am, however, ready to publish one on createspace.com and I have chosen this method simply because the length of the novel would scare off any agent or publisher, lol. I know I must write, not because God told me to, but because I love to, and if I didn't a part of me would die. And what do I write about? Well here's the link between this love, to yet another love in my life: animals. I write about animals, and again, since I was little, I have loved animals! As a kid I job-shadowed different careers involving animals, my first job was at a Pet Lodge. I have volunteered at the Humane Society, and plan on going back when I can. In the future, when I have the money, I am going to have a no-kill animal shelter of my own, for cats, dogs, and other animals including chickens! And did God tell me any of this? No, or at least, it didn't seem so. I've discovered both of these goals/loves of my life on my own, or perhaps not ... I AM an open-minded person, so maybe there IS a god or spiritual being that has helped to lead me on this path in life. But as far as I know, it was myself, my family, and my friends, not to mention my animals (who are both family and friends to me).
I hope you find what your puprose or talent in life is, and if you already have, then that's all you need to know. If it's some clarification that you seek, all I can say is to keep listening, not only to God, but to yourself as well!
@LilPixelle (828)
• United States
22 Oct 09
I don't think so at all :) (that it would be blasphemous) It would be pretty strange to get an email from God though O.o I wonder what his email address would be?
Short answer:
1. Don't worry about it too much, If God wanted you to know, You would know.
2. Many times he won't tell us, because we would look and go "No way, I can't do that" Because we easily forget his burden is light, and that he will help us through it.
3. Seek his face, and a closer relationship with him, through prayer, and reading his word... Keep trying, sometimes it's frustrating, because we expect an answer right then, but the more you learn to spot the little signs he is listening, and to hear his voice how he speaks, (which can take a long time to do) the funner it gets :P
4. Seek Virtues, All of them, and the Fruits of the spirit. All of them, Equip yourself with the armor of God, because these will help you make good choices, and God will be able to trust you with more and more.
Omg that wasn't very short at all, was it? O.o