GOD'S had enough! has he given up on us?

October 24, 2009 1:54pm CST
Ive been thinking recently about the fact that people have alot of faith inthe fact god will forgive us for anything and to this day he still will. So wheres your proof? Im Starting to think that maybe he has had enough! Maybe he is looking down on us thinking "i know i said i would forgive, but you lot are taking the biscuit" Because we dont seem to have any up to date proof, all we have is the bible that was written so long ago. With most other things in life people would want more up to date proof than this dont you think? This interests me as i once did not even believe enough to comment however since doing the alpha course i seem to have a little more faith but not quite enough! Please comment tell me what you think. :S
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3 responses
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
24 Oct 09
it all comes down to faith, you either have it or ya dont, period.
24 Oct 09
Faith needs to be built though, upon belief. Doesnt it stand to reason that faith can become somewhat useless when it comes to something people rely on so much!
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
24 Oct 09
IT STARTED WITH ME oops 54 years ago in catholic school not that i continued in there but over the years good and bad ive learned not to question my faith, it only got me into trouble. but that me, everyone is different, whatever floats your boat.
• United States
24 Oct 09
No God Has never given up on us The True question is have we given up on him and have we given up on ourselves Just have faith in due time you will see that he has not
25 Oct 09
I am trying, believe me im trying. I hope that in the future im able to actully say yes i do have faith with confidence.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
24 Oct 09
proof? that is where your faith comes in. The Bible will never be out dated and bottom line, if we have a person now a days say that God told him this or that, nobody would believe him and he would be medicated quickly.
24 Oct 09
I know what your saying but why does God leave it down to faith? If he is this all powerful wonderful being dont you think that maybe he would give us the proof that alot of us need to actually believe? I am trying believe me in the past i wouldnt have even asked these questions i would have just said its all a load of codswallop! So i think something is working!