What is the real purpose of religion?

@Pose123 (21635)
October 23, 2009 9:36pm CST
It appears that most religions stress the importance preparing for life after death instead of living today and doing the things that needs to be done right now. I believe that we are here at this moment in time because there are many things that need to be done and that we are capable of doing. I find it difficult to believe in a God that wants us to built huge buildings in which to gather and praise him, when there are so many hungry people in the world. I can't imagine a God wanting us to spend our time telling him how great he is, when there are people who need our help right now. There are lonely people in hospitals and seniors homes who would love some company and didn't Jesus say "as you have done it unto the lest of these my brothers, you have done it unto me". I feel that religion should be more about doing and less about talking. There is nothing wrong with fellowship, but we can gather in houses for that rather than erecting churches and temples that cost millions of dollars. We are here for a purpose and that is to do what we can to make this world a better place for everyone right now. If we do this we won't have time to think about death and nothing to worry about when it does come to us. Who feels the same way? Who believes that God is more interested in his own honor and glory then in the plight of children dying in war torn lands? Are we too blind to see the real message that he has been trying to tell us for thousands of years?
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21 responses
• India
24 Oct 09
Religion doesn't mean worshiping a idol and making temples, mosque or churches. What I think religion has nothing to do with that. People keep on saying that worship God and God will make your life happy. Whereas God wants us to worship our work and duty. Instead of spending money on religious institutions why not spend that money for poor people. We make huge building for God whereas reality is that God don't need a big house to live in. The only prayer that makes god happy is the prayer of work and duty.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Oct 09
Hi again dsnachiever, Sorry about that I didn't understand your response the first time, maybe I just read it too fast. I understand your meaning now and I agree. Blessings.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi dsnachiever, Thanks for commenting and we agree on many things, although I'm not sure of what you mean by work and duty. Blessings.
• India
25 Oct 09
Hey friend work and duty here doesn't mean something superficial. It's simple as a student what is your work and duty, as a armyman what is your work and duty. I believe u know it.
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• Philippines
24 Oct 09
I do believe in God but hate the great pretenders of many religion have leaders who proclaim their religion is better than anyone else. So I must say egotism and pride exist with lot of debate and competition for the sake of glory of God. I know for a fact that I do believe in God though I do not see him as i appreciate nature and thus have to think more intellectual than human create it. So far what is annoying about religion? God has nothing to do with it. The problem lies on the leaders of the religion because they are fond of worshipping with less interaction with the real problems facing by their believers. Let me say in my country those who manage expensive private schools belong to the religious groups, own lot of land and yet unable to give it to the homeless, run a lot of cooperative projects and earn while exempted on paying tasks. Thus, the things you mention which religion taught should need to be put more in a real situation need to be help the unfortunate,homeless and the hunger rather than accepting millions of donation and yet the money goes to not important things. Yet i agree with you but all of this things all all theory unless one need to act or move before one could attain the very essence of religion that is to serve the common good rather than focusing on the selfish interest.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Oct 09
Hi neelianoscet, Thank you for sharing you thoughts and I'm happy to say that we agree. I too believe in God but not in the sense that most religions do. We must work to get people to see religion as a way of life to be practiced rather then preached. Blessings.
• Philippines
8 Nov 09
hi pose, God is alpha and omega. He is our greatest guide and though men have to work out on to make the ideal religion symmetrically incline to work effectively with the people beliefs and progress too. have a great day!
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
26 Oct 09
All it takes is to be off by one tiny degree or another.. I think the glory of God is meant to keep us closely connected to him, and thus are we to be full of him, who is love, and to become love overflowing.. so yes! I agree with you!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Oct 09
Hi flowerchilde, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Blessings.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
24 Oct 09
You have a point. I live in the bible belt & can't throw a rock in town without hitting a stained glass window. If those huge places which could each seat the ENTIRE population of the town were converted into something like a homeless shelter or some other facility think how much good they could do. Right now their just a testament to how much people are willing to spend to show how much better their belief is than the next church.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
24 Oct 09
It kind of urks me when I drive past the huge christian complex in the next town over( takes a full minute to drive past it's so big )& think " That's NON PROFIT?". That one complex alone could house all the homeless in the state comfortably. One of the smaller outbuildings could be used as a safehouse, etc, etc, ect... Saddest thing is that it's members are the most hypocritical people in the area. There are several other similar ones around too.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi uath, You're right, the Christian church alone could do so much if they followed the teachings of Christ. Thanks for commenting. Blessings.
• United States
25 Oct 09
Yes, God does deserve all the glory, and you make some very valid points Pose. I am sorry to say that religion has made us all delusional to a sense. But one thing I believe A LOT of people do is confuse the entire meaning of "christianity". It is not a religion! We are to have a relationship with Christ. but many time we get caught up in keeping up with the jones and we get so used to using money as our only tool for witnessing. But we have to realise that we can talk to God like we talk to anybody who we stand face to face with. We don't have to spend millions of dollars to stand in a huge building made os expensive materials and recite some long prayer to talk to God. I believe that once we get past that "religious attitude" we can truly develop our relationship with our Creator and further his kingdom. God Bless!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
26 Oct 09
Hi eternal_ink, Thank you for sharing your thoughts but if you do a search under religions of the world, you will find Christianity listed there. I agree that some Christians think of it as a relationship with Jesus Christ, but they are in the minority. What is the definition of a Christian? The majority seem to define it as "a person who believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God". Others say it is one who follows the teachings of Christ. We agree that far too much money is spent on buildings that could go for better things. As you know by following my discussions, I consider myself spiritual but not religious and believe that the golden rule which is found in all religions of the world, if practiced is all that anyone will ever need. I believe too that life itself is a prayer and need no other. We have made God into the image of a man and have given him human thoughts and human ways but God's ways are so far above our ways that we will never understand it while we are in the physical. Blessings.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
the purpose of religion has varied from time to time and from place to another place.we have different religions and have different expectations.elders says that one purpose of religion was to explain the mysteries of nature.since the only mysteries are now more mystifying.Religion is as old as humankind. Yet the purpose of religion has varied from time to time and from place to place. Even at the same time and place, different groups have had different expectations from religion. One of the oldest purposes of religion was to explain the mysteries of nature. In a sense this purpose still exists. Only the mysteries are now more mystifying. In A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking elucidates, “Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing? Is the unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence? Or does it need a creator, and, if so, does he have any other effect on the universe? And who created him?” Religion exists because God exists and one of the purposes of religion has been to contemplate and revel in the magnificence of God.so i can say religion have different purposes and perspectives that people are involve for goodness and doing right things.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi amyson, Thank you for sharing your view. Blessings.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
your welcome pose...
• United States
24 Oct 09
In my opinion there are two ways to believe and walk with God. One way is religion. That is man made rules how to worship God. You must do this and that, and not do this and that. The second way is a personal relationship with his spirit. This way we know exactly what the Lord wants us to do, and we are free to worship him from our hearts.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Oct 09
Hi margieanneart, Thank you for responding and your comments but I've been down those roads. The golden rule is found in all the major religions of the world and it's clear that religion is about doing not about preaching or worship. We are here to do what needs to be done right now and that is to make this world a better place for everyone because we are all God's children. Blessings.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Oct 09
wow excellent post Pose123!! and yes I do agree with you...I think that the diehard followers ARE missing the point and ARE confused - harsh? maybe..but its what I truly believe....I think that the fundies for example who spend their time badgering others, bible thumping like there is no tomorrow, ridiculing, ostrasizing anyone who is different and waste their time, energy, money and so on worshipping the god they believe in etc are going to be in for a shock becuase htey are the ones that REALLY have it WAY WRONG.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Oct 09
Hi Ravenladyj, Thank you for sharing and for your support. All religion was meant to be practiced not preached. Blessings.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
25 Oct 09
You are correct, as I read your post several verses came to mind: 1 John 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar. I must admit there was times when I have had a hard time swallowing this. James 1:27 Pure, unstained religion, according to God our Father, is to take care of orphans and widows when they suffer and to remain uncorrupted by this world. There are many scriptures that say time and again that charity and deeds above all else. Its good to study it in a church with people who believe but its better to put it into action. I wish I could say that I have always done what I know I should have but the truth is there is times when the weight of the world keeps my mind on my own problems when there are others I could have helped. I think this is the corruption of the world that they warned about that we forget about our fellow man and get too focused on our own problems.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Oct 09
Hi EvanHunter, Thank you for responding and for sharing your thoughts, it's funny but I was thinking of the same verses. This is not to offend those from other religions because I was raised with the Bible. I'm sure there are similar verses in the Koren and other holy books in fact I've see some of them. I am convinced that religion should be about living in the time and place where we find ourselves right now and as always actions speak louder then words. Blessings.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
24 Oct 09
I think that we are here in the World to learn from each other ,and to learn about love, kindness and compassion. We need to seek justice for those people who are unable to help themselves since children around the World are fragile and required our assistance and concern. Religion is usually used to control the masses ,but I feel that God gave us a brain ,and we should know the difference between right and wrong. Is important to follow the ten commandments ,but is more important to fight for justice and assist those who are hungry.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Oct 09
Hi Mirita, You make some very good points, thank you. While it's true that religion is used to control the masses, they do so in the name of men who had no such thoughts in their minds. In Christianity Jesus showed us how to live and how to treat those around us and if the church is to survive, it must get back to it's roots. Blessings.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Religions are the creation of man not God, they give power to the providers and comfort to the rest of us. If you study history you will know that more wars are fought over religion than anything else except land. More people have been robbed, maimed and totally destroyed in the name of religion and it's still going on. The comfort that has been provided has played a big part in many people's lives and is slowly but steadily helping us evolve into beings that can grow beyond the shallow lives most of us live now. Life it's self is the goal and one way or another it will continue even if humanity destroys itself.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Oct 09
Hi savypat, Very wise observations and I think very true. I feel however that the time is rapidly approaching when most religions must change or die. I agree that it has provided comfort for many but has failed to continue teaching the message of their founders. Although Jesus Christ did not set up the Christian church (some will say he did), it was supposedly built up around his teachings. Today, in almost all cases it is a religion about Jesus Child that in many cases pay little attention to his teachings. I have some hope that it may be changing from within and may someday get back to the true teachings which can really be summed up in the golden rule, found in all major religions. Blessings.
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
Hi Pose123, If you think that I have the most odd reply, in your discussion.Then that's your opinion. But please think twice... First of all, I have faith in the only true God Jehovah, and what I have read in the Bible and understand in the history written in it, is...He chooses 1 group of people to be His servants - before it was Israel but not now. And He always "SAVE" His chosen nation! And then Christ came and founded the Christians. Trough Christ Jehovah "SAVED" the Christian's when the Romans siege and ruined Jerusalem (70 C.E.) So we can conclude that without the chosen group of people that eventually formed as a religion...the salvation is not possible. The purpose of religion? For Salvation!!! If an individual will not be part of that God chosen religion today? then there is no salvation. Just like in Noah's time. If the people although do good but he was not inside the Ark he was outside.... then no salvation... he will surely drowned. I have read this 3 series articles: http://www.watchtower.org/e/200803/article_01.htm http://www.watchtower.org/e/200803/article_02.htm http://www.watchtower.org/e/200803/article_03.htm If you spend time reading? Then this might help you. Thanks.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Oct 09
Hi jlumakang, Thank you for your comment but we fail to agree on this but I hope we can agree to disagree. This is not meant to offend you personally but I feel that such teachings, and not only these but those of most religions, only tend to divide people and we are meant to unite as one, all children of the universe and all brothers and sisters regardless of race, religion or colour. I cannot accept a God who would have favourites, please give this some thought. Blessings.
• United States
24 Oct 09
I think that at first, before christianity came around, religion was a way of explaining the unexplainable. You see this a lot in Greek Mythology. But, I think that christianity came around because a certain group of people wanted their own religion, so they pieced together parts of the other religions that were around at the time, and made the rest up. Although I do believe in a god of sorts, I don't believe in religion for one minute.
• United States
24 Oct 09
There is no real purpose to religion. It is a mind set based on one's beliefs generated by one's environment. This in turn creates one's reality and guides one's choices. Therefore congregations are formed by like minded people and called religion in order to feel confirmation. Organized religion with it's material symbolism displayed in opulence is nothing more than a money making machine that uses fear to control it's members and seeks power over all, hiding behind an idol and a book. I agree with you that the meaning of God, if you believe in one, is not worship of him/her/itself, and certainly not a God I would believe in. But I think what you speak of is spirituality and the giving of one's self, what is in one's heart, which is practiced every minute of everyday, by everyone, gracefully or not. Therefore I can't help but believe that all of us put together is God and we have the choice to do right by ourselves as a whole or not. The separation of religious beliefs and the exclusion of all that don't see it one way is the farthest possible position to true spirituality as one can get. Unconditional love is the closest. With that said, religion can be used as a tool for those with a need for a guide back to themselves, yet, it seems some get lost in translation and become obsessive about religion and self righteous over others.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Oct 09
Hi tambrerocks, Thanks for sharing you thoughts and our views are very similar. I now consider myself spiritual but not religious, in fact that word sometimes scares me because one never knows what to expect next. I was raised a Christian and was very active in the church for most of my life but eventually realized that I didn't believe most of it but it took some time to get where I'm at today. The church does a great job with indoctrination, especially with the very young and the longer one stays with it, the deeper he sinks. I am now seventy years old and most, but not all, of the beliefs that I have today came about in the last ten years. I say not all because I seem to have been born with a belief in reincarnation and was never able to shake it completely. I feel that we are all an individualization of God and we never lose our individuality. Unconditional love is what we all need. As for religion, it must eventually change or die completely as it is nothing like the teachings of the great masters. Jesus Christ taught a way of life and the sermon on the mount is among the best teachings that the world has ever seen. The fact that all the major religions of the world contain the golden rule tells me that the earliest teachings were much the same. Unfortunately religion still has great power over many of it's followers and even many of the clergy seem to be in the dark. Sometimes I feel hopeful like recently when a woman of eighty years said that she could no longer believe what the church was teaching even though she felt that she had believed it all her life. Another lady at 86 is quiet accepting of the new spirituality and has no problem with the fact that one of her sons has become a Buddhist. She still attends church when she feels well enough. If people start to change their way of thinking, the Church itself will eventually have to change. Young people who have given up on religion need to teach their children to respect all people, without letting themselves be brainwashed. Thanks again for commenting. Blessings.
• United States
24 Oct 09
I always thought that religion was around to keep people in check. Without religion some people would get completely out of control, but then I have noticed people are out of control religion or not.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi rogue, Many people who thought like that now realize that it doesn't matter but that's because religions are so mixed up. If children were taught that religion was a way of life and that they were to respect the rights of others, things would be different. Blessings.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
I think it is a misconception that religions think only of the after life and a god who doesn't want anything but to be praised. The real essence of many religions is how to live a life today in accordance with their teachings and code of conducts. If ever they believe in the after life it will depend on how they lived their lives on earth. It needs a deeper study of comparative religions to fully appreciate it's effect to people. To jump into conclusions based on our little knowledge of them puts up wall of divisions. enjoy life!
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi manong, Thank you for commenting and and while you make a good point, I have some knowledge of that which I speak of. There may be some religions that don't erect big buildings to the honor and glory of God, but if so they are few and not among the largest. We don't need to eliminate religion just start following more closely the teachings of it's founders. I applaud all those that live these teachings. Blessings.
@jen028 (65)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
The Main purpose of religion, since religion is very important in order to communicate with God. But many religion now a days is fake. they negotiate it, they use religion in order to gain wealth. But I believe now adays the only one religion that help people is the Church of God International, angdatingdaan.org. There many charities that help many people and those people who join this kind of religion get closer to God and become Good...theoldpath.tv
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi jen, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Blessings.
• Malaysia
24 Oct 09
hi pose well said ... i used to wonder the same too, in hinduism which is my religion .. we spent lots of money in buying cloths and garlands of flowers for our idol - how if the money was spent to feed or educate the orphan and poor ?? It is difficult to actually teach our public My husband used to spend so much of money just to go overseas to perform his prayers, the money can be used to reach out to all the needy around us .. Did god actually say ... we must visit such holy places and only then he will give us his attention GOD loves us when we think of him and do not harm others .. even if we dont talk about him thinking of him at times and thanking him for the gift that we have .. that should be sufficient .. Pose .. yes we are blind most times .. we see the needy and pity them only !! cheers
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi sanjana_aslam, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It seems that most religions are like that, but surely God cares for all his children and our work here should be to help each other. I feel that there is good in all religions but we all need to to think of ourselves as brothers and sisters, no matter what our race, religion or color. We need to work towards a world where there is no war, and where no one is hungry or homeless. Blessings.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Wisdom looks very good on you!!! Man does have the power to feed and help everyone. We all have the power to choose what we deem important in this world. People are choosing money and power over people. If everyone joined together and cleaned this world up, God would be smiling. God is a spiritual Being as we are. A large physical building means nothing to Him!!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi bird, Thank you for commenting and we agree about God being a spiritual being like us. Blessings.
@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
For me the real purpose of religion is to guide us. Guide us to do good things and not do bad to our fellow beings. It's just like the unconstitutional law governing people for unity and equality. I also believe that Religion is here to put God in our hearts. And when God is in our hearts no matter what religion we have, all of us will do good things to each other. shadow41
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Hi shadow41, Thank you for sharing your views. Blessings.