Can we really trust our friends?

October 25, 2009 4:16pm CST
I just found out the other day that a so called friend had been talkin about me and stirring lies so he could split me and a girl up! Now the girl wont even talk to me and its a shame because we had a good relationship before that, so can our mates really be trusted?
2 responses
@funorb12 (456)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Yes, that really sucks. It depends on if your friend has good self-respect and the slightest bit of sympathy to respect you. My sister, "liked," emphasize on the like, a person, in which one of her friends stole her liked person from her. She knew that my sister "liked," her, but she still did it anyway. She talked to the guy from 6PM to around 7 in the morning. Most friends aren't loyal. Find the best friends, and hold on to them. Friendship is usually always before any selfish act. Best of luck mate, funorb12.
25 Oct 09
to be honest i dont actually think if got one friend that i could rely on! Maybe its partly my fault for screwing up in my life so bad in the past but i still cant trust! thanks for your comment.
@funorb12 (456)
• United States
26 Oct 09
It is hard to find any good friends. You will have only one trustful best friend. One in your life. I hope you find him or her. I do remember betrayal from my friends in high school. It truly sucked hard.
@buping (952)
• China
26 Oct 09
hi loneraver. some people can be trusted, some can not be trusted. i mean that the people can not be trusted are not your friends. the definition of friend i think is the man that should be trusted. i had a classmate that we were too close at the beginning, and i took her as a friend, but someone told me that she said bad words on me, so i never talk with her and she is no my friend
26 Oct 09
It seems too hard to find a real friend ive lost faith in every body round my home town.