
@mdaazam (826)
Indore, India
October 23, 2009 11:32am CST
What comes in your mind first when you think about it . Please put your reviews about islam here , as for me i think its a pretty good religion which needs some modifications regarding the women binding thing ?
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7 responses
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Oct 09
The first thing that comes to mind when someone says islam is terrorists. The next thing that comes to mind is the lack of freedom for women. As I look at what I've seen about Islam, they look about like the christians of the middle ages. Lots of learning needed. As for me, I could never be a muslim or any religion. I have found too much man in them and very little God. I have to go for God!!
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@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
24 Oct 09
Cruel but ur right , cheers any way
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
24 Oct 09
bird, Yea! You have to go for God and truth, Learn your scriptures very well deeply. Learn the root of the Bible and the meanings and then read Quran from cover to cover. compare them yourself. If you are really in quench of truth you will find it. Then you accept the real God and truth you identified. Peace.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
24 Oct 09
Hey harley ! Youre right about both the holy books they have so much in common if one with an open mind reads them but instead they listen to diplomatics and thats where all drama comes in for politics in it
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• India
14 Nov 09
I have bought a copy of Holy Qur'An with Tafseer Al Hussain. It is a beautiful book. It is with the text of The Scripture in Arabic and the commentary in chaste Urdu. I am a Hindu. I would like to read the Qur'An in its original language for any translation would corrupt. I like Islam for these following things: Like our own Vedas, Islam insists The Scripture to be kept and recited in The Original Language of its Revelation to Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH). [B]This one is unique. IMO no other religion does this in the sincerity with which even an average Muslim would follow this principle. Islam declares that lending money on interest and receiving interest on money lent is a SIN with worst consequences(punishment in the afterlife). This is perhaps one of the noblest tenets any religion and probably EVERY religion can look up to Islam!!![/B] Money earned without an equal amount of labor is what makes it the most corrupting evil. And money earned by charging interest is truly the worst way. If you have a doubt look at the Credit Card Companies- these are verily the embodiments of sin. The third thing I like about Islam is the principle of Zakat. The sharing of a reasonable part of one's earnings with those who are less fortunate is another of Islam's noblest principles, but this has the "tithing" in Christianity as a parallel and I am sure true practicing Christians do truly tithe. As far as I have read the principles of Islam from sites giving translations of Al Qur'An, I find the principles are well laid out without messing around with miracles and other statements. But then I am one who confirms things by reading from the original, so I reserve my comments on this. Now, I come to my negative impressions about Islam. Islam does not allow questioning of its tenets. Strictly speaking when you question the veracity of the divinity of a Scriptural Utterance no Religion would take it kindly.But perhaps it is only in Islam that one is severely punished for blasphemy. Coreligionists take it upon themselves to "implement" the fatwahs brought out by the Ulema. This has blocked all development within Islam. Knowledge- which includes ideas embedded in religious books- advances by skepticism and questioning. This well-known question of jihad. Defending one's faith is fully acceptable. But to wage a cowardly war for it is not in the least honorable. I am told the [B]jihad[/B] that Al Qur'An speaks of is [I]different[/I]. It is to be "waged" against one's own negative tendencies. But does this happen? Islam speaks against narcotics. Again a very noble precept. But most of the erroneous jihad funding is by Narcotic Dollars. One should not consume but can corrupt the rest of the world? You had asked to record my impressions. These are mine.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
There is a great number of Moslems in my country and I have lot of friends too. I find many of them peace loving and are good citizens. It is just unfortunate that the word is often associated with extremists and terrorists partly because of the work of some. I think it is unfair because it doesn't reflect the real nature of Islam. Anyway, the same is true with other religions in the world, they have their own share of extremists. The role of women in the Moslem faith is indeed different but I notice some changes in many countries. We see many moslem women today who are highly respected in the field they've chosen. cheers!
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
24 Oct 09
Hey now it feels like we have a discussion going on , cheers mate i never knew people can think that broad .
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
15 Nov 09
I think that islam is a great religion. There are plenty of Muslims here in my place and they are also friendly. I am just saddened that many islams also uses their belief in waging war against Christians and other religious practices, they call it JIHAD. That actually makes their reputation looks bad also. I am actually confused if islam is a religion of peace or war...
@alftas (19)
26 Jan 10
I think Islam is a great religion to follow as it deals with every aspect of a persons life and when you pray 5 times a day you truly feel peace and calm. Islam enables a person to deal with the many hurdles of life as in Islam we believe that this is the temporary life and the permanent life is when we die. Therefore we try to lead our life in the best way possible being kind, doing charity etc. I do agree that some Muslims misuse the word Jihad. Islam is a religion of peace if a Muslim follows it properly a true Muslim isnt even allowed to harm a tree let alone another human being.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
15 Nov 09
Thats wahhabism youre talking about comrade. We are the followers of our prophet muhammad (pbuh) and there people deny him and have different beliefs . thanks for the response though !
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
15 Nov 09
Thats wahhabism youre talking about comrade. We are the followers of our prophet muhammad (pbuh) and there people deny him and have different beliefs . thanks for the response though !
• Indonesia
23 Oct 09
yes, Islam is good religion, for it administers every aspect of our life.Iam a moslem and maybe you will think that my remark is subjective one. But I truly believe with my heart that islam is a right and best religion.there plenty of proof about this. of course I also believe that you also have the some sense about your own believe. it is ok, as long we appreciate each another.we are men with principle, right? About woman in islam, i think actually islam is not binding woman. In other hand, I slam honour woman very much.but,maybe, it is true that in some islamic country,women likely treated unfair.but it is also unfair I think to conclude that islam is too strict to woman.ThatIS JUST A PREJUDICE or need to know better before making a conclusion.but I actually can understand about what you,re thinking about this. we view this matter from a very different point of view...
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
23 Oct 09
Thats the words i have been looking for , i am a muslim too cheers for it .
• United States
14 Nov 09
The name islam means both peace and surrender peace attained through self surrender of the soul to allah our creator. a muslim then is a self surrendered one who is attaining peace. Islam is not only a religion however but a complete way of life that is patterned after the natural order of the universe and of human nature it is in the hormony with the natural order of existence and of nature.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
15 Nov 09
Thanks for the response mate ! I surely agree with you on this as islam is a peaceful religion . Those who kill others are pitiful and responsible for the trouble we had to face till last year. Its all over now , islam is something to be proud .
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
8 Nov 09
Islam is a perfect religion for all times. And it complete nothing there to add up or subtract. What exactly you think need modification about woman?