COMELEC made my day.

Onion head - Got sad.
October 26, 2009 9:54am CST
Can you believe, I just got home awhile ago, it's because I helped my girlfriend to be registered voter at the city hall. We went there around 8:30am and the line was so long, I knew that it would take us the whole day before we finish it, but the problem is when we are asking where are the number lines, a small paper with a number on it, used to organized a line so that others won't overtake, they said that they ran out of stock. Can you believe that? They said that we just need to fall in line, so we did it, after 2 hours, they gave some line numbers, and guess what? We're 582! They distributed it randomly instead of those who are in already in line. Although this didn't really made me mad because I know the procedures and processing here in the Philippines are so slow, sorry but this is the truth, the one that destroyed almost my day is that I got jealous to my girlfriend. Well at least I'm not that too hot headed, so I've been a little quiet until I got home. But I've pulled myself all over again and got back to a calm mind. Well, sorry for the responses that I haven't replied. How's your day? Happy mylotting!
11 responses
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
you got jealous over what? i just don't get it why made jealous of what or from whom. anyways, is the registration still open. i thought it was over few days back. actually i didn't for 3 elections already cause i don't know when registration day is till it is over. no one told or reminded. mostly i will just know it when registration is over. so next election i will not be able to vote again cause i failed to register cause i didn't know we had already registration already. anyways, till when is this registration open. if this still open tomorrow still. are registrations done still on public school where i last voted.
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
I think it's extended until October 30, so you could still make it. You should register, it's our right and a good experience also.
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
You could register directly at the city hall. You could ask a lot of employees there and wouldn't be lost because there are a lot who will help you there.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
anyways, where do we register this time. where did you register. it is in public school near my place or city hall. i have no idea any more where to register. i have no one around i could ask about where to register.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
hello charmz1005, that's great for you are doing the first step for your right - that is the right to vote this coming 2010 election. now you are elegible to vote. just a piece of advice. please choose the right and best person for the position. someone who has really a big heart for our country. one more thing, just want to let you know that i am proud of you for you were able to calmed yourself down even you were angry. you did the right thing. cheers....
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
It is actuall, we the people who can make our country prosperous and not out leader.
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
Thanks for all the praises, a lot of people told me what's the sense of voting if there's no changes happening, I believe there right but still hope remains in me that someday this country will change to be a better one. May we have a peaceful and good election this coming 2010. Happy mylotting!
1 person likes this
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
I finished registration last June... and during that time the line was already long... since they only have one data capturing machine... i actually got the form in May but went back in June... so that was quite the easy way for me because i simply can't wait long...
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
Wow, I think a lot learned from there lesson that's why they registered early. Same here, they only got 1 capturing machine, I registered early and it's kind a slow process though.
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
I've actually registered years ago for the local barangay elections (and have only received my voter's id this year :) ) and almost spent a whole day waiting in line. It's great to learn that both you and your girlfriend are registered voters already. Have you made up your mind yet on who deserves your vote? I hope that we have a clean and violence-free election. And that whoever we choose, may he be the right leader to steer our nation towards the changes we have yearned for years.
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
My mother got her voter's ID last year, she registered when she was 18 and now she's 41. Is that really how long before we get our IDs? Honestly I don't want to change our current president now, I still want her to extend her term, because I can see changes since she became our president, well that my opinion and belief. But still I need to vote other than her, if that's the case I would choose Chiz Escudero. How about yours?
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
Hahahaha! No offense but do we Filipinos never learn from history? Past lessons taught us that it is much harder to register when the deadline is a few days only. The same thing goes to paying taxes, paying bills, paying the tuition fees. Its always the deadline that has the most number of people falling the line. Even in traffics, the rush hours should be avoided. Comelec always the once we blame, but did we ask ourselves, what if I had registered several months ago. Will I experience the same? or the other way around.
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
Yup, a lot of student have vacant days to registered, just like me, I grabbed the opportunity when I didn't have classes so I registered early, last August 20. But still we can't blame those who work, I know a lot of them that didn't have time for that. And even though I registered early the processing was still too slow, I went there around 9am and finished 11:45, and do you know how many people where on line? Less than 20! By the way, do you know how long before we get our voter's ID? My mothers just arrived last year, does that mean she waited for almost 22 years? How about ours?
@kareendj (254)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
May I ask which province/city you are registering for? I just registered last Wednesday and it was pretty organized in our city. I came in the afternoon and finished in 45minutes.
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
Mine is here in Angeles City Pampanga, where you from? It's kind a rare to see city halls that have an organized and fast way of processing registrations like this.
@kareendj (254)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
Hi Charmz! :)) I'm registered at Muntinlupa City here in Metro Manila. I guess Angeles City is bigger compared to my city. Maybe that's one factor why it's not that organized? Anyway, you're registered already? So yeah, you won't have to go back to Comelec anytime soon. Cheers to us first timers to vote! :))
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
Thats the problem with us, comelec have announced registration about four months ago and during that four months, only few people are there, today was just an extention from the deadline and people only came during the deadline. thats what we are and we start to complain, i saw that in tv. but anyway only in the philippines as we say.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
I know the feeling of waiting in the line the whole day because me and my sister experienced that too. We need to be early in the Comelec so we been there at 2:00 am and standing there too long is not a joke. What we experienced that time was terrible because the office going to open at 7:00 am so we need to wait the our no. because the Comelec have quota. We get mad to the people who don't know how to fall in line. I think we gots home at 2:00 pm we are exhausted and very sleepy. I don't want to experience that again the lesson is don't wait the last registration so you would not experience this again.
@gnase99 (172)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
I supposed to have my Voter's ID but they got my birthday wrong so i have to surrender it again to make them do the correction.. and they said that it will take another 6 years before i can have it again. wow only in the Philippines.
@kintot (3)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
good thing you guys is already registered to the comelec... but for me still im not registered to vote, LoL... whats the difference between voting and not.. the economy wont even change... hahaha
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
26 Oct 09
Hey Charmz what you experienced in only the registration, wait till you get to the actual voting day, Only in the Philippines my man.
• Philippines
26 Oct 09
Yup, my mother and uncle already warned me that's why I'm not that surprised awhile ago. But I think I would see a lot of what they call "palakasan" at the actual voting. LOL