I only wanted to play ....Gissi

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
October 22, 2009 2:13pm CST
And I ended up looking the Fool, of course Mum found it so funny, as she would Last Night 10pm .......... I was getting bored , Mum was doing her Things on the Laptop, so I sat nice in front of her, Mum said no, Gissi, I am to tired. I started jumping up and down, throwing my Chewie at her but nope Mum was to tired, so I gave up I went on my Chair where I have a Pillow with a nice cover on and my Cushion to, I also have a Pillow and Cushion in my bed, anyway I decided to keep myself occupied as I was bored, next thing I heard Mum laughing, well I could not see Mum as I had climbed into the Pillow cover, Mum was still laughing asking me what are you doing, if you are hiding then you are not doing a good job as your Back end is still out Yeah, great Mum thanks for telling me, so that was a waste of time, I tried to come out of the Pillow cover but hey I could not get out, I was shaking my head, kicking my Paws and just could not get out, Mum is laughing thinking it is so funny, well I did not find it funny at all, then Mum says "Gissi if I cut 2 holes in that you are ready for Halloween, yeah ok Mum this is not funny at all and I am getting really annoyed now, so stop laughing and help please I was geting really annoyed with this stupid Pillow and then Yeahhhhhhhhh I got out but nooooooo I fell of my Chair, Mum was laughing so hard at me she was having a bad Coughing Fit which hurt her so she had to try and stop laughing , well I was really disgusted with Mum, I felt such a fool, I do not believe that stupid Pillow would not let me out, anyway I gave Mum the Gissi Look and then went to bed It was Mum's fault anyway if she would not have been to tired to Play, I would not have decided to crawl into the Pillow cover, so of I go to bed , Mum comes through to lie on the Bed and talk to me, next thing that Stupid white Tiger of Mum's jumps of the wardrobe (not a real one) and fell on me I shot out of the Bedroom growling, again Mum was laughing, yeah so funny Mum just funny, that scared me That was it, I got on my Chair and stayed there , I had enough, I know I wanted to play but this is not funny, I ignored Mum when she asked if I was ok, I just wanted to go to sleep, well I did but then Mum walked into my Chair as she was not watching where she was going knocked her toe and screamed right close to me, which made me jump , but I thought that was funny as Mum sat on the Floor trying very hard not to say Words that are not for my little Doggy ears , I jumped of the Chair and sat looking at Mum she then said it was MY FAULT huhhhhhhhhhhh????????? how ?????? She never said how So do you have problems like this, you know Mum's laughing at you and blaming you for something you haven't done I know it is my Chair but I did not tell Mum to walk into it
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12 responses
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Well, at least you are now feeling Good enough to want to play, and it is not Mom's fault that she was not noticing you. Sometimes we adults have to have time to do things that are important to us even if it means ignoring our pets as well. But I am sure since you did not get hurt Mom meant nothing by this, and still Loves you, so just show Mom you want to play more, and maybe she will make sure things like this quit from happening.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Oct 09
Hi there Tina Well last Night we had a good Play but then I got tired So I went to bed and left Mum to it It is only because Mum is not so well again at the moment that she is to tired and I suppose it was late at Night I guess
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
22 Oct 09
my meowmy sometimes steps on one of us - well, some more than others, but she got ME the other day - I mean - REALLY! She KNOWS she's supposed to look before she steps, even if I AM behind her! She also kicks Zhaan, now, I don't mean she means to kick Zhaan, but that pi$$y cat is just asking for it anyway! She just carries on and growls and sometimes attacks us for no reason, then she runs in front of the meowmies and STOPS! Sure, some times we do that too, but she's so DUMB and does it all the freaking TIME!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Oct 09
Mum stood on my Paw once and yikes that hurt, she felt so awful because I cried she had tears in her eyes, but I made the most of it because even when my Paw did not hurt any more I still held my Paw up to her Looks like you have to sort Zhaan out and teach her not to do that
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
Oh that is awful that she picks on the ones that won't get her back Hmmmm sounds like she is being a Bully ..... Gissi
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
22 Oct 09
we all give her the evil eye like "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" when she starts up, she's discovered that some of us will swat her back, so she's kind of directing the worst of her venom on those who back down like Tony - he's a sweet boy, but dumb, he's bigger than she is, he could take her... She doesn't seem to notice that I don't have teeth, probably because I go after her with my paws when she comes at me... Meowmy talks about some cat she used to have that once got stepped on and after that pretended to get stepped on to get treats and pets until she was finally caught doing it! Serves her right for wrecking the system!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Oct 09
LOLROFLHNK!!!!!! I sure would have liked to been there to see all this. But I to dont get that it was your fault that mom stubbed her toe! what a night you 2 had hugsssssssssssssssssssssss
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
No I do nt understand it either, I mean my Chair has been here and not moved, the only Person that does move it when she gets her Moods is Mum when she moves the Furniture round so I don't know why it was my Fault I really don't , Hugsxxxxxxxxxx
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Oct 09
nope no understanding this one hugsssssssssss
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• Australia
22 Oct 09
Good morning my little nephew. I see you are still up to your tricks and giving Mum plenty to laugh about. It's a shame she kicked her toe. I know that wasn't in your plans. Hhmmmmm now why didn't Mum have her camera? I can imagine a pic of you half in and half out of the pillow cover. It would look good here. Talking about tigers - please tell Mum that Tiger Spirit is now a refugee from yuwie here on myLot and would like a few friends. Keep up the good work of keeping Mum amused. With the cold weather coming she is going to need to be kept in good spirits.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Oct 09
Hey Auntie Cloud, yep thats me but I felt silly when I got stuck in there Mum was going to take a Photo but it was to dark and she only has her Mobile Camera Mum is going to look for Tiger Spirit now also Mum has given me strict instructions to tell you that she has posted your Card today Love you Auntie Cloud ....your Nephew Gissi xxx
• Australia
30 Oct 09
Well Gissi we have now seen the photo because you did it again! Yes, I know - you wanted to show off your cute tail, so OK I'll agree it was cute. Tell Mum the card has arrived, and tell her it will be hanging on my workstation where it will be a constant reminder of two very special people. Thanks for the best response.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Oct 09
You are very welcome Auntie Cloud Mum says she is so glad that the Card has arrived and she hopes that you like it and your Calendar to Much love to you always and big Hugs
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
4 Nov 09
It sounds like you and Mum did play but not in the way you had intended. LOL I am sorry, Gissi. I am laughing also. I keep picturing you with your head in the pillowcase and your back end hanging out. Too cute. Just too cute.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Nov 09
I know but Mum was being so boring that Night I just don't know what was up with her at all
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Oct 09
Well you did not tell her to walk into the chair and she did not tell you to go into the pillow, so I think the joke was on both of you!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Oct 09
Hmmm I guess Auntie Dawn, but it was Mum's fault I got stuck in the Pillow case if she would have played I would not have got stuck in there .........Gissi
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Oct 09
Well maybe but I did not think it work as she was really tired but I wanted to play well I guess I woke her up by trying to hide
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Oct 09
Maybe, but wouldn't it have worked better (to get her to play) if you sort of just sat their looking at her with really sad eyes?
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
22 Oct 09
Gissi, does it make you feel better to know Sherlock has done that same thing? And yes, sadly I have laughed at that too.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Oct 09
Oh yes Ambie it certainly does make me feel better hehehe but it is not fair of you Mum's to laugh at us you know poor Sherlock
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Oct 09
I will come to your defense dear Gissi....mum really should watch where she is going and a little precious like you shouldn't be blamed...on the other hand would you mind if mum took a picture of you stuck in the pillow cover and post it so we can see what you look like when you are a ghost? LOL
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Oct 09
Mum was going to but she only has the Camera on her Mobile and it was to dark She just said I will get you next time, yeah right But thank you for agreeing I should not be blamed xxx
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
23 Oct 09
She should be more careful...lol. Maybe a gnome moved the chair.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Oct 09
oh ho you have had quite a time my little man friend, Gissi, poor mum was tired and could not play. so she got the Gissi look, so then you try to hide and that old pillow almost got you.And mum was laughting at you. oh poor Gissi it feels awful to look foolish doesn't it? but I bet you did look funny your rear end sticking out like that. Mum just had to laugh.okay you did not think it a bit funny. oh gosh you fell off the chair,you okay now,pal? Then the white tiger tries to get you, I feel for you sure do. Then mum walked into your chair and banged her toe.Gissi she felt foolish too, thats why she screamed but yeah it really was not your fault.oh mum will get over it, do not worry chum. Gissi you gotta remember sometimes Mum has those hormone things you know. hugs to you Gissi and to your Mum Gabs.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Oct 09
Hmmm so it is her Hormone things I should have guessed really Love you Auntie Hatley big Hugs .....Gissi
• United States
23 Oct 09
But Gissi....the white tiger was bored and just wanted to play with you!! sorry but i would have laughed at you in the pillow case too!! But im on your side on the stubbed toe...dont see how that was your fault....but maybe you shouldnt have laughed....lol
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
I didn't laugh I just looked all innocent at her So I can not figure it out at all Last Night I got Seasick because the Cushion I was sleeping on Mum had her Hand under it and was pushing it up and down, I gave her a right look because last Night I didn't want to play, she would not leave me alone ....Gissi
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Oct 09
People tend to forget how easy it is to hurt a dog's feelings, we had Jake, who lived with us for 14 years and if you looked at him and stuck out your tongue he got very upset and sulked for an hour or so. So tell your Mum to be careful howshe laughs at you. Blessings
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Oct 09
I will do