Are Cats F@rters???

@LadyMarissa (12148)
United States
October 24, 2009 5:18pm CST
When one of my cats poops, it stinks to high heaven!!! Recently, I can see him sitting in the next room & I get a whiff of that same smell. I can see he didn't go to the litter room. I've been searching high & low to see of he was pooping in my floor instead of the litter box. Finding NO special surprises, I chalked it up to the fact that I was so busy on myLot that I didn't see him go to the litter room. Well, today I was in the litter room cleaning the litter box, looking at the stinky cat when a wave of stink comes over my sweet little nose (giggles). I know it's NOT the cat pooping as he's sitting right in front of me licking his leg. Then it dawned on me..."did he f@rt???" That's the only thing I can figure. Do you have a cat (or cats)??? Does your cat f@rt??? Do you have any funny cat f@rting stories???
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24 responses
25 Oct 09
Hi LadyM, once my cat fa@ted and je jumped turned around to look at his behind and hen run off, I couldn't stop laughing, the sill cat, lol!! Tamara
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
My lil guy is silent, but deadly!!! I had a dog that farted & turned to look at his butt to see what was going on. Then he'd get pisssed when I laughed at him.
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25 Oct 09
Hello Dream, I am a lucky as my cats goes out to do their business, we have a ctflap that they can go when they please and I don't have litter tray but sometimes my Tom do f@rt and gets scared of his own noise he makes, lol!! Tamara
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• United States
25 Oct 09
HI Tamara, Hi LadyM; I just had to laugh at your posts here (G)! Very funny!! Don't you love it when they do that, its so comical to see!! I've seen my Cat Screamer do her "thing" in her litter box, and I guess the smell was so bad for her, she runs from the box without even covering it up then that God-Awful smell will hit my nose, and I'm like Damn Screamer at least cover it up when its that "stinky" will ya?? UUUUUGGGHHH!!! STINKY POO!!!! Have either one of you ladies had cats that would poo in their box and then run from it, because of the awful odor?? LOL!
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@hexeduser22 (7418)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
I don't have a cat but I have a dog who stinking farts a lot every night before going to sleep. She even sneezes in her own fart and look at you as if your the that made that foul smell
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I had a dog like that. He'd let one rip, look at his butt, then look at me like "what did you do???"
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I never knew cats farted. Far as I know, mine never do or ever did. There are times they will come lay on our chest at night and stink to high heaven but it's only because they had just come out of the litter box being they are all covered boxes. One of them is right here in Tigger's room/computer room/storage room that he prefers to use because of his bum leg. He'll leave a huge dump and not cover it. I swear he is laughing at my wrinkled nose at the offending smell till Simba comes in and finally covers it properly.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
1 Nov 09
[b] Both of you! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Oct 09
Cats are strange & loving creatures. They can't understand why we don't appreciate their gifts!!!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Roxie had green fogs for a while, finally had to take her to the vet to get them stopped - they were GHASTLY!
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
1 Nov 09
[b]My well-mannered Miss Miniver never breaks wind, of course. Well, hardly ever...& if she does, it's discreetly done. Heck, she refrains from going to the bathroom (even in clean cat litter, which it is, most of the time) as much as possible. I've no idea what I did to deserve such a ladylike little person for a roomie! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
THE VET CAN STOP THEM??? I would have NEVER thought to take him to the vet!!! Ghastly just begins to describe what I'm going through here!!!
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
25 Oct 09
OMG! Khuay, the cat in my avatar must be part skunk! You pick him up and you get assaulted by one of his dark farty clouds! The first thing you do is put him back down in a hurry. He also has the habit of farting when he jumps up in your lap. We've gotten to the point that we have air freshener by every seat and bed in the house! He also will stretch and really fart, because he usually is either in my lap or on the back of the couch. Cats aren't the only farters, My dogs also do a good job of it too. Abby, the pit/lab mix manages to let rip beside my bed just before I am falling asleep. Thank goodness for air fresheners!!! I grab the can and spray like crazy. I think the one to top them all is my little girl cat Murphy. She is 16 and a half years old and sooo sweet and innocent looking. One night my BF and I were on the couch with Murphy sleeping behind his head. It was so quiet and peaceful, it was in the spring as the windows were closed and I had a fire in the fireplace. Then suddenly we were assaulted by the most horrible odor that you can imagine! We were gagging and gasping for fresh air! We had to race for the outside because the smell was so horrible. Murphy had farted!!! It took almost an hour to get the odor out of the house! Yet Murphy kept sleeping on the back of the couch, oblivious to the fact that she darn near killed us. As I am writing this, one of the dogs just farted! Don't light a match, we'll be in orbit!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I'm used to farting dogs. I've had cats all my life, but NEVER one that farted. When my dogs let it rip, I was forewarned by a sound. This guy just sits there as if NOTHING has happened. When it first happened, I really thought he had pooped in my floor. I'm thankful he's not going on my floor, but I'm concerned why this situation has suddenly started.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Check your cat's teeth. He might have a bad tooth. For some reason they will fart when they have some sort of problem with their teeth. Also it could be the cat food, without warning sometimes the cat food companies change the recipe just a smidge which is enough to cause problems with the cat's digestive system. I will say that my little fiends are sooooo smooth when they fart. They won't change expression or anything. They won't even twitch a whisker! At least dogs sometimes have the good graces to look guilty. Abby passed another fart that was sooo bad that she got up and moved. (Abby is the "boarder" from my best friend's house. I'm taking care of Abby until the marital problems are solved.) Khuay crawled up on my lap- actually on my books and homework, and passed a good one. Thank goodness that farts don't permeate paper otherwise I would flunk the class. The worst has been when somehow the cats and dog synchronized their farts and they did it all at once in my bedroom just before I went to sleep. Needless to say I had to leave the bedroom or die gagging!
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
28 Oct 09
One other thing I forgot to suggest, and that is to add plain yogurt to his diet. It helps the digestive tract and if he will eat it it might help clear up those deadly smelly farts. It has helped with the dog, but I haven't had the spare cash to get some more yogurt for her. I'd give him a few tablespoons a day. It'll take a couple of days to clear up the gas, but when it is finally cleared up it will eliminate the need for the gas mask.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
25 Oct 09
Ha... I know it stinks, but that's just so cute, too cute! Your phrase, stinks to high heaven.. ... classic beauty! LOL.. Actually, I think all fart, but I don't know about birds and fishes? Oh yea, do whales fart too? And the list goes on..
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
27 Oct 09
-big belly laughter- I rock, huh? Kidding, of course... Trying to act himbo.. not bimbo, but himbo.... wauahuahauauauhauahu...
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
27 Oct 09
Alice, that's funny too... Now, mylot should have a lying down with face and kicking legs on the floor. They really should have!! Yabedabeduuu...
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I'm not going to worry about the birds, fishes nor whales...they don't do it in my home!!! This guy is about to make me pass out!!!!!!
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• United States
25 Oct 09
YES! If my four let out gas at the same time, it nearly makes everyone in my house pass out. My cats can let out some really nasty ones.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
You have given me something to be THANKFUL for!!! I have 2 cats. Thank God it's ONLY the one cat. I don't think I'd survive 2 going off at the same time!!!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Oct 09
Lol yes they do LadyM I used to have 5 Cats and believe me they where all pretty good at this Game When Gissi does it, he gets a Fright and runs of lol
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
From what I saw on Youtube, Gissi runs from everything!!! I now own "The Gissi Collection". I know dogs are f@rters. I had one that would f@rt while he walked...then stop to look at his butt to figure out where the noise came from. Don't think i've ever had a cat that f@rted though. Maybe it's because most of my cats were females!!!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I've had him for a year & he's just started doing it. i'm feeding him the same food. Hmmmm....wonder what's different???
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@snowy22315 (186926)
• United States
25 Oct 09
To the best of my knowledge my cat has never farted but I cant be sure. I jus think ther are some things that cats do not do. I like all the little cats but farting would be a little hard to swallow in my opiion.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Hard to swallow??? It's really hard to breathe when he lets one go!!!
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
1 Nov 09
[b]Oh, my yes--are they ever! It's easy to blame the cat, too, because the little furballs are pooters! I think it's at least as bad as it is because they have milk & dairy in their diets, you know? Some people don't know this, but if a human baby is still on mother's milk, the waste doesn't have that powerful stink it does when they're switched to cow's milk. I figure that's at least part of what makes kitty fog sooo rank. Wups...yet another emoticon they should add--a pooticon! "P.U." they could call it. Maybe a frowny-face with a clothes pin on its nose? Wait...they don't have noses...well, I'm sure they could come up with something. Maybe just a bilious green frowny-face! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
1 Nov 09
[b] Agh. I meant to say FISH & DAIRY, not milk & dairy... Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
1 Nov 09
My guys get very little fish & NO dairy, so that shouldn't be the problem!!! Plus, I have 2 cats born within 2 weeks of each other & they eat the same food. One farts & the other doesn't. Plus the little farter has been eating the same food for the last year & this problem just started. I've had cats ALL my life & I've never had one that farted before. Oh yes, except for my sweet little girl, that the boyfriend always blamed when he farted. You think that maybe it wasn't him???
• United States
25 Oct 09
ROTFL!! Hi LadyM; Yeah baby boy does my cat ever fart...her favorite place to let one go is right up beside my head at night just as I am near to falling asleep she'll let one go as she is laying there beside my head and boy -howdy that "stink" usually winds up in my mouth somehow and I swear I can taste it for a long long time, Yep! My Screamer is a "fartin kitty" for sure; I feed her mostly Fancy Feast can food ( chicken is her favorite) and turkey too!! Her dry food is now Purina one I think is the name of it, kinda high dollar dry food but it has helped her to NOT have so many vomit hair balls of late, thank Goodness! My Dog farts too and those will make your eyes run!!! LOL!! I guess we all are just a bunch of old farts here (G)!! don't have any candles burning near where your cat lets one of those mighty farts go...LOL!! take care and beware of "farting cats"...ya gotta love'em right???
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
OMG, I'm glad I don't live with your farter!!! I'm familiar with Purina One. My last cat ate it. I use Meow Mix Hairball remedy as one of my guys is a long hair & it keeps him from having hairballs. My little farter licks on the long hair a lot too. I guess I should just stop whining & be thankful he doesn't chit in my floor!!!
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• United States
25 Oct 09
LOL! My picky_butt Cats won't eat Meow Mix only if they are super hungry and starving... Nah! You are not whining dear friend just sharing with us in a funny story of what your darlin cat does, same as mine and I'm sure many others out there, they have "fartin cats"....hehehe!! Yeah I'm grateful too mine don't poo on my floor that would be bad!! speaking of which I need to clean out my two cat boxes, both of them are pooping machines!!! Just like their momma I guess we all eat, sleep and poop such is our lives!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
25 Oct 09
Do I ever! I have two cats a male and a female and the boy is the one with the stinky butt. The poor thing is 13 years old and has inflammatory bowel disease which does not help him but it is not the primary reason for his smelly f@rts. He’s always done it since he was a kitten when we first got him. He used to eat Whiskas cat food and the f@rts would smell exactly the same as the food! It’s quite gross and now that he is sick he poops outside the litter tray and he generally has a touch of diarrhoea which along with daily vomits makes my life really fun! Lucky I love the little stinker so much!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
OHHHHHHHHHHH, your poor guy....poor Mommy too!!! My guy is 1-1/2 & I haven't changed his diet. This dilemma just started this week. Makes me wonder if he's getting into something he shouldn't!!!
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
9 Nov 09
LOL,I cant help but laugh when reading this one .I cant say that I have ever heard of such a thing but I figure that since we can they must be able to do too since they basically eat the same food and it goes through the same basic metabolic processes where it relaese the same gases as bi products.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
9 Nov 09
I can promise you they can!!! My 2 guys don't eat the same food I do....NOT anymore...I used to share with them & then they got to where they would double team me & steal my food. So, I quit giving them any of my food. He got better for a week or so, but he went back to it again. All the while I was feeding him the same food.
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
this is actually true because its happens to my brother. when he lifted my cats suddenly he smells some wave of stinks..hahaha...thats really funny and i believe yes it does farting..
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
9 Nov 09
I don't even have to pick mine up!!!
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Yep, cats do fart. We had a cat for about 11 years and she was guilty of farting and I would do the hunt just as you did and find nothing. We always fed our cat dry cat food and think this is why she didn't have this problem very often. I do really think dogs do this more often than cats. Keep a clothespin close by or a fart
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Oct 09
In the last 40 years I've had numerous dogs that farted but NO cats!!! I've always called this guy my "cat from hell". Now he's proving why. He gets into the most trouble, he's the stinkiest, he's the sneakiest... (add youw own here)
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
25 Oct 09
i never had a farting or belching cat. only my late dogs belched and farted.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Oct 09
I've had a similar experience up until this cat. I've had many farting dogs, but have NEVER had a farting cat before this guy.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
1 Nov 09
[b]I've just gotta say, Lady M., I've laughed more & harder in this one thread than I have all month with scores of others combined! THANKS! I needed it! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
1 Nov 09
Glad I could be of assistance!!! Wonder what it is about farting that makes us giggle???
@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
29 Oct 09
Ha. Yes, my cat farts. I first noticed it when my sister was over and she started complaining about the stink in the room. I smelled it too. It smelled like cat poo, and it smelled like it was coming from the living room (where the cat was) We searched high and low for poo, as we both thought as you did, that kitty had had an accident- but no poo, and the smell dispersed. My sister (she is braver than I) sniffed the cat's but (no kidding!) and said it smelled. Now every now and then I get a whiff of odor from my cat and I just laugh at her. I read once that animals that eat only or mostly meat (like lions, cats etc) have smellier farts than animals or people who eat just vegetables or a varied diet. I can believe it!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Sniffed the cat's buttt???? NO THANK YOU!!!! He got worse the next few days after I posted this discussion. He was jumping up in my lap & letting it rip. He seems to have stopped since then!!! He & his brother (not litter mates) eat the same food so I don't understand why the one is worse than the other.
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• United States
26 Oct 09
yep, mine do it too! we've smelled them across the room and it never fails to stink it up for the next 2 hours or more.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Oct 09
I've been lucky as to the length of time the smell lingers. I hope he doesn't read this or he'll figure out a way to make them last longer!!!
@carmelbg (519)
26 Oct 09
Yes Mika is definately a f@rter! She will lay in your lap stretching and looking cute as she sleeps and then all of a sudden a fog descends. I look at the little cute bundle in my lap and can not believe such a foul stench can come from something sooo pretty! I have even tried switching brands of food to see if she smells any better -but no when she lets one rip you know it!
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Oct 09
Sound as though Mika is the twin sister to my lil Romeo. Yes, he is such a charmer!!! It seems he's getting braver as the days go by. Yesterday he was sitting in my lap rubbing his head on my chin when ... POOF ... I was gagging. He looked like he was laughing on the inside!!!