This is another Reason Children turn out bad

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
October 23, 2009 2:30am CST
Here in the UK , A Teacher removed a Child from the Class because after several warnings of stop telling racist Jokes, the Child would not stop so the Teacher removed him from Class The Teacher is 62 years old and has been teaching for many years, he is now facing court today and might not be able to ever teach again Why????? The Child did not do as he was asked, he was doing something that an Adult would have charged for, so why is the Child getting away with it and the Adult, is now being punished for stopping this Child being racist, something this Country apparently is very strict on but of course not if we are on the receiving end of it It has not been said the age of the Child or anything, but this Teacher only did what was he was able to do and remove the Child from Class, again why are the Parents not standing up for this Teacher, as they should know that the Child was in the wrong See that is what is wrong here and other places, Children see that Adults get punished for rectifying them so of course they just carry on and grow up to be thugs I think this Country needs start looking at some of their Laws when it comes to Children, yes protect them by all means, which is not working right, but also show them that they will be punished for wrong doing Small incident yesterday, A Mum was trying to put the cover over her little Girls Push Chair, as it was raining, the little one started to kick and push the cover, the Mum explained to her that she will get wet and sick Little one lashed out again at the cover, the Mum gently and I mean gently tapped her hand and said no that is naughty, this Woman went up to her and had a go at the Mum accusing her of Child abuse and did she know she should not be hitting her Child, I could not stop myself as the Mum was pregnant and crying, I went up and said politely to the Woman, that all the Mum did is tap the hand, not hit, so could she please in future think before she starts shouting at a pregnant Woman and accusing her, the Woman looked at me and asked me why I did not mind my own business, I replied because you did not mind yours , she walked away shouting abuse, I made sure the Mum of the little Girl calmed down and told her not to worry, she did not wrong, as I would have been the first to rectify her if I thought she was wrong by hitting her child hard So you see, this is why Children today know they can do what they want I do not believe in beatings or anything like that but a tap on the Hand I used to give to mine when they where Toddlers as it tells them no and they learn that it is naughty What is your view on this ?????
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21 responses
24 Oct 09
Hi Gabs, Yes I agree with you and yes I did see the news about this poor teacher and I couldn't believe, we usd to be sent out of the class when we behaved unruly in the class by our teacher and it was the norm, what is wrong with the law these days, the teacher should be praised for his action, I feel so sorry for him and yes you are right that is why kids today becomes thugs, I not saying all kids but with I I see today, I don't have much hope in the young, like once a politician told me the young people is our futer, and turned round and told him "Then God help us all" You were right to tell this other woman off for having a go at this mother tapping her child's hands and yet again I saw an incident in the shopping mall few months a ago a ten year old child wanted his mother buy him something and the mother said no, he then started puches and kicking his mother and pulling her then spat in her face, I stood there stunned, she couldn't do anything to him but told him he was being rude and noghty,he just screamed and swore at her, she was in a right state and in the end she had to give him what he wanted, I tell you if theat was my child then heaven help him because i just won't stand and that from a child, but if she raise her hand on him then she'll be done for child abuse, so what about child abusing parents, uh? Love and hugs. Tamara xxxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Oct 09
Now personally I would have let him carry on I would not have given in Once he would have finished I would gone him with him and put him into time out , also I would have spoken to him and told him how bad his reaction was Again though, yes I feel sorry for the Mum but in the same Breath she should have stopped him doing this from Day 1 as he must have been getting away with this for some time again I hate to say No Discipline But also again, we would have never dared this as we know we would have got a smacking there and then, not beating but a good smack on the behind or Legs The Laws need to be looked at, it is getting to the Stage now Children rule not Parents xxx Hi Zed again I have to agree with you The Problem is Children know that their Parents will be rectified if they lift a hand to them so of course they will do this, it is proving that Children are in Charge not Parents
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
24 Oct 09
I've seen some children behaving obnoxiously as well; giving a super difficult time to their parents; screaming and whatnot. When I realized that what he wanted was another extra meal. Quite spoiled and I was appalled that he could scream like heart went out to the parents instantly.
• United Arab Emirates
23 Oct 09
I realy agree that today generationn have change a lot.. from small kids to older one... but to who we blame of? For my own observation being a nanny here n uae. 1st the main reason why we cant stop our kids of bad habbit because even us dont gave a lot of attention and care for then and they seek for the attention the parents can give.. Its malparactice also of some adult that the kids look for and follow for example, one of the kids of my employeer sister kick her nanny and the nanny was get angry and bet her too, then the kid tell her mom. Her mom get angry to the nanny infront of the kids, its means luck of respect and showing her authority and the kids follow what she does.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
SomeCowgirl you have voiced what I would have responded to here as that is what it all boils down to The start is always the Parents and if the Parents behave wrong in front of the Children as it was in this case the Children believe it is correct As for the Nanny kicking back, that is not good at all
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Oct 09
So instead of the mother of the children waiting until the children were out of the room to tell the nanny how she felt, she yelled at her in front of the kids, making the nannies authority non existant because now the children will follow what their mother did and yell at the nanny, making her job harder. Also, while I feel it wasn't right for the child to kick the nanny, the nanny shouldn't have kicked back but gave the child a time out, and then informed the mother later, if the mother believed her that's one thing...
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@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
27 Oct 09
I think some people don't know the difference between abuse and education. I'm against HITTING children but a slap on the hand cannot be considered as abuse. I used to do the same thing with my daughter like the pregnant lady did. Talk first, repeat the same thing a few times and when this produced no results, slap her GENTLY on the hand. I guess I should be in prison now for mistreating her... You can't just let your kids do whatever they want as they will take advantage of you. They need to know their limits, anyone who has to do with child education agrees on this. If not, how are they going to learn the difference between right and wrong? I would have acted the same way as you have, gabs. Hugs and love XXX Dana
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 09
Dana it is good to see you again Yes I used to do the same thing so I would be joining you in Jail lol Much love to you xxxxx
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
23 Oct 09
I do beleive you do have to teach your kids right from wrong and let them know something can hurt them like getting rained on. a tap on the hand did no damage and the other woman should have kept her darn mouth shut. I so hate busy bodies like this. Here a cop told my daughter that a open hand on the butt is ok. ya dont have to beatthem when mostly a tap will do as they learn things are a no no fast this way. I have a SIL that never raised her hand at all to her son never corrected him and NOW HE RUNS OVER HER. Has even hit her to make her give him money she dont have. Now this is total wrong.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
Yes it certainly is and that is how they turn out when there is no Discipline
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
24 Oct 09
So true and thats sad
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
24 Oct 09
In my opinion, you were right to do that, Gabs. I think that the pregnant woman was totally stressed and she had a right to discipline her child under that circumstance. A tap on the hand; that's not abuse certainly, in my book of thoughts. If she didn't tap the hand, the child might get sick and it will prove a bigger problem because the pregnant woman would have to take care of her child then and she's carrying a baby some-more..
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Oct 09
Yes Zed I agree, the Mum was being very patient at the Start with her, but as little Girls are lol little one was determent she did not want the cover over her and even when the Mum tapped her hand she was still calm but said in a stern voice no to the Child, then this silly Woman comes along and has a go when she had no right to I mean it is no fun for Mum's to go shopping anymore as Kids are screaming all the time and they are to scared to tap them and rectify them in public because they could be reported and it is not right
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
27 Oct 09
No wonder the pregnant mom was in tears... Luckily you were there, Gabs..
• India
24 Oct 09
ur right mah dear frnd!!
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• United States
24 Oct 09
Welcome to MyLot. I see this is your first posting. I put in a friend's request. To be successful here in the Lot, Make a lot of friends (Gabs is one of the best to have), Don't use texting, use full complete sentences as you are communicating with people from around the world. Always try to post 3 to 5 complete sentences as this will help you to attain "quality postings". Unlike other sites, here quality is always worth more than quantity. I hope to get to know you over the next several years. May you be blessed with many new friends in your future.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Gabs, I so totally agree with you on this issue with the pregnant mom and her child. It is good that you witnessed the situation and were able to to come to the aide of the mom. That other lady should have minded her own business. Instead of offering help, she hurled accusations at the mom. What is this world coming to?? I am glad you were able to calm the mom and help her to realize that she did no wrong.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Oct 09
Well Royal you know what it is like now and it will get worse I just felt so sorry for her as she was close to tears already, she did not need that Person jumping on her like that Thank you for the above Hugs to you always
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 Oct 09
Over here the government has empowered the children to run their the young woman everyone including kids think they should turn someone in for simple discipline......I did correct my kids....and they all turned out to be wonderful people...without some guidelines how are they supposed to know how to act? My daughter is a! What they have to go through with naughty kids and no power to do anything....its aweful!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
That is what I am trying to say Jill, my 2 Children are wonderful to one is a Painter and Decorator and my Daughter is a Manager at a Hotel both work hard, both know the Rules and have had their Guidelines from me and it did not involve smacking, it was talking to them, making them understand
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Oct 09
Facing court? That seems awfully extreme. I could see a meeting in the principal's office, but court? How are teachers supposed to enforce discipline if they have no authority and not only that but they have to live in fear of court? And I agree with you on the mom and child too.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
Well Dawn I do not know but I have just done a Discussion of the outcome it is awful
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
23 Oct 09
A teacher is being charged and may lose his job for doing the right thing? That should be the headline of the articles about it, well without the question mark. Honestly, I think that it's sad this teacher who just doing his job is now being questioned because he is doing his job... Also, the poor mother who was just teaching her daughter right from wrong. I would ask the little girl for her hand in a stern voice, and light tap the top of her hand, saying that is a "no no"... I think I've seen this before... I know when my husband and I have children that that is what I will do, ask for their hand sternly and tap it lightly telling them "no" and explaining why.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
That's right and that is all the Mum did is tap the Hand which yes I would have done to
@olydove (1209)
• United States
23 Oct 09
I have to agree with you 100% on this. First there is absolutely no reason that teacher should be in court. If I were a teacher I would have done the same thing, and sent the child to the principals office to be suspended. Secondly that DA*& woman should have minded her own business She was screaming at the poor woman in front of her child and causing more distress on that child by seeing her momma so upset than any little old tap on the hand could have ever done. That poor momma she didn't need that at all. Good for you Gabs for sticking up for her the poor thing must have felt terrible.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
She needed someone to stick up for and no one else was going to do it, but agreed with me The poor Woman was so distraught, the Child was crying but I managed to calm them both down and told the little Girl that she has to be good for Mummy she smiled at me lol she was so cute
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi friend i totally agree with you and i must praise you for being courageous by standing up for the pregnant woman and her daughter if children cant be taught right and wrong at such tender ages, then it is really unfortunate. A teacher and an experienced one tells a child not to do something and he refuses is outright disobedience. The child gets away with this i cant imagine what he will do tommorrow when he knows he will get away with it. Its really terrible the laws that are made these days
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Oct 09
He will turn out to be one of those racist Thugs as he knows he is backed by his Parents on this And it is so sad Thank you lindiebiz
• United States
24 Oct 09
Good for you speaking up for the woman. Honestly, you are just trying to look after your child and someone decides to come up and tell you how? Different if it is a real violent abuse incident but it sounds like this really wasn't. I bet the mother felt a lot better after than she would have done if you hadn't been there and she'd just been left crying. At least she knew someone saw she wasn't hurting her child. And as for the teacher, yes, my parents would have said she was quite right to put me out for doing such a thing. I think it is very tough to be a teacher these days.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Oct 09
Hello English Yes it must be very tough to be a Teacher as their hands are tied and they do not have the backing of the Parent any more so what are they suppose to do
• Germany
24 Oct 09
children turns bad because its pyschologicaly for human being. also they are children they dont know what they are doing they will be a time they will experience that their actions are bad. children are good. they become bad if those persons behind them are also bad.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Oct 09
Hello eyeboy Children do know what they are doing believe me And if they do not rectified on the wrong doing they will carry on doing wrong They need to be taught right from wrong Welcome to mylot eyeboy
• Australia
23 Oct 09
Good for you Gaby, for standing up for the mother. History proves that where strong emphasis is put on the family, that nation is strong. Where the family unit is weak, the nation is weak. Because of interference the family unit is being broken down and children are no longer disciplined. Discipline does NOT mean punishment or abuse, but it includes training with positive (not negative) discipline, with the goal of bringing the child to maturity. Cases like you have mentioned give the wrong message to children and develop self-seeking, self-willed delinquents. I fear for coming generations, but thankfully there are still many parents who TRULY care for their children and train them to be responsible.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 Oct 09
If I remember correctly, it is the parents job/duty to train/educate their children to be decent members of society. We all know this does not mean beating them into submission but getting their attention with a smart tap on the hand or bottom is in no way damaging. If more people disciplined their children and set limits for them; told them "No" means "No"; taught them that disobedience and bad behaviour has consequences; that money doesn't grow on trees; that trust, respect and caring for people begins at home. If this is what people were teaching their children, the kids would not be so selfish and thoughtless, so bad mannered with such bad attitudes. They would not think they could have anything they want just by asking and that taking things from other people was ok. If kids were raised properly they would all know how to respect other people and we would be living in Utopia. It will never happen Gabs.
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
I think that this is a prime example of political correctness gone mad! The justice system is a disgrace to put it bluntly! That teacher was doing the right thing in my view and that silly little brat should have paid attention! Harsh views I know but it's a ridiculous situation that adults face nowadays. I'm not going to lay total blame on that child though. Blame has to fall with the parents who obviously don't know how to discipline their child. They probably share the same views which is why the child was following suit! Andrew
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
I 100% agree with you Andrew If that would have been my Child I would have stood up for the Teacher and it would have been mine that would have got punished and rectified not the Teacher
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
I would have to go with you on this one. Like you, i understand the need to make children know that they should not be subjected to any form of abuse even if it is for the purpose of teaching them discipline. I guess you are right when you said that children are now being fed the belief that they can get away with almost anything just because they are kids and that they "do not know better" which for me is not only erroneous but also insulting seeing how intelligent the kids of today are. Discipline should be given priority because it is what shapes us into responsible and ultimately better individuals. Children should be taught that they are never too young to take responsibility for their actions.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
Yes Scarletwitch I certainly agree with discipline and it does not have to be physical either If this Boy would have had the Discipline at home, this poor Teacher would not have been put in the Situation where he was forced to remove the Child
@mesuaky (397)
• Singapore
23 Oct 09
I totally agree with you on this. which reminded me a few days ago i saw in the news a child was caught stealing inside a house, took the wallet, jewelry and other items but she was caught be the house owner, and as she was being questioned by the owner at told of that what she was doing is wrong that girl just blurted out "i am not scared you know cause even you caught me stealling i would get jailed for it cause i am a minor i am not under the adults law" a child knows this which makes them more abusive of their rights. it is so wrong. i do hope the goverment does something about this. what i just don't understand is that why other dare to mind other peoples business if they saw the person is not really harmful like the pregnant woman in you situation. I would simply dare that woman who was accusing the preganant one to go try to do what she did to a man who really beats up a child. i bet she won't dare cause she knows she might be the next one to get hurt. i know we should protect the children from abusive people. but overacting to it is stupid. lashing out such accusation to a innocent person is easy for them to do rather that to the real guilty party. i am siply happy to hear you stood up for the pregnant woman. i just hope all poeple should know how to be brave to do this and hopfully get those crazy people to thinking properly. you did great.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
Hello Mesuaky I would have been the first Person to step in if I thought she was being cruel to the Child but she was not she just tapped the little ones Hand which I would have done to as she was struggling to get the Cover over the little one who kept lashing and Kicking at the Cover Like you say they know they are protected in certain senses and that turns them bad and not caring
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
23 Oct 09
I'm still a believer in spare the rod, spoil the child. Nothing about this is fair. First the kid will go on being a racist and second, his path is already drawn for him to be in more trouble. That poor teacher. Bless his heart. HIs career as a teacher is over and cuz a kid can get away things they never should have started.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
Hi Quita I have just posted the results and I am disgusted with the system it is so wrong