Riding A bike Naked! Wots the worst you've done while Drunk?

October 25, 2009 5:47am CST
I've done many things when ive been drunk but i think the one that sticks out in my mind is when i got told in the morning that i had rode a pushbike around naked at about 3 am which i was sooooo embarassed about as people had proof on mobile phones aswell! Whats the worst you have done?
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7 responses
• Thailand
11 Nov 09
I woke up dreaming that I was walking to my room while I woke up, I was at school and trying to break into one of the school's office as it was so cold outside and I was only wearing a t-shirt. Funny thing is a teacher asked me what the hell I was doing and I answered that I was looking for some test results.
11 Nov 09
Oh dear this must have been embarrasing! I often do sleep-walking when drunk i call it drunk-walking!
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
10 Nov 09
The worst thing I've done is passed out unconscious in the highway with all vehicles passing by. I'm just glad I'm surrounded with all my friends. It really suck big time...and I'm very embarrassed by it.
11 Nov 09
Ive woke up in some unusual places too, once i woke up on a large city centre roundabout!
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
27 Oct 09
And your not showing us the pictures . I fell into the wash basket and slept one time.The neighbor carried me in ,Funny I don't remember.This is why ,I make sure not to get blitzed any more .I like to be in control at all times .
29 Oct 09
Its kinda funny some of the places you wake up isnt it! Once i even woke up in a house with nobody i actualy new and in a totally different town 25 miles away from home! Lucky i didnt loss my bank card or i wouldnt of had any money to get home! I havent got really smashed in a very long time either as i used to hate having to find out what youve been up to by other people its awful hahaha
• United States
26 Oct 09
/The worst thing that has happened to me while I was drunk was to get locked up in a bar room after it was closed and I was passed out in the bathroom I normally do not get drunk but my girlfriend had just broke up with me and I drank too much. This happened while I was in the Army over 40 years ago. Another incident was when I went to a party for City workers and I drove home (I still do not remember how I got there) and my wife had to hire a baby sitter to watch over the kids as well as me.
26 Oct 09
Its mad the things we do when drunk, i did drive once when drunk unfortunate for me i got caught and ended up in prison!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
5 Nov 09
Well besides making out with someone I would not have even given a second glance at if I was sober. That is pretty bad all in itself. Well the one my friends still tease me about several years later is when I went to a party, I was all dressed up and wearing thigh high panty hose, which I thought were pretty sexy. Well when I had a few too many a couple of my friends and some guys were outside talking and I felt the need to show and tell everyone I was wearing thigh highs. Of course my friends quickly pull my skirt down, and took me for a litle walk, of course the guys followed. But they told the guys to back off. I was lucky I had such good friends. That is pretty much why I only drink once of year or two.
6 Nov 09
Yea i only drink occasionally now but still usually suffer teasings for many weeks after. It does seem when we get drunk that clothes dont seem to matter any more! Im just glad that im nowhere as bad as i used to be. Thanks for your reply.
• United States
10 Nov 09
It's embarrassing, but the one time I got drunk I was camping with some friends, and I had to pee sooo badly. I can't squat and pee for some reason, I have to be sitting. There was a little playground nearby, so I sat on a swing and peed. Nobody had proof, but still. The next day I was mortified!
10 Nov 09
Haha funny, its shocking some of the things people do when drunk! I dont really drink much anymore, only on special occasions as i ued to always do something silly that i would be so embarassed in the morning If i could remember haha!
@jaja22 (88)
• South Korea
25 Oct 09
The worst thing I've done when I was drunk when I fight with my husband without any reason. At that time when we are walking going to our house, I remember that I throw my phone and my bag. The next morning, police called to my husband using my phone and telling that my bag and phone are with them. My passport is in my bag so I'm so worried that I lost it somewhere. I was so embarrased that time.
25 Oct 09
Your lucky to get your things back every time ive lost things while i was drunk i have never got them back!