Great upcoming games

@Bionicman (3958)
Czech Republic
October 26, 2009 8:09pm CST
I pretty much stopped following game news but I plan to buy a new computer so are there any upcoming games worth waiting for? I know there's Starcraft 2 on the way. Also id software's "Rage" will be good because they never made a bad game. I've also seen some pictures of Alien vs. Predator and I thought it doesn't look so great but I believe it's going to be good. Anything else? Any news of Duke Nukem Forever What game are you looking forward to see the most?
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5 responses
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
27 Oct 09
I am a really big gamer,and me and my wife have a Nintendo 64,a Game Cube,a Wii,and a Halo 3 Edition X-box 360,and I have turned my wife into a big gamer as well lol or at least that is what she says,her favorite system is the Wii which is part of what I got her for Christmas and I like it too,but my favorite system is the Halo 3 Edition X-box 360 and when it comes to games that are coming out,one I am specifically looking forward too is Splinter Cell Conviction which will complete my collection of my favorite game series of Splinter Cell,I am also looking forward to the game Army of Two The 40th Day because it is the sequel to Army of Two which is an awesome game especially when you are playing with someone else,and me and my wife love to play games together,and I also like playing games with my brother.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
27 Oct 09
PC is my favorite system. I've played first 2 Splinter Cells and I quite liked them. I'm not familiar with Army of Two.
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• United States
28 Oct 09
Yeah Splinter Cell is wicked awesome,and I would definitely try Army of Two because it is a great game if you like shooting people lol.
@xzvzion (133)
• Singapore
19 Nov 09
You should get Resident Evil 4 or 5, if there is for your wife. Get the Wii version of the game BTW.
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@xzvzion (133)
• Singapore
19 Nov 09
If your buying a really high end computer, try playing GTA 4. A great sandbox style game. Or if you like war-themed games, how about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, very realistic.
• United States
30 Oct 09
I have a 360 and I love playing soccer so I'm waiting for the 2010 version. But I'm a blizzard games lover, so I'm currently playing a lot of World of warcraft and I'm waiting for Diablo III, Starcraft 2 and WOW new expasion set "Cataclysm". I think I'll need to buy a new computer because these games are demanding and I like to play games at their max graphic features.
• Pakistan
29 Oct 09
well frnd i have pc and i like it because i only have this some frnds PSP. well i like fifa games i played all of them except 09 n 10 my pc is not supported for this.i m also looking for max pyne 3 . GTA vice city is one of my favourites.
@tokouchi (370)
• Philippines
6 Nov 09
As and ARPG fan i am looking forward to the "Diablo III" release. Blizzard is still hesitant to name the release date since it is still in development hell as of the moment. I am also in anticipation of Star Wars MMO set to hit the game shelves come 2010. Trine is looking good. There are also a couple of indie games that i might try.