Elizabeth Olten Found dead in St. Martens, Missouri
By lelin1123
@lelin1123 (15594)
Puerto Rico
October 24, 2009 12:52am CST
Yes, 9 year old Elizabeth Olten missing since Wednesday found dead in a wooded area. She was walking home from her girlfriends house only 4 or 5 houses from her own house and never made it home. She went missing on the same day that Somer Thompsons body was identified in a dumpster in Georgia. This has become an epidemic as far as I'm concerned with crimes against our children and especially our little girls. Two precious little girls killed in one week. This is an outrage, how much more are we as a "Society" going to put up with horrific acts of violence on our children?
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10 responses
@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I was watching the news about this, just this morning.. This is so heart breaking to me it's not even funny.. These two beautiful baby girls taken away from there family members for unknown reasons.. To also know that a 15 year old child killed a 9 year old girl.. Something seriously wrong with this picture.. Sometimes though things like this really make a parent stop and think and it should.. This means you need to watch your children and know where they at all time..
I am a very protective mother of my son and I am always making sure when he's out playing outside I am able to see him.. Sure I may live away from the main road but it only takes one nut to come down it.. So I think if it taught anyone a lesson it's to be sure you know where your children are at all times, even know you may think be sure for certain, it really only takes a minute to know, rather it's a phone call or a peak outside.. It also sickens me that anyone I MEAN anyone would even think about hurting a child or a person.. A very sad story for sure.. I feel so bad for those mother that have to go threw this.. My heart goes out to them both..
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
25 Oct 09
I know I can't imagine what the parents are going thru. Its a horrible thing when you have to bury your child and it just seems to keep happening all across the United States from California, Missouri and Florida. Thank you for responding.
@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I totally agree with you 100%. I live in a smaller town and you wouldn't believe the kids that run the streets, I'm talking kids ages 6 to at least 16 it makes me think.. Why and where are the parents of these kids.. Alot of parents don't seem to care till something happens to their children.. Having kids has always been a huge responsibility and alot of parents don't seem they need to be.. Sad very sad...
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I don't have any children, myself. However, I was thinking about how protective both of my parents always were. I thought they were too protective but I guess it pays to be more protective these days. I was telling lelin the other night that when I was in the first grade, we lived in town back then, and I was allowed to walk to and from school back then. That was 1958-59. Things were so much different back then and we never had to worry about pedophiles. If we did, I doubt if my parents, knowing how they were, would have allowed me to walk to and from school. Kathy.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
25 Oct 09
I totally agree with you that parents need to be more responsible. Children can't walk home from school alone, they need an adult escorting them at all times. Thank you for responding.
@tandmunlimited (1252)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Wow this is so sad how the world can get this bad..
The sad thing is that America has brought it unpon itselves
I was molested growing up and I am not ashamed to say it, but
sadly I was told to be ashamed, Not to tell... This happens in
so many lives that make it more OK that this happens..
It gives the abuiser the OK I won't Get Caught causing it to fester...
Now a bit more awareness has went out, causing people to watch more..
So, this trash is gets out... Spreads... Sickness all over...
It kills me!!! We DO NEED TO TAKE A STAND!!!

@tandmunlimited (1252)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Thank you, I am one of the fortuniate ones that have someone here for me, my husband has helped me Greatly and I have came along way in healing, sadly not everyone has this. I just wish that the Awearness can be RAISED
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
28 Oct 09
I'm so sorry for what you went thru. I can't believe how many children are abused in the world. Its just unbelievable. Thank you for responding.

@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
24 Oct 09
When they find these people that did this, they should not even go to jail. They should die the same way that these kids are being killed. It is getting so bad out there.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
24 Oct 09
Oh yes I have said that before, "an eye for an eye". I am so sick that our children can't be safe anywhere anymore. Thanks for responding.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
25 Oct 09
It's really a sad world; what we are going through now. Little girls have vicious things done to them and killed brutally, and offenders are running wild, scot-free, laughing and smiling that they are not being caught. I am in rage! If I could join forces to go on rounds, I would. Just to keep the neighborhood safe. But then, other neighborhoods could be in danger. There really needs to be something done. I notice killers struck at times whereby one least expected. Like they could be doing the deed near to a recent incident, or they could just let it be and strike when everyone's in their comfort zone. What is the world coming to; the people in it are getting more malicious by the day. Thanks for this awareness, Lelin..

@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
27 Oct 09
Oh my! That is sure a lot of number, totally.. you are right, what about those unregistered ones... just makes me shudder. It's time to go a further up and be extra vigilant. No matter what, we have to protect our love ones. If we are all together in it, the criminals will have a lesser chance. Thanks for the Br.. 

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
24 Oct 09
It is horrible and I'm angry that I don't feel like I can let my girls out of my sight. The question is what can we do as a society to keep this from happening. I would start with the justice system. Someone that has committed a crime against a child is often times "treated" and released to go further next time. I also think that the sentance for their crimes are less than someone who has done a much lesser crime. Something needs to be done for sure!
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Oct 09
It is the saddest thing in the world that this is happening. I am not blaming the parents but they just can't be too protective of their children. If i had a young one i wouldn't let them walk anywhere by themselves, it is just to dangerous anymore. It is sad that times have changed sooo much that children are not safe tobe outside by thenselves. There are too many loonies out there that need to be put under a jail. They can't be punished enough for things like this.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
24 Oct 09
I agree with you once you do harm to a child once that is it throw the key away.
Thank you for responding.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Tragedies like this are the exact reason why I do not allow my kids to go places without me personally taking them or knowing the adult that is taking them. My kids think it is unfair and silly, but I am no fool, bad things happen all of the time and everywhere.
I hope that they catch the person/persons resposible and put them away for life. Better yet, why not make them go through what they put that child through?
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
24 Oct 09
Now its been revealed that they are charging a 15 year old child with the murder. They are not saying if its a girl or boy being charged. What is happening in this world today. You are correct do not leave your kids out of your sight unless they are with an adult that you know. I feel so bad for the children of today that can't have a normal childhood like I did 43 years ago when I was 9 years old. Thank you for your response.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
We are so afraid for the children. The little ones are so defenseless against kidnappers, murderers, molesters, etc. In my country, a four day old infant was taken away from her mother in a mall and a toddler was kidnapped from her own home. The crimes had gotten so frequent and so morbid. It is time to beg God to eradicate evil...
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
26 Oct 09
Oh my I thought this was just happening in the States I didn't know you had this problem in the Phillipines. Its so scary what is going on. I'm sick in the stomach and I just want every pedophile in jail for the rest of their lives. I can't understand what would drive someone to do such horrible things to our children. Take care and be safe. Thanks for responding.
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@fezman (260)
• Australia
25 Oct 09
as a father of a 2 1\2 year old girl myself, no matter what part of the world i live in, i will never feel safe knowing that my daughter is going without me anywhere, i even hate going to work away from her!
and to those disgusting\perverted\mental\disgraceful people out there that commit these attrocities, i hope you all get whats coming to you in the most foulest way thinkable!
its absolutly disgusting to hear about these things no matter where you are in the world, IT JUST SHOULDNT HAPPEN!!
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
25 Oct 09
No it shouldn't be happening but I just don't think enough is being done across America to stop it from happening. This 9 year old girl was just 4 or 5 houses from her own house. Now I hear a 15 year old will be charged but they are not saying if its a girl or boy that will be charged. Its a horrible thing for children not to be able to have a childhood like I did 43 years ago when I could walk to school, store or friends house without fear. Thanks for responding. I'm glad you are protective of your little girl in todays world its a must.