baby as accident
baby as gift
big family
financial difficulty
getting pregnant again
My Goodness, she is pregnant again
By Daddy Neil
@neildc (17238)
Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
October 23, 2009 4:05am CST
Hi There Dear Mylot Friends.
I just had a talk with this officemate of mine. She said she is, again, in the family way. I mean, she is again pregnant, for the forth time.
I told her, "gosh, again? don't you have some contraceptives and you get in that situation again?"
We are in a very difficult times these days, and having a big family like mine, is too hard to handle. Me, I work alone for the family with this regular job in the government. And my salary is not enough for us.
But she, she said, can't blame anyone. And even they did the rhythm method, because she can't have the injectible or pills. And so it can be an accident. What?!
Or would you believe that this baby, is a "Gift From Above", even if the parents will be the one to suffer in the end, for having a lot of kids to feed. With the financial problems we are facing.
So, what do you think of having a baby?
An Accident?
Or A Gift?
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43 responses
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 09
Pregnancy can happen even when a couple use one or two forms of birth control. Natural family planning takes account of a lady's most fertile days and avoids these. I know some people have many children and that is fine if they can afford to look after them all. A baby is a special gift that should be treasured. A pregnancy can be a surprise for a lady that hasn't planned it so it is great if she gets used to the idea. Then has her baby and becomes a happy parent. Good luck to your office mate that is pregnant.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hi maximax. I know it's not planned and i can see it from her eyes. But i know she will get better now that her husband had been given back his work which he lost for years now... Neil
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Oct 09
Well I personally feel that we should all try to limit ourselves to 2 children if possible. But I also believe that nobody should have the right to tell anybody how many children to have.
In this particular situation though, I think what you probably should have said is "congratulations"...
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Why do you think people should limit themselves to 2 children? It is exactly things like this - people setting some sort of arbitrary limit - without taking into account personal difference, that irritate me (even though I like you lol). I don't believe there is any arbitrary number. I do believe that people who are stupid and have proven themselves far and wide to be stupid should probably be sterilized, especially the ones who never use birth control and should, or those who use birth control but didn't want kids and are now expecting baby number five.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
I heard about some countries that they have limited their number of kids in the family. I also heard some that it's not a problem to have more, but it has to be in the limit of what they own or how their financial status is. I guess there should really have some laws to control the population and the number of kids in each family.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
23 Oct 09
Babies can be an accident or a gift. My two sons were both very much wanted. I wanted two children since I was a teenager and, even though I had many "female" problems and thought I would never be able to have children, I was so very happy when I got pregnant with each one and finally held them in my arms.
BUT, if money is already tight, I wouldn't even consider another baby (although those days are WAY behind me now). Loving a baby is one thing but affording it is quite another. I would not want my children to suffer because I had so many I could not afford to care for them and give them what they need. Sometimes, love simply is not enough.
It sounds like your office mate is okay with her pregnancy. I hope she will be able to provide for her family and give them everything they need. I know that money is tight all over the globe, for most of us, anyway. (I'm STILL waiting! I will be calling the Social Security Administration next week to find out why they have not started my benefits or given me the money owed to me. Just wanted you to know.

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
23 Oct 09
Hi marti. Well, that's actually what i wanted too, when i was young, just to have 2 children. But i don't know what happened to myself.
Having more children in the family really is merrier but yes, if money is tight, it's better to have less. And it's true, love simply is not enough.
I guess she would be okay, as when I asked about her husband, she told me that he already got reinstated as a cop. He was removed from his post some years ago for some technical reasons and been having jobs on and off. So I told her, fine, go ahead.
About this "18 kids and counting", I can't imagine having that much kids of my own. Maybe, even if I am the richest man in the Philippines, I will never ever think of this, gosh.
I thank you for letting me know about your Disability. Of course, we are also waiting for it, for as you know, we really have nothing as of this time. We are still hopeful and the time I know is not that long and Zayzay will be getting better soon.
Take care, dear Marti... Neil

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
23 Oct 09
Oh! I forgot to mention that there is a family here in the U.S. who have their own TV show called "18 Kids and Counting". Yep, this couple has 18 children with another one on the way. They claim that each child is a gift from God and will do nothing to prevent another pregnancy. I think that is foolish. They can afford all these children because the father has quite a few successful businesses, construction, I believe. But, still, GEEZ! I would have never considered so many children! Think about it. If everyone were to have baby after baby and never try to prevent more, this world would already be so overpopulated that we would have even worse problems than we do! I think this family is foolish, and also extremely lucky to have had 18 healthy kids. I'm wondering what they'll do if this next baby is handicapped or mentally deficient in some way. Will they stop having kids then? I bet they will!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Oct 09
My daughter was very much wanted too. We aren't having more because we aren't all that young any more lol. I don't think it's very wise to be 40 and 50 when your last baby is a kindergartener.
I wouldn't want to have too many that we couldn't afford to take care of them either. That is ONE factor in the decision. As far as the 18 kids and counting (Duggars), that situation is a little strange for more than one reason. First of all, I do believe in birth control. They don't seem to. I think there is a limit for everybody, and everybody's is different. Some people can't handle any kids. Some people can handle one. Some people do all right with two. Some can have three. Some can have four. Some are fine with five or six. However..... I think eventually any couple reaches the end of their ability to manage everything. This family, they have some 'cultish' behaviors. They seem like a nice family, sure, but everything, and I mean everything - is shared. Nobody seems to have any personal space. The kids don't go to school, they are homeschooled. I don't know if that means they also have no socialization and extra curricular things where they get to be separate, with friends, NOT with family, or what, but I get the feeling they never get those types of experiences. They don't dress like the average person. The kids all buddy up and 'help' take care of their buddy, which is usually one older child and one of the very little ones. They do the house chores too, like cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. The KIDS I mean.
For me, the limit would be the number of kids that could be handled financially, physically, and emotionally by JUST me and my husband. I would NEVER want any regular outside help except perhaps a housekeeper who NEVER got involved with my children. I wouldn't ask all the children to take care of each other either. They would go to school when it was time. They'd have their own rooms, their own space, be allowed to make their OWN friends. We'd live as normal a life as anybody with one or two kids would live, and it would be OBVIOUS. When it was time for us to stop having kids, we would stop. I would not sit there and say 'oh God wants me to keep having kids'. Can you imagine?

@abhi_bangal (5517)
• Ahmednagar, India
24 Oct 09
Such situations always took place when as you said that she might have used some type of a contracepive. In the olden days this type of preventions were not so easily available. So, when no prevention then pregnancy should have been faced by a lot and lot of women. That's why there have been such a great amount of population all over the world. Now you see that these days, though the population is great in number, which has mainly increased due to the ages gone by, the rate of the increase has surely descresed. The rise in population might not stop but the rate has surely reduced. Anyways, you don't get so bothered by that fact about the girl that you are talking.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
25 Oct 09
Hi abhi. Yes, i understand what you're trying to point out. But in any case, it's always the responsibility of the parents to provide for... Neil
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Babies are always gifts...parents who keep having them far past their ability to pay for them are accidents waiting to happen - to themselves and to the rest of the country that will end up paying for their babies.
So she can't take the injectible or the about the patch? How about the diaphram or other insertible birth controls? The rhythm method has never been a reliable one. Too many people do not understand it and Mother Nature has a wicked sense of humor.
On the other hand, we live in the USA, not China, and we have the right to have as many children as we wish. It is her and her husband's decision, not yours.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
25 Oct 09
Hi maggie. Of course, i am not intervening into their lives and no matter how sad we feel about their situation, we have no rights... Neil
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
23 Oct 09
Hi thea. It's something that i can't accept though, blaming the Heavens for having the child. I know some that reasos out like this, "what can we do, let's just accept this for this is a gift of god". This time, i can see from her face that she is not ready and it wasn't really planned... Neil
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Birth control fails occasionally. Even people who always use it correctly and responsibly can have problems. I know someone who had THREE BABIES and she was on the patch. I joked with her and said after the FIRST patch baby I'd have changed to another form and she said her doctor suggested it but she didn't listen lol. After the second patch baby she thought maybe there was something to it... but she was probably like me and couldn't remember to take pills every day. By the time she found something to switch to she found out she was pregnant again, and the kids were like... 14 months, 2 months. They are super close together.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
24 Oct 09
Hi thea, I am with u on this. I agree at times birth control pills fail. But the ratio is not as high as people try to blame them for. At such times, of course, it is forgivable. But why cant the pills be taken just like brushing teeth! As to problem, yes, it is sad, she genuinely doesnt want the baby. Well, I am not for abortions either. They just has to work harder to feed the child. Too bad things are this way. She is, after all, partly responsible.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
23 Oct 09
In these difficult times, I would definitely not go emotional but rather be practical. Babies are certainly God’s gift and I feel very blessed to have had my son but other than that, science is a gift of God too! After all God gave us humans brain to use it for our benefit so why not do that? As the saying goes, God helps those who help themselves…
And then as parents, its our responsibility to provide the best for our children within our means. We cant just bring them to this world and leave them at God’s mercy or work our butt off and become so stressed that we cant spend some good times with them.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
23 Oct 09
Hi sudip. I can accept that it's a gift if it's the first time, but the number of kids already there, i don't think so. I just hope they'll be more responsible this time around... Neil
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hi vandana. Abortion and adoption are not being discussed so far, as i know about from her. I know they will get better from the situation.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
24 Oct 09
Hi neildc, well I agree with u. It is blessing the first time. There is no father square, father cube, or father raised to n, or mother raised to any of these numbers, is there? So what is the big deal in planning even a second child. There are too many orphans out there who could do with homes. If we cant love them and give them home, our children could also be in the same state someday. And I am not at all in favor of adopting a child who already has at least one of the parents. This diverts the attention from the really needy children.

@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
Its really hard to educate people with contraceptives or family planning just because it runs against the grain of their religious beliefs. The scenario that you have given happens all the time, and sometimes in the poorest of families. I have nothing against people who want to have big families. No objection at all, until I start seeing them not going to school, undernourished or always sick. Or worse become criminals because of the long-time excuse "we are poor".
Having a child or baby depends on the circumstances, and how to tag them with the choices you have given. If it were a couple who have been trying to conceive for years, then it is a gift. Or for newlyweds. Or for those who can afford to have children.
I can never tag children or conceiving as an accident. If people want to tag it as such, then I would tag them with being irresponsible. A lot of people don't even know how to correctly count or calendar the rhythm method. And unless she was raped or coerced, I can never come to terms with your office mate's conceiving as an accident
. All I can say is, good luck and congratulations

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hi mommyboo. This one is something i have to read more but i know it will help the people, not only the poor but the entire Philiipine nation.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
23 Oct 09
Hi anne. Very nice explaination. This is one reason, I for one is with the Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippine Congress. I know, for some reasons, this will help in the much responsible parenting... Neil

@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
I actually envy her... because my daughter is already 3 years old and i am in my mid 30's... so i desperately want another baby soon... but can't because my husband is working abroad... and i and not sure if i will be able to conceive when he comes back because he will only stay for a month then i would have to wait for another year... and my biological clock is already ticking...
Whatever they say... a baby is a gift from God... it just depends on the parents on how they will take care of this gift...

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hi aseretdd. Nice to see you here once again.
You will envy me more because i have more kids, but i think you'll not think of having the number of children i have, it's kinda hard to feed them all. I have to work harder but i can only have enough and most of the time, i have less than we need so here i am, full of debts.
I think you can still have another, and you are still young. One month is already enough for you to conceive, as i know some women can easily get pregnant... Neil
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I really think that people should take all possible precautions to avoid unexpected pregnancy. The pill is not always 100% effective as I found out. They rythym method is not very accurate either. I think that people should take care to consider their financial situation as well as the time and care involved in having another child before taking chances. Still, I have found myself in situations and I know that they happen. I don't get involved with other peoples personal family situations. I have enough trouble keeping my own life on track and don't feel it is my place to tell someone how many kids they can and can't have or to judge their financial situation. There is no right or wrong here really.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
24 Oct 09
Hiya Neil... we meet again in the lot. For me, I think the baby is definitely a gift; accidentally or not. It is always a blessing to have another baby, and I think in a miraculous way, a couple gains more by having more. Of course, if they have tried their best to plan naturally and stuff but they still have another one, they cannot blame themselves. It is written that way, so to speak..but how is she taking the news of her upcoming baby? Was she excited or what..?
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
27 Oct 09
Ah. I see the situation now.. she's at a point in life whereby she couldn't have anything more..hmmmm..and since she's your colleague; which means she's working, so she would need all the energy that she could muster to work. How is she taking it all now then..
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hi zed. Yes, we meet again here and i am happy for that.
I think i would disagree with this point of yours. I wanted to blame her for letting her husband have s*x with her when she knows she isn't safe at that time. I wanted to blame him for having s*x with her unsafe. They tried to be safe and i know that, she told me. They have tried some but it wasn't good for her body. And i know he can do something to be safe, if there are contraceptives for women, there is also something for men. But she said he did want to use use, you know what i mean.
When we talked about this pregnancy, i really can see from her face that she is not ready and some kinda unhappy. But i know, for sure, that she will get better soon... Neil

@daliaj (5674)
• India
23 Oct 09
Oh, my god!!
It is an accident. I accept the fact that it is a personal decision of the couple to decide on the number of kids they want to have. But, they should also think about their financial situation and the future of the kids. They are not supposed to give birth to a kid and let him struggle in his life by not availing to good food and educational facilities because of the poor financial condition of parents.
If they do so, they are not only spoiling their life, but also spoiling the future of a child who is innocent. I don't understand why even educated people don't understand the need of avoiding unwanted pregnancy. I also don't agree with the idea of having only one child. But, if you are in a poor financial situation it is better to have one child rather than letting two children struggle in their life.

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
23 Oct 09
Hi buddy. I would agree with you to that, if it's the first then it could be a gift. But that's not even the second or third, but fourth... It could be the 13th month pay?
I think i go for this bill or law, too. I guess it's really about time to pass the reproductive bill law. 

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
23 Oct 09
Sorry for this, daliaj. I pasted the wrong message here. What's wrong with me now? Grrrr.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
23 Oct 09
Hi daliaj, I'm back. I am really so sorry for the wrong message I commented first on your response. This usually happens to me if I am using my phone. My apologies.
To go to my answer to your response, I think that how partners planned to how many children they want is really none of our business. But theses days, practically, we should have less. It's really the kids will suffer in the future if parents cannot afford to feed and send them to school.
How about you, do you have kids already?... Neil

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09
Hello Neil,
It makes my eyebrow raise when someone say's "by accident" aha,by accident?
You mean,you sleep and had intimate bed scenes "by accident" too
ugh...(head scratching)
It's not the parents who suffers alone when having a big family with not enough income to support the children.
The children can even blame the parents for having them,...why,they had to have a big family when they know they can't afford to support all their needs anyway?...?
Planning a family(kids)are parents responsibility and not for the kids.
So,GOD should not be ask...was the baby a gift?....gosh...couples who get into s*x and not using any contraceptives should always expect the tendency of having a baby to have as a result...and not to ask GOD...WHY THIS BABY WAS FORMED!!!!
I had 3 kids,and all were being planned...and think that,we never use any kind of contraceptives,it's all natural method(rhythm/calendar)
My husband had a stable and good job,but i never like to have a big family,becoz i know how big is the responsibility as a parent.
I even wish to be ligated when i gave birth to my second son but my ob-gyne did not agree with my decission(i only want to have 2 kids)
But,i never regretted to have my youngest son,and i was even thankful to my doctor for not agreeing my wish for a ligation(if so,my cute youngest son won't be with me now..hehe)
Kids are gifts from GOD...and not by accident.
Remember dear,there are couples who were dying to have kids,but never had such luck to have a single one.
It is the parents decision to choice how many kids they can afford to support,and not GOD to dictate how many kids do we have to bear.

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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hi jaiho. I don't know really, maybe they both got drunk, and there it happened, without protection. lol
Yes, they can blame the parents if they grow and not given proper attention to each of them, it's the parents' responsiblity to given them and it's their rights.
It's good to hear that you had planned your kids and no matter, you have good jobs, or your husband.
With this couple, my co-worker said she will going to be ligated after giving birth to this, that's what she said. And for her husband, at least now, his job is stable as he was recently been re-instated as a cop... Neil
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hi jaiho. I really wanted or wished to have just 2 and i guess that's enough, whether you have a lot of money or a stable job. But i don't know, really, i was a bad boy then. And besides, my first marriage wasn't a success. With this one, we had really not planned everything, bad me. We had 2 when we decided to get her ligated but some went wrong and another came out. lol
Anyway, we are fine and at least, we are not starving. Even i work alone... Neil
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
good afternoon Neil,
I choose to have few kids becoz,i want to enjoy having kids...which we cannot do if we had lots of them.As we knew,each kid want a special attention,and,i don't want to create jealousy in between them.
I don't work full time,i am into networking and do some research works with media and with full support to charity works too.A small business to call my own(since networking is not a stable source now a days)
It's just a matter of time management.
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@quita88 (3715)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Peronally, it must be a gift to be pregant in these times, but there are ways to not be pregant---do you endorse this?
I don't, besides, it's her choice and that of her husband's.
Let her be and don't make it harder for her.

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
26 Oct 09
Yes quita, it's support that all we can give.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
25 Oct 09
Hi quita. Not that i endorse them but she also had tried them. It's their choice so we can't do about it, we'll just give support to the best that we can. Of course, i am happy, in the first place. It's just that i can't help to feel sad when financial part is being talked about... Neil
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
26 Oct 09
Truth is, I'd hate to be pregnant in these days and times. It's not cuz I'm too old but cuz I know how expensive a kid can be to raise, not to mention getting a baby here in the first place, then feeding it, diapers and dr bills out our ears.
but, she's got this to bear and if she's tried it all, she needs to talk to her dr about stopping further prenancies.
Like you, it's just too expensive and the child suffers.
Support is all we have to give here isn't it?
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
hello neildc,
you are indeed right that having a big family now is really hard. since your friend can not take injection or pills as contraceptive, and i guess rhythm is not working to them, i guess she needs to have her ligation - permanently or temporary, after giving birth to their fourth child. this way, they can give the right spacing for their child. that is if they choose the temporary. but if they both agreed that having four kids is enough, then i guess the permanent ligation will apply.
but then again, this totally depends on their decision. maybe, you can give them some advice. i know you are just concern to your friends.
it's just fine to have a big family if you can afford and can take the responsibilities but if they will just suffer then you need to think again, and again....your kids future is all that matter.

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hi robert. Yes, that's right, what we can only give them now is an advise on what to do after giving birth. Blaming them for what happened now, considering they never planned for this one, is useless. As for ligation, she is considering to do it after giving birth, it's not known this time what they will prefer, temporary or permanent. I prefer permanent, and that's what my wife had when our yungest was born... Neil
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
24 Oct 09
I believe all children planned or unplanned are gifts from Jahovah. There is no blame for anything when a gift is involved. I also believe that Jahovah provides for us in troubled times. He always does for me anyway. My one unplanned pregnany was a very beautiful daughter. The mother of 3 of my wonderful grandchildren. Her father had wanted me to abort her when he found out i was pregnant. To hell with him. I thank Jahovah for my blessings.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
25 Oct 09
Hi jdyrj. Abortion is not really the solution to any unwanted or unplanned or pregnancy by accident. Even if we have different beliefs, i know we are one when it comes to this... Neil
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I believe the equivelent to abortion is murder. At the time when my daughter's father wanted me to have abortion we lived in texas. In texas at that time is was legal to have abortion up to the due date. Believe it or not. When i saw the add for that i kept it and show him when i was 8 1/2mo. along and ask him does he still want me to have abortion? He said no its a person now. I told him i believed that from conception.
@raleyfamily (132)
• United States
24 Oct 09
I have ten children. Seven are biological, the youngest three are adoptions from foster care. We are Christians, and I believe the Bible when it says children are a gift from God, a reward from him. That he made two people one because he wants godly offspring. That a man with a quiverfull is happy.
I also believe the saying "God won't send you a lamb without providing a pasture for it."
All that said, I believe that God expects us to be good stewards of the things he gives us. And that if we want his blessings, we must be faithful and obey his word.
I am a stay at home, homeschooling mommy. Because of that, we can't live like the rest of the world. We are frugal. We choose to live outside the city limits, where things are cheaper and shopping centers are too far away to be a draw. We don't have TV, so we are tempted by the commercials.
We have a wonderful life. I wouldn't trade my children for all the wealth in the world. If you try, you can learn to live this way. I have a blog that teaches some of these things: if you are interested.
In the meantime, congratulate your friend. The statement "don't you know what causes that?" gets pretty weary after a while. Kind of a dumb thing to say, you know. Of course we knew what caused it.
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@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Bless you for taking in children other than your own and for taking parenting seriously. Homeschooling is the best thing to happen in this country since our public schools are going downhill so rapidly.
That you realize having more children does mean making 'sacrifices' tells so much about your family. You are all a rare and wonderful treasure.
Love your website! Got some good tips. Have to buy the Tightwad Gazette. Sounds like it's right up my alley. My husband recently suffered a major stroke and the prognosis for recovery is dim at best. We also have a daughter who was born with Down's syndrome. I'm looking for every way possible to stretch those pennies and turn them into dollars.
I think you were the answer to my prayer this morning. :)
@raleyfamily (132)
• United States
24 Oct 09
You certainly have your hands full with a sick husband and a handicapped child. We have a grand daughter with CP, and I know my daughter (who also has four other children) has a lot of extra work involved with that child, but she handles it cheerfully, and our grandchild is a great blessing.
And our adopted children are also our own, they are also gifts sent to our family from God, just like biologicals. We couldn't do anything else but adopt them! They were meant to be with us!
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
23 Oct 09

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
23 Oct 09
Hi buddy. I would agree with you to that, if it's the first then it could be a gift. But that's not even the second or third, but fourth... It could be the 13th month pay?
I think i go for this bill or law, too. I guess it's really about time to pass the reproductive bill law. 

@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hi oraclemv. No, i don't think the church will help in their situation... Neil
@raleyfamily (132)
• United States
26 Oct 09
Churches should never just hand out money, but mentor the people in trouble. Churches are here to 'admonish and edify' the Bible says. It also says if a man will not work, he should not eat. If a family is having financial trouble, the church's job is to help, certainly, but to require accountability in that help. In other words, the family who is receiving help should be willing to be taught by the church, how they got into the problems they are in, and how to avoid them in the future. That doesn't neccessarily mean birth control, but they need to learn how to live in a way that won't burden them with debt.
@ElsaElsa (323)
• United States
25 Oct 09
There are some cultures who actually do not approve of family planning. They say that having children is a gift from God and if He is giving you gift after gift then He will also provide. So stop worrying about financial issues when trying to conceive and leave it to nature. So in that case a child is always a gift. Never a mistake in any sense. I also believe in that. These days there are too many people waiting too long to start a family bringing different excuses as to why the timing is just not right and then find out that concieving natrually might not be even a possibility for them. I am happy for people who have a large family and raise their kids to be good human beings. I too wish to have a large family.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
25 Oct 09
Hi elsa. Having a big family is not really the issue but how they can survive with their financial status. I know some big families and i pity them because their parents can't provide for them everything... Neil