Idiotocracy: IS IT COMEING TRUE?
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
United States
October 24, 2009 8:04am CST
Yes, it is true.
There once was a movie made called IDIOTOCRACY. In it 2 people accidently get sent to the future. There they discover the USA had devolved into a land inhabited by idoits.
Read this article, if you think that could not happen.,_by_choice
Are we devolving into an IDIOTOCRACY?
I say we are not, that common sense will prevail. The 2010 election results will be the first indication as to what direction the USA will take. Will it be IDOITOCRACY or a REPUBLIC?
What do you say?
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8 responses
@laglen (19759)
• United States
24 Oct 09
First of all, I loved that movie! It was very stupid but I could see the truth in it. Watching it now, I think it would fit even better. Regarding the article, while cynical, was pretty spot on. I figure you have the right to be ignorant, ill-informed, etc but you also should not vote. Voting is a very important duty and we should do our due diligence.

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Civics should be taught in grade school, true. However, I once read a book written by a law professor who did not even understand how the Supreme Court works. The book was AUDACITY OF HOPE by Barack 0bama. So, we can teach Civics, but that does not mean the right people will teach it.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Oct 09
I think they need to teach CIVICS starting in grade school. And continue it on through high school. Used to be that way. Wonder why it's not anymore? (said with sarcastic voice)
Kids are required to know very little of the whole process of government, take a look at the way the internet was used to get Obama elected. Target the young voter, who is basically clueless about the issues...and put a 'cool' face on the candidate. Our elections have become an American Idol type contest. Sad.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
24 Oct 09
I agree that 2010 will signal which way this country is going to go.
I think that the makeup of Congress is going to change dramatically.
I also think we have a one-hit wonder in the WH.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I tend to agree with you except I remember I thought similar thoughts during Clinton's first term.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
24 Oct 09
This is a scary but sadly a rather true article. These same idiot that are being referred to only have one word that they use over and over again because they do not have the intelligence to debate or give any facts when it some to rebutting any even slightly less than adoring remarks about Obama and that is to scream "racist".
I am one of the obviously few people who have read both of Obama's books and am fearfully aware of where he plans to take our country. Another obvious thing is that the Obamaloonies will be in exactly the same boat as the rest of us when our country hits rock bottom...they will not get a free pass!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
25 Oct 09
You read both of 0bama's books? I found AUDACITY OF HOPE so repugnate that I could not stomach reading another book by 0bama. Good for you on reading them both. A hat tip to you.
@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I personally feel, regardless of how the election goes, we will continue the downward spiral towards 'idiocracy'. A whole new crop of voters are becoming voting age and they desperately want to 'rock the vote'. And, they will vote for whomever MTV and Hollywood tell them to. True change will have to come from outside Washington DC and the two political parties. But I think most 'idiots' would be surprised to know they have more than two choices.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
25 Oct 09
The republicans and democrats do have much in common. Many think the primary difference is only the speed at which the change in the U.S.A. should proceed. The democrats seem to want the destruction of the constitution now, whereas the republicans would proceed at a slower pace.
Other choices? You bet'cha! Yes, I did purposely use a Sarah Palin phrase. It seems there are rumors she might be open to starting another party. I will likely join if that happens.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I'm afraid it's going to be idiotocracy if this usurper is not removed. 1. because there will never be another free election (2008 wasn't free and fraught with violations and crime). and 2. the republicans seem to want to emulate the depraved democrats in order to get votes, as in the Scozzafava fiasco in New York.
In 2008, bunch of idiots listened to Oprah Winfrey and followed her off a cliff like lemmings. She is very full of herself and deserves to be tried for treason for her part in swaying an election. I believe she also used to go to Rev. Wright's church with her friends the O's.
It's a sad commentary on our country that so many non-thinkers would listen to an ungrateful woman who was given such opportunity by this country, but, at best has used it for conspicuous consumption (to buy people's viewership) and, at worst, to influence the election of a usurper and sell-out our a free country to the dictatorship of gangsters of the worst kind.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Oprah has a calculating liberal agenda and mindset that successfully manipulates her viewers. I find her political views and methods to be extremely annoying and harmful to the nation. However, 0prah's actions do not meet the legal definition of Sedition. Oprah's actions rather than sedition, are only the common sense definition of a self serving hypocrital phoney.
0bama apparently is everything you say he is. Wish that was not true, but anyone who can read between the lines can see it.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Oct 09
That is a very depressing piece of opinion journalism and I have to say that I agree with his views. There is an outside chance that we are awakening to our slavery and oppression but I think the majority of our nation is described there.
Ten years from now, people will be complaining and crying about our oppression and poverty but will not realize how they enabled it. They will still not read. Our government has been allowed to "take care" of us from cradle to grave and that's too comfortable for the majority, which leaves the rest of us thinking individuals at the mercy of it. We are too few, unless we stand up and make a LOT of noise. The Tea Party demonstrations are a good start but unless we gain some momentum, all is lost to the idiots who will trade their freedom for comfort.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Well said. People like yourself exercising your first amendment rights to describe what's going on is exactly what might make a difference.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Art does have a tendency to mimic life. 

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