What do you find annoying?

@minx267 (15527)
Hartford, Connecticut
October 28, 2009 2:01am CST
I find many things annoying.. Slow Drivers, bad spellers - but just recently at work I spoke with someone on the phone who just doesn't know the proper phone # etiquette... I would say most of us give out our phone numbers and say area code.. 111- 555 - 1234 this woman gives me her number by saying (111) 55 pause 51 pause 23 pause 4 does that annoy anyone else that you are expecting to hear something one way and then you don't, it just throws you all off.. and my brain shuts down.. Anything else bother you? Stuff that just gets your goat?
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26 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
hello minx! there's a lot of things that makes me annoyed at time..but the most that surely annoy me are people who always interrupts while i am talking & dictating me what to do... i also feel annoyed with people who always praise themselves...those boastful people!
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
Yes, I hate that too.. I have someone I work with that does that.. and then whatever it is you are trying to say to her - she is not even paying attention because all she has on her mind is that thought that she keeps trying to interject in your conversation. And I do not care for conceited, stuck up people either.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
yep, those people think they know everything. and all the knowledge the possess CAN'T Possibly be wrong! I know a few of those too.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
haha...i don't like talking to those kind of people... i avoid them coz they just give me a bad day! and i also don't like those people who put words into my mouth & they feel that they are the only good in this world! haiz!
• India
28 Oct 09
Things that annoy the hell out of me: 1. People who smoke next to people who are obviously uncomfortable with it. 2. People who talk loudly on their phones in public areas. 3. Bad spelling and grammar. 4. People who think they know it all. 5. Posers. 6. Racists and womanizers. 7. Crude, foul mouthed people.
@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Sometimes people get annoyed by me because I correct their grammer, shoot I cant help it! I like correcting.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
I agree with all of them.. We would get along just fine... I am not a smoker. Love to spell. try my best with grammar.. think I am ok.. It's punctuation that gets the best of me. :) I don't claim to know it ALL. Just a bit more than others in my specialty subjects :) Animals would be one. And- as a rule I just don't like most people in general. so all the rest fit in that category.. LOL Thanks for the response!
• India
28 Oct 09
Wow, same here! People seem to hate being told they can't speak English. I wonder why...XD
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
28 Oct 09
I get annoyed when strangers call at home and want to know who I am without first saying who they are. That is the biggest show of poor phone manners in my view. Usually I don't answer the phone, but sometimes I pick up the phone to dial out just when a call comes in and they will say "Is so-and-so there" and I will ask "who is calling please" and instead of answering they say "I asked to speak with so-and-so" and I tell them to identify themselves and they say "Just put him on" -- Well, no, that is not happening. I just hang up on those rude-niks.
@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
28 Oct 09
LOL that was so funny, how you put that. Yea that is really annoying!! Now that I see everyones annoyance, I want to put down like 10 or more....but then I will think of more and more...so imma just stop myself ;)
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
LOL, Lxandra -seems we need to start a blog about annoyances or something that we can just keep adding to everyday, heck, make it a book.. I bet everyone would love to read it.. so they can say "HEY, that bothers me too, I thought I was the only one that annoyed.." lol
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
Yes!- I forgot about those people.. I have that happen too.. you answer hello, and they say "who is this?" EXCUSE ME?! you are calling ME- I am Not giving YOU information first.. "Who are you trying to reach?" and who the heck are you? LOL Thanks now you got my blood boiling again... LOL
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I could write a dam book on annoying human habits. I work in the public. Ya...slow drivers are right up there. Where I work, I have to empty the trash around the gas pumps. I so hate when people bring their trash from home or empty their cars into bins that are obviously full. They don't give an ounce of thought to the person that has to lift that overstuffed bag out of that can. So often I get covered in trash...grrr...I hate it. there is more but t his one is all that comes to mind right now and probably cuz the smell of the gargage juice I wore still plays fresh on my mind.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I would turn my head if they threw stuff in the dumpster but when I see someone emptying a ton of stuff in the trash can....oh I get pist. It isn't just their normal car trash....it is stuff they bring from home and lots of it just forced and crammed in there. It's just irritating.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
Why on earth would they do that? So now we have to put signs at the trash cans that so No Dumping ?? I would run out there and confront them they are probably so ignorant they don't even think that a human is the one who is suffering from their idiocy. They (stupid people) sometimes just don't follow a thought or action all the way to it's conclusion.. So it probably hasn't even crossed their mind that someone has to clean up that which they make disgusting. Or they have, and they just don't give a damn.. IF so It brings me to the sentence I recite daily, sometimes like a mantra... I HATE PEOPLE. And the not so harsh version, PEOPLE SUCK!
29 Oct 09
you poor thing, that is worse than annoying that's downright revolting.
@celticeagle (172167)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Oct 09
I know what you mean! People don't understand. I have a problem who with people who are considerate and think of no one but themselves. People who don't try to make whatever they are trying to empart to you understood. Language, either written or spoken just don't seem to matter to people, especially the young, any more. No wonder my hair is getting thinner.
@celticeagle (172167)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Oct 09
Yes, when I was young I would never of gotten away with so much these young people do now days.Ugh!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
YEP. you now you made me remember another annoying thing.. here in my city we have tons of those very inconsiderate young ones. And they frequently will walk out in front of your car and walk V-E-R-Y slowly.... Why the heck did these childrens parents not teach them how to cross a street? A car is much bigger than you and you will break first! Don't Always assume that car is going to be able to stop on time! My hair is doing the GRAY thing BTW. UGH!
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
If my parents ever saw me acting like that with so much disrespect. I am sure I would have got slapped upside the head. Not to mention it's just not safe- these kids should be taught that. hhmmm, you would think you shouldn't have to TEACH self preservation.. Hell, you know what the more I think about it.. forget it- don't teach it.. in the wild if you don't have self preservation- you die.. it is called the law of nature to weed out the weak, stupid or sick..if these idiots don't even have the need to protect themselves- if they get killed- it's just weeding out the STUPID! oops- did I say that? Sorry if anyone takes offense- I just got very annoyed again.
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• United States
28 Oct 09
My biggest pet peeve is really quite silly. I get so annoyed when people leave one second on the microwave. It does not clear out and go back to the time. Why can't they just wait the one more second to take the food out, or at least hit the clear button. And yes, it does annoy me when I am thinking I will hear something one way but then it is not so.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
lol. I find that a bit strange too. but it is not my biggest pet peeve..But it does happen that I will find the Microwave at work like that all the time!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
that is quite true.. some minor thing may bug me to no end. and to someone else it may make them laugh. It's what makes all all unique individuals.
• United States
28 Oct 09
It is a ridiculous annoyance. I do not get angry or anything, it is more of a sigh and a questioning look at the person, if they are around. It is funny what bothers us as humans. We are all so different in our habits.
@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
28 Oct 09
I find things annoying myself, but more of getting on my nerves. Like this got on my nerves, but I was pissed at the same time.. Someone dented my car (I was at work) and didnt leave a note or nothing, that really got on my nerves! People who tell me what to do (unless im getting paid). People who eat with their mouth open or chew in my ear...arg! that gets me sooo annoyed!!
@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
28 Oct 09
what!? they do that to you? that is so disgusting! I dont answer house calls no more, just because all those telemarketers call the house...O YEA! I hate it when marketers call! they start calling mmy house at 830am!! Sometimes they call so much they call, and when I dont answer they call again and again and again, till I get tired of them and pick up and just yell at their A**es!!! arg! I hate them! they have nothing better to do then annoy me!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
OMG-Lxandra - I don't answer my phone anymore either! In fact, I am not all to sure why I still have my landline phone. Those people have called my house at 8am on the dot. They even call on Sunday which I didn't think they were supposed to do. I have the phone sitting right next to me and it rings and I don't even look at it most of the time.. And of course then my cell phone rings and it's my Aunt saying why didn't you answer your phone? lol oops..
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
I hear you! I am always mad when I find a new ding in my car. I have a Red mark on my passenger door! Guess what color car the idiot who hit me drives? And I answer phones all night long so I totally am aware of the cheing in the ear thing- ugh. But you reminded me- you know what I find worse..? Answering the phone and hearing the other person urinating!!! OMG! you couldn't wait 30 seconds to dial! How disgusting and rude! I son't want to hear that and then hear the toilet flush to confirm that it wasn't water running. (I could have at least pretended.)
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
these are the things that i find annoying: people who don't know how to say thank you and sorry..those who don't park properly..public utility drivers texting and most of all store assistants who won't accommodate me readily. i promise i won't ever go back to that store again!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
I have had people mistreat me in stores. And I am the same way- there are others stores out there.. I will take my business elsewhere. And you know what I am going to let all my friends and coworkers know how much your store sucks.. They really should treat people right if they want their business, Because they don't know just how much power we can wield nowadays.. Hell some ticked off customer leaves your store and immediately post her annoyance on her Facebook page and hundreds or thousands might know what a jerk you are in 5 minutes time... LOL I hope they remember that!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
29 Oct 09
For me, I find it very annoying to sit through say, a conversation for close to 2 hours and having to hear that person blabbering about his or her latest achievements like to the max, and also to belittle others. I tell you, I can just walk off from the conversation should that happens. Good discussion here..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
30 Oct 09
You are sure welcome.. Sometimes these 'rude' people, the only way to treat back is to just ignore, walk off or being extremely polite that they shudder... lol.. I won't stoop to their level just because they did that to me. But you are right; sometimes it's good to tell it like it is. Depends on the situation, I suppose. Good talking, yeah..
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
yes, I know there have been a time or two I would have like to walk away from some blabbering fool.. But you know what our problem is then? We are too polite! I have people I work with that wouldn't care less about hurting your feelings or anything like that. They just switch the subject in the middle of your sentence or I had one that looked at me and said she plum didn't care about what I had to say. Must be nice to not have a conscience.. or feel guilt.. LOL Thanks BTW- didn't know one little questions was going to illicit so many responses.. apparently - everyone has a little something that annoys them. :)
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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
28 Oct 09
That's an odd way to recite a phone #. In the U.S. we have a pattern that most of us use and our ears are trained to hear this pattern. When people use a different pattern it really throws our hearing off and messes us up big time. I have had people do that to me too and when they do I'm like........Huh? Can you repeat that please? I'm thinking: Can't you recite the phone # the way it's usually recited in this country? What's the problem here? Another biggie of mine is people who can't spell. Typos are one thing, but, if it's consistent then you know there is a problem. I'm a pretty good speller, but, when I come across a word that I'm unsure of I look in the dictionary AND before sending any posts I usually check for spelling errors. There are many things that bug me. I just don't have the patience any more. Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
• United States
29 Oct 09
Yup! LOL! I used to work as an operator/dispatcher and I dealt with people all the time who liked to call in and give you a hard time. One woman called in and gave me a number. It wasn't a phone #, but, it was still maddening the way she gave it to me. Obviously I can't remember the # that she gave me, but, I'll just give you an example of what she did. Here is an example of a series of #'s that she gave me: 2763-4268-4866. Well, as an operator I had to confirm the message that she gave me and I recited the #'s to her individually. I did not group them like she did. When I finished she yelled: "No! Not 27. I said 20-7! I just couldn't believe her! Usually when you give a series of #'s that have 0's in them you don't group them together like 27. You would want to say 2, 0, 7, 6, 3 and so on so the person listening can HEAR the 0. You know what I mean? I couldn't believe her! Like I said.........I don't have anymore patience for people! LOL! You take care, sweetie! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
15 Nov 09
OMG! I get people like that all the time. They do that when they are giving my phone numbers so just to be annoying -even If i get what they meant I repeat it back and emphasize the ZEROS! I have discovered MOST people Are Idiots! LOL
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
lol. My point exactly. This woman was totally messing me up... you know its 3 digit then 3 digits then 4.. (some make break the 4 into groups of 2 or the big thing now is to say twelve thirty-four instead of 1234. that's not so bad.. but I thought she was giving me a country code or I kept somehow missing a number she was saying because that is just not the way we do it here.. Sadly I get someone who does this a few times a year. AnNOYing!.. lol
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
29 Oct 09
There are alot of things that annoy me,too! Poeple who don't use their signel lights,people who park their car in my parking space were I live,the smell of pot coming up from my neighbors below me who seem to smoke it almost daily,unintelligent people,people who run the stop signs near were I live,people who are never on time,when one of my supervisors keeps forgetting stuff I tell him and another supervisor that never stops to listen to me because he has Adult ADD!Those two things with the supervisors gets to me the most! There are a ton of other things that annoy me but I would run out of space typing it all down! LOL
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
LOL, you my friend have a rough life. Dealing with all those annoying people.. Thank god most of mine are on the phone.. But I have supervisors that do annoying things too, it's aggravating.. because if you want to complain, who do you go to? Signal lights! Yes, people around here don't seem to know they exist on their car! Slam on brakes... why? Oh, you're turning! Thanks for telling me, you moron! I wish I was a cop sometime and could write them a citation!
• United States
29 Oct 09
I talk to my best friend most of the time when I need too! if not I suffer!
@maezee (41988)
• United States
28 Oct 09
LOL I don't know if something like that would get to me.. But sometimes a lot of the small things definitely DO get to me; like bad drivers - or people who have lights out, people who forget to turn their lights on at night, bikers who don't have lights at night, and so on. That's interesting that that lady would say her phone number in such a weird way, but I wouldn't be ANNOYED by it per say! She might not know what she's doing is annoying you - and some people just pronounce and talk different. *shrugs*
@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I think that the person saying the numbers like that just wants her to understand what she said, cuz she might say the numbers really fast. and then you get the 'What, What did you say?'.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
Yea, someone probably asked her to slow down because they didn't hear the 2 5's being spoken together.. and she had to repeat herself often - so she thought she would split it up so it is heard. but when you are trying to type (or write) it down- it's rhythm just throws of the brain because it is so conditioned to hear it a different way. Kind of like if someone sang you the ABC song. And sang it to a different tune, it would probably throw you off. You know some things have become so familiar to us. I think most humans are a creature of habit and don't really care for change. If you don't believe me Go to facebook or even here somewhere and I bet you will find a bunch of people complaining about how they don't like the "new" facebook. and that happens every time they upgrade it. :)
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
28 Oct 09
I do not have problems with people giving their phone numbers in an unconventional way. But, I do have problems with people who swear continuously. Swearing once or twice is fine, but if they keeping doing it before every sentence or rather use the swear words itself as sentences, it really turns me off and make me angry.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
28 Oct 09
Yes, I agree. I have been known to swear :/ but It is not every other word in my vocabulary.. That is just showing that you are ignorant I think.. Don't you know any other words? ... LOL
@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
28 Oct 09
I used to swear alot! in one sentence I used to say like 5 cuss words. But I stopped a few years ago. Also if I had a boyfriend who swore alot that got stuck to me, and I just started to cuss alot. I now tend not to cuss because I have a son and my unborn baby, but yes sometimes it does slip out...but just and ONLY once.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
28 Oct 09
We all swear, there is nothing wrong in that. I am happy to hear that you are controlling yourself for the sake of your children. Children can bring about so much change in adults. Best of luck with you family.
@rhemsley (27)
• Canada
16 Nov 09
almost everyone and everythign seems annoying under teh right circumstances
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
16 Nov 09
I suppose. If you let something gt to you- you can find everything annoying. I do let a lot of things get to me when I am at work.. and I really should try and calm down- maybe I should take up meditation. But then again, don't get me stuck in traffic either.. ok, now that I think about it. I would say I spend almost 65 percent of my day annoyed at something or another.. Maybe I should be medicated.. lol
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Oct 09
hi minx 267 telemarketers on my private phone here in room 260 in Gold crest a retirement center. they drive me nuts, want to buy my timeshare, what timeshare? or save me on car insurance, I do not have a car, or lower my credit card charges, I do not any longer have a credit card, or they want to talk to Rene, I said there is no R ene here, he said you need a doctor.I answered, no you need the doctor,I just told you you have a wrong number. pretty soon the phone rings again. Tell rene to get on the p;hone. so I just slam it down this time.The next day I get one for mrs schaeffer, And come to find out her first name is Rene.so evidently the person who had my number before me was a Rene Schaeffer. So now two people at least know that Rene does not live at Gold Crest.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
LOL.. oh poor you, that would annoy the heck out of me.. I don't suppose there is anyway to get your phone number switched? tell them you keep getting ANNOYING calls for the last person who had your number... :) And you are retired and don't want to be ANNOYED any more!
• Philippines
29 Oct 09
i dont like sales persons who do not know what good customer service is. They get to my nerves. But sister hates them a lot that one time she had to ask for a manager.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
yep, I have been known to get annoyed at my service and have to talk to someone higher.. I also have been known to send my food back in a restaurant when it is not cooked right.. I mean I am paying for it.. It should be exactly the way I ordered it right?
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
12 Nov 09
My husband does that with his social security number! Oh I can't stand it! And I laugh if he has to give it out to someone else... like we applied for a Zales charge... or we're at the doctor's office, or we have to verify an account on the phone or whatever... he throws EVERY BODY off! I just look at him and laugh. I think I've taught him how to say it the right way... I told him "honey, they told you where the spaces are... you don't have to do this on your own" haha Luckily, I know it now - so he doesn't throw me off anymore. I made it a point to memorize that sucker! haha
• United States
29 Oct 09
I find alot of things annoying for example when you text someone and that someone doesnt text u back yes thats definitely annoying. Having to teach someone how to use a basic calculator yeah trust me that bothers me haha. Not more to say hahaha. :-)
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
LOL.. yea, it sounds like you are speaking from experience.. I think teaching someone to use a calculator would annoy me too.. I have a room mate that asks me annoying questions to those things that are common sense and she should already know.. OMG- sometimes I just want to choke her! hehe
• United States
29 Oct 09
Hell yeah, slow Drivers irritate me,The Ones that go like 20 miles an hour on a 35mph road.. and you cant pass them because its a one way.. People that can speak English, like when you call Microsoft or American Online or Any big Company. My Mother, haha oh boy just had to throw that in.. lol anyways thats my list :)
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
LOL. I hear you.. I often have people call me and ask if I speak Spanish.. um, nope- I'm in America - English is our native tongue.. I wouldn't expect to move to Spain and have everyone speak English just to cater to me. lol, my Grandparents didn't speak English much either.. but they didn't expect everyone to know Ukrainian!
29 Oct 09
Unsolicited sales calls. Especially annoying when you have just got your baby to sleep and the telephone wakes them up again! Last week when I received a call, I politely said "I don't accept unsolicited calls but thank you for your time" and the salesperson said in a really nasty tone "well I was just trying to save you some money - SORRYYYYY" and hung up! How rude!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
29 Oct 09
OMG! Can you call them back and speak with a manager-- that would have got me more than annoyed.. you don't call MY house and then be RUDE with ME! Grrrrr. give me the # I am so mad now - I'll call them for you.. lol