How long does it take for you to do a crossword puzzle, if you finish?

United States
October 26, 2009 7:11pm CST
I have never finished a crossword puzzle on my own. I know some people can solve one in under 3 minutes, in pen. And for those who don't finish, how far do you usually get into a crossword puzzle? Which newspaper/website do you get your puzzles from?
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4 responses
• Australia
27 Oct 09
How long? Well, that all depends: 1. How big or small is the crosswords puzzle? 2. How easy or difficult? 3. Is it a cryptic puzzle? 4. If it is cryptic, is it by a familiar compiler? I gave up doing ordinary crossword puzzles years ago because they are too easy. Now I LOVE doing cryptic puzzles. I used to buy a monthly paperback of cryptics, but once I became familiar with the way the compiler's mind works, they became too easy. I enjoy doing the London Times cryptics. I prefer to work on cryptics by different compilers, so familiarity doesn't make them too easy. I work in ink and they don't take very long - not long enough.
• Australia
28 Oct 09
I can't be bothered with sudoku. They don't require much thought.
• United States
29 Oct 09
Fascinating! :) I've noticed that people who are good at crossword puzzles often dabble into many other subjects, such as art, technology, music, etc. Do you?
• United States
27 Oct 09
Wow. Cryptic puzzles are very challenging. I've never tried one, but I would like to. I wonder: Do you play sudoku? Are you also very good at it?
• United States
27 Oct 09
Hi musicxrules, I love doing crossword puzzles. I really started enjoying them when I could actually finish one! But it really does depend on the difficulty level. I normally do the crossword puzzle we have in our daily newspaper. It usually takes more than hour (stopping to do other stuff). I don't always finish but come close (a couple of words missing). My sister and I work on the Sunday newspaper puzzle together and it takes us all week (until the following Sunday and we check our answers). Those puzzles are very hard! But once we finish them it provides an amazing sense of accomplishment!
• United States
27 Oct 09
I also feel accomplished when I finish a crossword. Most of the time, I don't. I usually get close to solving one if I try really hard.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
I'm not really fond of crossword puzzles. But when I do, it depends on the difficulty. If it's easy, then I can do that in less than 30minutes, but if it's tough then I'd probably not be able to finish them. I couldn't really finish any of the newspaper crossword puzzles, it's just beyond my capacity hehe.. I could do sodoku better than crossword puzzles.
• United States
27 Oct 09
I agree. Sudoku is mostly logic. Crossword puzzles require a higher knowledge of trivial information, and the ability to figure out what the clue is hinting at.
• United States
27 Oct 09
if the puzzel iterested me then I would continue otherwize if it is hard I usually maybe get half way.
• United States
27 Oct 09
Yeah, the farthest I've ever gotten by myself was when I was missing around 5-6 words/clues. However, I did finish an extremely simple one I found online :) but that doesn't count :( On average, I get a little less than halfway through.