last words

@HelScream (2822)
October 25, 2009 12:16pm CST
we all know that all of us will someday pass this world or say die do you know what would be your last words before you die? Me i just found today that my last words would be I LOVE YOU ________(NAME of the women i love .... how about you
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7 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
hello helscream! how are you? its been a while since the last time i saw you here... glad to see you back... well with me, if possible, maybe my last words would be "thank you for making my life worth living" and i hope that the one with me when i die is my husband & my family... happy mylotting!
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
hi ckera i am fine how about you ? yeah its been quite a while now that i have been here at the lot missed it a lot and all my friends as well been very busy with life and other stuff .... life has been good so far even with its trials that could break a person apart but here i am still standing stronger than before ..... yes you are right family and those you love would be great at your last day here.... hope to see you more and i am glad you still remember me lol
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
26 Oct 09
of course i remember you... i don't forget my friends here... well, its good to hear that life has been good to you & you are still standing strong after all the trials that comes your way...whatever happens stay firm with your belief & have faith with God coz with Him nothing is impossible...
• United States
26 Oct 09
I think it would be the name of the great love of my life.I haven't met him yet or I would tell you his name.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
26 Oct 09
I can't believe it as I was reading this before I got too your "I Love You" I was saying to myself it would be "I love you" to the man I love and family. It would be the natural thing to be saying when you are slipping into your next life.
@jugsjugs (12967)
26 Oct 09
My last words would be i love you and i would be saying it to all my children.
@earndeep (168)
• India
5 Nov 09
Great..! simply the best... "jugsjugs"
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
hello po kabayan :D. my last words will probably instructions on what my kids will do when i am gone, who will take care of them, and instructions for their father about what to do with the kids, the house, my online business... lol
@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
10 Nov 09
For me,the assurance that all your loved ones that you will soon left behind has still the assurance that you love them until the last minute of your life..."I love you... I'll be seeing you again, but not too soon.":-)
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
25 Oct 09
Well, if it's your last words, nobody's going to come back to you, so you can spread your wings, if you wish. I find it difficult to take things seriously, and I think that character trait would accompany me to the end, so I think my last words would be: 'I told you I was ill - now do you believe me?'