Nose Bleeding

October 25, 2009 8:30am CST
My lotters, i need you all help. May somebody tell me what is the reason of nose bleeding? My family never have the case of nose bleeding before this. But recently, my brother keep have nose bleeding. Maybe once 2 weeks and sometimes twice a week. I am not sure is the weather too hot or is because my brother is too stress cos now he is facing his final exam. Can any mylotters tell me what to do? if i want to bring him to see a doctor, which kind of doctor should we go to? Or any good ways to prevent him to face a nose bleeding again? This increase my brother tension on study too! please, help. thanks in advance :)
9 responses
@solared (1207)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Well it could be allergies, could be you pick you nose, could be you have high blood pressure, could be a brain tumor. Anyways a regular Doctor should be able to diagnose this.
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
1st i also suspect my brother, is he pick his nose. but then is seems not in that way, so better bring him to doctor. Thank you solared, nice to meet you here :)
@kafueenu (1073)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
My sister always suffer nosebleeds, the main reason for her is the heat, ateast that is what my mother said hahaha.
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• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
your mother so cute, haha...but, it seems logic. Better listen to old people, their experiences are most precious one. thank you, kafueenu, is nice to meet you here :)
@daliaj (5674)
• India
26 Oct 09
Noose bleeding is a problem which my husband has. My husband gets it whenever he goes to places which are very hot. I think humidity has soemthing to do with noose bleeding. According to him, it is not a disease. It is not a big issue and it doesn't need any medicine. It happened to me once when I went to a very hot place. I don't like it. I am kind of scared of it.
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
oh, dailaj, don't be scared. we should face the problem and solve it. ok? hope you always stay in healthy condition. take care. god bless :)
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
25 Oct 09
My brother had nose bleeds all the time growing up. It was just part of maturing "puberty". Stress certainly doesn't help the situation. Once we couldn't get it to stop so we took him to the emergency room. They had to burn one of his blood vessels. I forgot what it was called but it was like saudering or welding. Anyway, don't get to worried. Take your brother to his regular primary care physician.
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
mommaj, you mean they do the action some how like seal the blood vessel, is it? Sound a bit terrible, but seems help...anyway, i'll bring my brother for checkup 1st. thanks for your sharing :)
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Actually it's like a blood vessel is too thin and leaks. So they seal it. It's nothing horrible. At least the nose bleeds stop.
• Philippines
26 Oct 09
The very best thing is to take him to a doctor. You can take him to an EENT first and if the doctor finds nothing wrong in the insides of his nose, he may suggest seeing another doctor like a hematologist. Nosebleeds can mean many things. I am not trying to scare you but if it happens often, you should see a doctor. Blood related problems have this symptoms.
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
yes, this is what i worried about. thanks for your info. nice to meet you here :)
@regina36 (28)
• United States
26 Oct 09
My son gets nose bleeds when he gets really hot in the summer time. I put a cold wet wash cloth on the back of his neck and on his forehead. Also the doctor told us to always have him hold his head down when trying to stop the bleeding nose. Because if not may cause clogs. Hope this helps some. Also some people get nose bleeds due to lack of iron ,don't know it that is true or not ,but I have heard that before .
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
well, regina36, some said elevate the head, but you said ask him to head it ok whether we head up or down? is it ask him to face the floor? how many degrees should him head down his head? sorry ya, i have too much question ;P anyway, nice to meet you here. hope your son and you are healthy always :)
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
25 Oct 09
i used to get them all the time when i was younger i had to get the inside of my nose cauterized a few times i can remember why but it was an easy process, in and out in 10 minutes. i still get them when the season changes from summer to winter but at 59 i really dont care they only last a minute or so.
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
oh ya? anyway, thanks for your sharing of experience. nice to meet you here :)
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I used to get them all the time as a kid. My doctor said it was probably because the inside of my nose was too dry or something. I put a little vaseline in there, and it helped a lot. But there could be a lot f other causes for nosebleeds.
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
nice to meet you here, megumiart :) vaseline, mm...i can buy it for my brother. but, need to put many into his nose? will this make him feel better? or it jus help to stop the bleeding but make him feel abit unconfortable?
@getbrowser (1708)
• China
25 Oct 09
There are many reasons that can cause the nose bleeding. Generally spenking, nose bleeding is a common occurrence among seniors. At the same time, the nose bleeds are most likey caused by the extreamly dry and usually very cold air found at high climates and as far as shortness of breat. Of course, that people with high blood pressure are more prone to nose bleeding than those with normal blood pressure. Don't worry about that. If you meet such a situation again, then you'd better go to see the doctor.
• Malaysia
28 Oct 09
Thank you very much for your sharing. I will bring my brother to see a doctor after his exam. nice to meet you here, getbrowser (very special nickname..haha)